Q: Are you required by law to fully complete the American Community Survey? I hope it's not too late for us. I just left a "Tea Party" I found out I'm not the only 1 that was asked to fill out two census forms, one asking me if I could go up and down stairs, how long it takes for my husband to go to work, how does he get there,how many rooms is in my house, do I have flush toilets, what kind of health insurance, how much is my house payment, insurance on my house, do I have insurance, etc. Maybe that is why only one out of every 480 people receive it. It seems when the phone number is given, that is when the harassment starts. But, I still don't have a clue where to send the $100 fine. They DO go away. It's all very true, and very real. That didn't go over to well and he told me that I was refusing to comply with a government agency and wouldn't get my money back. The census worker also tried to "bait" me into giving false answers by saying "just answer the question anyway you like even if it's not true." I have now been visited six times already. I am just not going to answer any questions. Also available, The Rutherford Institute has developed a form letter that you may use in standing up against the governments attempt to force you to disclose personal information. :0 We shall not be intimidated! ACS estimates are all period estimates representing an interval of time, not a single date like April 1, 2010. I guess it's too simple, or full of common sense. i respect my government and i am proud to be an american, but since when is it any of their business if i have a hot water heater or how far i travel to work? How am I supposed to know who these people are? The other info that the ACS wants can be obtained from other Departments. I told them there is a problem if they are not getting their mail. The ACS replaced the old census long form and the questions have absolutely nothing to with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Sorry, but you are really just not important enough for them to worry about, certainly not as much as you are obviously worrying about them. As such, any attempt by the government to encroach upon the citizenrys privacy rights or establish a system by which the populace can be targeted, tracked and singled out must be met with extreme caution. answers to this "anonymous" survey, my information would necessarily be identifiable, perhaps through my address, for at least some period of time. [30] The Census Bureau also maintains that responding to the ACS is mandatory and that recipients are legally obligated to answer all questions.[31]. Overall, the lawsuit says that [n]othing in these statutes gives Defendants the authority to compel Plaintiffs to speak when Plaintiffs invoke their First Amendment right to refrain from speaking by refusing to answer the American Community Survey.. I say, good luck with that. Survey/Program: American Community Survey. He asked if I was refusing to answer the survey. We will not be participating. Since the Constitution established a federal government of limited enumerated powers and that document does not grant them the general power to request the information, I am under no constitutional obligation to provide it, and therefore refuse to answer the ACS. Is the enemy offshore or some creep in a bloated Federal Dept we don't even need? There also is a 16-page guide that contains instructions on answering the questions. I am currently working for the Census as an enumerator. I would never be pleasant with someone who intentionally makes a living trying to make my life unpleasant. Fiscal Year 2024 Letter to OMB Director Shalanda Young encouraging the Administration to prioritize funding for the U.S. Census Bureau and 2030 Census in its FY 2024 . Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. [1] The Rutherford Institute, a national nonprofit civil liberties organization, is deeply committed to protecting the constitutional freedoms of every American and the integral human rights of all people through its extensive legal and educational programs. People, what is so terrible about giving out the number of people who live in your household? On the first occasion, the guy produced a badge and said he would like to come in and talk to me. There are two of us living here. One of the three enumerators did canvass my neighbors and got hold of one of them, who tried to call me and advised the census people were looking for me (I did not return the voicemail). I told him "We're done here". Should you have further questions or need legal assistance in exercising your constitutional rights, please contact the Legal Department at legal@rutherford.org. But they oppose the highly detailed and personal information demanded in the American Community Survey and have refused to answer it. We are getting a camera for the outside of our home this week, so we will be ready. Of course I had, but she got snotty like I was lying and said we would have to fill it out over again right-here-right-now. The 10-digit code appears above the address and to the right. You have no idea. Matthew J. Holian, "Data and the American Dream: Contemporary Social Controversies and the American Community Survey" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) (Podcast Episode) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Since then, they