Supports both and animated, interactive graphics and declarative scripting. On the left is #ALA art – the paint brush. And the CSS can be improved (it is just experimental). I have used this for js detection of svg support. One way to handle fallbacks for this type of SVG is: If “inline” SVG just isn’t your jam (remember it does have some legit drawbacks like being hard to cache), you can link to an SVG file and retain the ability to affect its parts with CSS by using . Embed SVG inside an HTML page; You can embed an SVG image in an HTML file in several ways: Using an iframe element; Using an img element; Using the SVG image as background image. So, for IE9 there seems to be good reason to include a height and width, check out this blog post. Now in any CSS on this page we can control those individual elements with special SVG CSS. (I have also made a pen at but most of the time the error doesn’t show until you resize the window). @Peter Foti – agreed, 'img[src$=".svg"]' much better! In the case of SVG fonts, the URL points to an element within a document containing SVG font definitions. var $this = $(this); // this = img I currently wrote about SVG Stacking as a replacement for CSS Sprites. Cannot seem to override this. Add this towards the top of your HTACCESS: Thank you! }, #content {background-image: url(images/logo4.gif);}, html.svg #content {background-image: url(images/logo4.svg);}, thanks to this site for the info on svg use. Similarly, font container formats that can contain more than one font load only one of the fonts for a given @font-face rule. I am however wondering if any one can assist me with an issue I am tackling. The SVG’s have viewports, widths and heights, they just don’t seem to be responding to css rules. Like: A little PHP-specific thing here… it was demonstrated to me that file_get_contents() is the correct function here, not include() or include_once() as I have used before. Just to say that Inkscape is a magnificent cross-platform, open source SVG vector editing program, way better than Illustrator ;) plus SVG is its native format. Already been busy with SVG, the way I handled the fallbacks back then was swapping out the extension .svg for .png if Modernizr showed browser didn’t cut the mustard.. Changing the code will not affect the image, to do so use other tools such as or or (use html for svg). One tricky part is taking the SVG's default markup and url-encoding it to make it work in CSS. You can use SVG on the web pretty easily, but there is plenty you should know. SVG will only get bigger with all the high DPI devices coming out. Using an svg element I’m old-fashioned in normally using the standard HTML format but would like to know how and where to place the embedded svg code? Downloading free or stock vector art from the web, I often couldn’t get it to display. I read a lot about SVG, but never used it on my projects. Like in and to add a link you can follow this easy example found on fiddle (no js), Sorry, in the closing object there is a mistake… it’s object and no objetct. That’s it and it works great! We all know SVG images will render perfectly on displays of all resolutions, mainly because it is a vector-based image format. Collect. Ssrc SVG: SVG Plugin for Internet Explorer. It just screws up the shortcuts which you need to edit, and done. Thanks again! They are helping me reduce the size of my designs to a great extent. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I can do this with script or adding the SVG code directly onto the template, but ideally wanted to use CSS. Seriously comprehensive article Chris, opus indeed. I initially had the aligment included in a background shorthand, but also tried separating the css background declarations to no avail. I don’t get it. And yep, if you have an embedded