Resources for Educators & Counselors Request Information Contact the Services. personnel of the Coast Guard Reserve based upon, and supplemental to, laws and regulations of higher authority in accordance with References (a) through (dd). CGJAG offers four employment opportunities to join our team: - Direct Commission Lawyer (DCL) Program - Work as a full-time, active duty, Coast Guard judge advocate - Reserve Direct Commission Lawyer (SELSRES DCL) Program - Serve as a lawyer in the CG Reserves - Academic Year Externships and Summer Internships You will attend three weeks of condensed basic training at Cape May, NJ, then report directly to your duty station without additional training. The maritime community knows “The Buck Stops Here” … Other Benefits: You will have shopping privileges at military bases and access to all kinds of recreational facilities. Welcome to USCG Sector Charleston . Copyright © 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Split Training Program - Ideal for high school and college students, teachers, and professionals with seasonal employment, and are between the ages of 17 and 31. All Rights Reserved. the request of the Board President. Emergency: 718-354-4353. The Competency Management System is a vital component of the Coast Guard’s ongoing effort to improve the capabilities of its Human Resource Management System. Direct Entry Education Program - Ideal for applicants with 60 or more semester hours of colleges and are between the ages of 27 and 40. Coast Guard Reserve The Coast Guard Reserve offers citizens the opportunity to serve on a part-time basis, while still serving their country and community. Mission. Subscribe now. The program allows you to attend eight weeks of basic training, return home, report to your unit, and then attend your specialized training at a later date. ACTION. Military Records Policy & Information. FUTURES magazine is an annual publication of the Department of Defense that highlights various opportunities available in the Military and provides a 360-degree view of military life. For example, with access to the latest technology and research initiatives, the Coast Guard can provide professional career skills in the marine and environmental sciences. You will attend three weeks of training at Cape May, NJ, followed by specialized training, and then report to your duty station. Coast Guard members assigned to a Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ) directorate or Coast Guard Personnel Service Center (CG-PSC) must not be voting members of the Board, but may be non-voting members. The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. National Military Association Activities ADOS & Mobilization Support CG-R8 CG-R Programs Resources. 2. Vision: The Coast Guard’s only dedicated surge force, the Reserve, is a contingency-based workforce trained locally and deployed globally to provide appropriately trained personnel to meet mission requirements within the prioritized focus areas of Defense Operations, Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security, Incident Response and Management, & Mission Support. Coast Guard Reserve Visit to find a local recruiter *At this time, all Space Force inquiries will be coordinated by an Air Force recruiter. Consecutive Training Program - Ideal for applicants with less than 60 semester hours of college, no prior service or skills that relate to a Coast Guard job field, and are between the ages of 17 and 31. Specific policy and guidelines are outlined in ACN 112/20 - SEP 2020 FY21 COAST GUARD … You may be able to enlist with a higher rank (E4), with more pay, increased benefits and greater responsibility. Welcome to the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Assignments Webpage, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Reserve Gold and Silver Badge Assignments, Submission of Reserve "A" School Requests. Privacy Act Security Statement. No matter what mission, you'll typically serve two days a month and two weeks a year at a base near your home. Reserve Force Readiness System (RFRS) Staff Element Responsibilities Instruction, COMDTINST 5320.4A Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Program Instruction, COMDTINST 1306.1G Active Duty For Operational Support (ADOS) Instruction, COMDTINST 1330.1D Absences from the Reserves Coast Guard. 212 Coast Guard Dr. Staten Island, NY 10305 . Direct Commission Lawyer Selected Reserve (DCL-SELRES) Search U.S. Coast Guard: ... Office of Reserve Resources, Readiness, and Analysis (CG-R8) Reserve Force Readiness System (RFRS) Reserve Component Manager (RCM) Contact Human Resources Join the Coast Guard. Senior Reserve Leadership Master Chief's Corner CGR. Find out what to expect before joining the Coast Guard, © 2020 United States Coast Guard. Coast Guard Reserve members can elect to be covered by low-cost life insurance in amounts of up to $400,000. All Coast Guard unit commanders, commanding officers, officers-in-charge, deputy/assistant commandants, and chiefs of headquarters staff elements shall comply with the Art Program CGC Eagle Coast Guard Band Coast Guard Cities Honor Guard History JROTC. You can attend the eight weeks of basic training and then attend your specialized training consecutively. Reserve Auxiliary Resources. In accordance with Reference (a), at least one-half of the members of the Board must be reserve officers. Get Coast Guard Headquarters news delivered straight to your email! Awards. The official site of the United States Coast Guard Reserve. The Coast Guard is one of our nation’s five military services. CG Support Legal. Please note: in some situations, you could be sent to your duty station after completion of the condensed three week basic training, then to your specialized training. Delivering the Goods - News from the Coast Guard Acquisition Directorate; The Leadership News - A magazine on leadership issues in the Coast Guard; Navigator - from the Coast Guard Auxiliary; Proceedings - The Coast Guard Journal of Safety & Security at Sea; The Reservist - The Official Publication of the Coast Guard Reserve Toggle navigation. You will be able to enlist with a higher rank (E4), with more pay, increased benefits and greater responsibility. Receive training in such diverse fields as computer processing, mechanics or communications. FUTURES Magazine. Coast Guard Reserve Officer Programs Currently, the Coast Guard Reserve offers the Selected Reserve Direct Commission (SRDC) program, and the Direct Commission Physician Assistant Selected Reserve (DCPA-SELRES) program. Warning To be sure that you understand the regulations correctly, call the GI Rights Hotline or contact a GI Rights Network branch. For current Coast Guard Directives, please visit: The Office of Information Management (CG-61) Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web The General Message Archive is located on an internal agency website and provides the links to archived General Messages ranging back to 1998. CGR National Awards Reserve Family Readiness Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships Employer Awards Governance. JoinCGJAG Legal_Assistance. Password. You may be able to enlist with a higher rank (E3), with more pay, increased benefits and greater responsibility. Other careers include opportunities in law enforcement and mechanical engineering, along with many part-time options in the Coast Guard Reserve. The Coast Guard tuition assistance program is designed to assist Coast Guard personnel in broadening academic or technical backgrounds by providing funding for off-duty independent education. Reserve Component Manager (RCM) Depending upon your prior-military occupation you may qualify for some programs up to the age of 40. Location of Coast Guard Military Personnel and Health Records Records of the United States Coast Guard in the Guide to Federal Records Military Service Records at the National Archives: Coast Guard Service Records of the U. S. Coast Guard (RG 26) in the National Archives at Chicago Finding Aids The United States Coast Guard produced these filing manuals as guidance on classifying … Sector New York, is the largest Coast Guard (CG) operational field command on the East Coast. Direct Entry Petty Officer Program - Ideal for applicants with professional or prior service skills that relate to a Coast Guard job field, and are between the ages of 27 and 40. The museum curator is in charge of the museum and also curates a significant portion of the Coast Guard's historic artifacts. The Coast Guard Historian's Office is responsible for the U.S. Coast Guard Museum, which is located on the grounds of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. Search. The below excerpts describe these programs. At the most basic level, the Competency Management System assists decision makers in better understanding the Commandant United States Coast Guard US Coast Guard Stop 7907 The official website for the U.S. Coast Guard. The sector was established with the merging of Marine Safety Office Hampton Roads, Group Hampton Roads, and Group Eastern Shore on July 15, 2005. Home » Resources » Absences from the Reserves » Coast Guard. Sector Charleston Command Center emergency line: 843-740-7050 U.S. Coast Guard Office of Governmental & Public Affairs (CG-0922) 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. Want to operate boats and save lives? ... Coast Guard Visit to find a local recruiter. Judge Advocate General's Mission Statement. Reserve Operations Atlantic Area Pacific Area History Our Organization. From careers and education to how service members spend their downtime, FUTURES provides an in-depth look into the lives of the people who make up today’s military. CG-R5. The programs and general links are intended to enhance morale and quality of life for Coastguardsman and their families. Please note: in some situations, you could be sent to your duty station after completion of the condensed three week basic training, then to your specialized training. Find-A-Legal-Assistance-Lawyer FAQ Civil Rights Work-Life Administrative Law Judges. You will attend three weeks of training at Cape May, NJ, followed by specialized training, and then report to your duty station. How to become a member of the Coast Guard Judge Advocate General Team . COMDTINST M1001.28C Reserve … Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads 101 Sector Virginia is a tenant unit located on Base Portsmouth in Portsmouth, Virginia. Charleston, South Carolina 843-724-7600. SE Washington, D.C. 20593. The Coast Guard legal program delivers high-quality legal advice and support to the people who carry out the varied functions of the Coast Guard to ensure their missions, operations and activities can be achieved within the spirit, as well as the letter, of the law. Reservists take part in maritime safety, mobility, security, national defense and the protection of natural resources. Prior-Military Service Program - Ideal for prior service active duty and reserve applicants who are looking to build on previous experience and to continue earning points towards their military retirement. The Coast Guard Reserve offers many programs to fit your needs: Split Training Program - Ideal for high school and college students, teachers, and professionals with seasonal employment, and are between the ages of 17 and 31. DCMS Leadership Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1) Flag Voice Health, Safety and Work-Life (CG-11) Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12) Director of Military Personnel (CG-13) Retiree Services Program a. CG JROTC Instructor Positions Virtual Hearing Newsroom Family Library CG Web Mail Community. Skip to main content (Press Enter). Our core values—honor, respect, and devotion to duty, are the guiding principles used to defend and preserve the United States of America. On these web pages spouses will find information on resources to help them adapt to Coast Guard life. Welcome Coast Guard Family. Visit the Coast Guard Recruiting Command website for information about Coast Guard military careers.. To explore Coast Guard civilian career opportunities, go to Office of Civilian Human Resources (CG-121). Taking care of families is an important part of quality of life for a Coastguardsman. The United States Coast Guard Reserve is the reserve component of the United States Coast Guard.It is organized, trained, administered, and supplied under the direction of the Commandant of the Coast Guard through the Assistant Commandant for Reserve (CG-R). For other public affairs contacts view the public affairs office list. As a member of the Coast Guard Reserve, you will be working side by side with full-time Coast Guardsmen. (RPM-2) handles all permanent change of station (PCS) assignments and Reserve 'A' School; and offers counseling to build and maintain a flexible, responsive Reserve Component while helping you make the most of your Coast Guard career. And, looking into the future, Coast Guard Reserve members start building a retirement starting with their first drill. Primary: 718-354-4037.