have called three or four times and stopped by multiple times. Since many citizens lack basic knowledge of our Constitution and federalist system, they are easily manipulated by media and academic elites who tell them that judges are the absolute and final arbiters of US law. She left, but will I be hearing from her again? I decided I did not want to answer the census because of the invasiveness of the questions. Isn't this harassment? What the hell was someone on Obama's team thinking about? Thanks! Ain't going to happen, just call their bluff. ACS is relatively new, it has merely replaced the "long form," as it was known, of the decennial census, which has been around for a very long time, and asked similar questions. "Only a few questions"? When he refused, the employee turned up twice unannounced at my apartment, demanding entry, and warning me of the fines I would face if I didn't cooperate.[35] Only after he filed a complaint with the Census Bureau did the agency realize he had actually completed the survey, thus ending its attempts to enter his home. Unfortunately, the second time my husband gave in, as he felt we would get fined and was tired of the threats. Nevertheless, fines and legal action are technically possible. Not about us - about adjoining property! Happy Holidays. I told him that was correct. The lawsuit looks to include all persons whom the United States Department of Commerce and Bureau of the Census requires to answer the American Community Survey but who have refused or will refuse to answer it. Know your stuff and don't compromise! I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. Well, after many different phone calls, starting with the one on the census form, I still do not have an address to where to send the $100. Make your own mind up as to what your world should be -- it's that simple. A practice in which banks refuse to insure mortgages to people living in certain The American Community Survey sends around a questionnaire with 40 different items, asking such things as whether a person is receiving disability benefits (number 16) and how many vehicles. Typically, the Census Bureau will telephone those who do not respond to the survey and may visit their homes to coerce the targets to respond. Your response is required by law. Unbelievable that she is now spying on us. I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. The way I see it, subsections a and d of section 141 do not authorize a January 2010 collection of information. Any discrepancies, intentional or not, could result in an IRS audit of your returns. The small, everyday, humdrum, quietly approved bills they do each day are where the danger lies and more attention should be paid to those. [21] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/WorkStatus.pdf. The assertion by census workers that there is a simple fine of $5,000.00 for not providing the info is total crap! I have a nice little digital camera that makes high-definition video. We've tossed two surveys in the recycle bin. A concerned citizen. And then I get this BS from a government agency? I was told if I didn't answer then his supervisor would come out and if I didn't respond to his supervisor, they would return with a Larimer County Sheriff and then I would have to answer or else! * Compared to other measured TV manufacturers in the 2022 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey of customers. I too am grateful for this site. Then you want to threaten with fines? For example, lets say in 1790, two years after the ratification of the Constitution, Congress prepared a budget and decided to impose a direct tax to raise the needed revenue. If people answer the survey maybe they will get the funding to have proper educational programs. I feel that a class action lawsuit should be started. I am a nurse, taxpaying honest citizen and I will not be forced into answering these obscene questions! The states collect the tax and turn the money over to the federal government. He ignored the legality but admitted there were corporate sponsors involved. It is confined to determining the number of Representatives [in the House] and imposing direct Taxes among the several States. We had a census worker come to our door who started asking personal questions, until my hubby finally said that's enough. I too am going to do the same. I received the ACS a few months ago, did some research and never filled it out. Q: How does the Census Bureau typically ensure that people complete the survey? The public also plays a role in the erosion of our judiciary. However, the ACS wants to know what time my husband and I leave for work each day, our employer's address, our work location address (if different from our employer's) and if we commute via car, carpool or public transportation. She informed me if I did not answer her questions, eventually the county sheriff would come. However, the gap between homeownership rates not only persists, but has grown. We monitored our caller ID and just refused to answer the phone when they called (along with any other numbers listed as "unavailable"). Whose damn business is it if I own my house and whether I have a mortgage? I have yet to fill one out. My advice based on our experience thus far -- and I am not a lawyer -- just ignore the calls to the best of your ability, and if you answer by accident, simply hang up without conversation. Estimates: 1-Year. The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. Today, the apparent supervisor came -- in his safety vest and green jeep like a public works person. The present state of affairs is a direct result of our collective ignorance. The government is doing nothing wrong! The U.S. Census Bureau is suspending efforts to create neighborhood-level statistics on the citizenship and age of residents, using 2020 census data, in the latest rollback of Trump administration. We then engaged in a bit of "palaver" in which she said that they can require us to answer any question they want because "it's in the Constitution". Stonewall them out. As a retired LEO, state law keeps all my info private, unless court ordered. If all they want is a head count, all they have to do is count social security numbers! Unlike the 10-year Census, this survey runs all year, every year. Referring to financials, I told them to ask the IRS. I gave them my name and not much more. My husband and I now know what we will do when a rep shows up at our door. Are they too dense to realize that word just means "to count?". Survey questions were proposed by health care workers within each dialysis unit. He asked if I would consent to a phone survey and I could decline from answering any questions I thought were too personal or intrusive. The gov has lost what is called common sense and buried it under a ton of manure. We have received 2 ACS long forms and multiple phone calls and now a front door visit. In addition, some point to the possibility of human error as a security concern over such personal and confidential information. The Supreme Court upheld that against Bill Clinton's attempt to implement statistical sampling for the 2000 census. Under Title 13 of the U.S. Code, you can be fined up to $100 for refusing to complete a census form and $500 for answering questions falsely. It has been done since 1790, and is mandated by the Constitution. How can a census do any good for schools when these people are never turned away from schools and hospitals and welfare lines? Why am I in the unlucky 2.5%? We have been like a frog cooked in our own water slowly. [29] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/Name.pdf. The issuance of summary judgmenta judgment entered by the court in favor of one party over anothermarks the end of the road for the proposed class action lawsuit detailed here. After reading through the 28 pages of questions the second time (not 28 questions but 28 *pages* of them), I decided to do my research. I then slammed the door shut. It is simply nobodys business. Not to mention when the people came to my door I informed them that they were trespassing without proper identification and subject to arrest. Then I asked the census taker her birth date, and I again got no answer. I was in my PJs and answered the door, thinking it was a neighbor. Thank Gosh, I documented every call and person I spoke with. This is a violation of our privacy and a malevolent use of government power. It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. I am wondering is a night time visit legal? What is the North American Industry Classification System? Our government today is so far from the Founding Father's ideals - demonstrated by the nasty face we are seeing in these examples. so no more. "When the people fear their government there is tyranny. Firm, clear refusal and don't even hint that you have any fear of their authority. But it hasn't ever needed to be collected by a government agency that is supposed to serve WE, the people and then threatens us with fines, treating good citizens like criminals (I thought counting people was like one, two, three, four,?). Clearly our government is out of control by trying to intimidate citizens to comply with this survey. The state police will show up and *escort* them off your property. If you waiver or hide, they will keep trying. So I did not send it back. I refused to answer these as these are not required. I want to thank you for this site and for all of the posters sharing their experiences and offering insight and information. Objections to the ACS include the personal nature of some of its questions and, despite government assurances to the contrary, associated confidentiality issues. The Legal Accountability Project is a nonprofit aimed at ensuring that as many law . BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. I guess the fear that they may be prosecuted for trespassing on private property wasn't worth the questionnaire. Poster 235 is on to something: maybe my neighborhood can get a new school, a new hospital, and a new fire station. I have a few ideas to annoy them: Answer the door buck naked while eating a piece of chicken. And those people were gathered up and sent to internment camps. Alternatively, those who returned the survey partially completed and communicated with the Census Bureau agents generally received more contacts. And if said "enumerator" doesn't like it, tough! This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. If the enumerators cannot get this info from the Social Security Administration or the local state tax boards then there must be a reason why not! It's supposed to be confidential. Today another call demanding to know my name and telling me I would be fined. The last time I looked, American's had the right to privacy. The survey is clearly an invasion of privacy, and any attempts of the ACS to pursue a fine for failure to submit the survey should be challenged in a court of law on unconstitutional and invasion of privacy grounds. I just moved to a suburb outside of Detroit after years of living there, and its strange but I also got 'grilled' the last time it came around. The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak and when they last worked at a job, among other things. They left before they arrived. Our town boasts 90,000 citizens, but we know there are at least an additional 10,000 illegals here (yes, here in Mexifornia). Then you've got them by the balls. That went into the fire. Apr 15 -- The Census Bureau invites comments to OMB by May 16, 2022 on the three-year extension of the American Community Survey and the Puerto Rico Community Survey. according to the constitution it limits the government's ability to do anything but enumerate. Most people allow themselves to be bullied and are afraid of breaking some law. so the census workers who say, "if you haven't done anything wrong, just answer," well, people who are doing wrong things don't care about america -- they work for the government. I am not telling them anything. Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. She left me with a notice of visit with her name and I suppose her personal phone number. The info tells them how many live in a certain area. We live in a sanctuary city and those who work and pay taxes are supporting almost half of our population. It is also known that the Bureau inadvertently posted sensitive information of over 300 innocent citizens. Anyone else with other info/advice is politely requested to add their two cents. To complete the survey on the internet, visit https://respond.census.gov/acs. My husband sent him away as we were eating. So, basically, he screwed the taxpayers because he keeps a log of minutes and gets paid for the time. And it is supposed to be maintained private otherwise the census worker can go to prison or be fined or both. I filled out my census. Nobody has ever been fined for refusing to cooperate with any Census request, even the 10 year short form. Make the Census people eat this Supreme Court ruling: Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [insert Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen." Miss. It's a land of the free OK but I ask everyday "for who??" Read more here: Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Claims. (address, city, county, state, zip). Constitution of the United States of America. Chinese officials knew nothing about the virus before the pandemic emerged. Comparing the American Community Survey and the Population Estimates Program (February 17, 2021) Coordinator: Welcome and thank you for standing by. I'll pay the fine if I have to, but I'm not going to let them bully me into submitting to their scare tactics. I noticed that if I left the note on the door, they would sometimes pull up, then just drive off. I want to know how long these temp workers are going to be employed? No thanks, poster 188. He stated I would receive no further calls from the census but the next contact would be from the Justice department. When does their employment end, and shouldn't they be thanking these non-compliant people for extending their pay a bit longer? If my birth date is going to help somebody get elected or the state (district) gain an extra seat in the house, then get the expecting mothers' due dates for the year while at it. God bless you for creating this site! Explain that their responses will constitute consent to display the video online. Keep being sheep. its nothing short of communism folks!! The Rutherford Institute has received hundreds of inquiries from individuals who have received the ACS and are not comfortable sharing such private, intimate details with the government or are unsettled by the aggressive tactics utilized by Census Bureau agents seeking to compel responses to ACS questions. I am glad I am not myself the lunatic fringe. The 2019 American Community Survey counted 139.69M housing units, up 1.15M from 2018, and up 7.90M from 131.79M in 2010. One month ago, I received a letter stating that the census was coming. I am with all of you that it is all wrong and will not return the form. This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. Fix this problem, fix that, insure this, promise that, but do it without any info, just throw a dart and hope for the best, then when it fails we'll have someone to blame it on, but it won't be our fault! Look it up. The ACS purpose is to collect demographic data only. Don't be rude to the people who are sent out to your house because you think you're too "special" to answer your census. The calls started today. After four or five visits with three notices taped to the door over two weeks, they seem to have given up. Last year I was hounded by these people and they are back I am so glad I did not answer or call or contact them I cannot believe this information is relevant for city planningthe person above said it best. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. Anything that you answer can be used for this book, which is usually for your town, county, etc. In 1960, the gap was .