Avoid every kind of evil. Wrong Brenda. A smarter church never . There's fraud cooking at az's second largest church! These are Commandments from Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity. content visitors value most. Individual support will be tracked internally to determine the effectiveness of the individual's ability to raise support. Again: But as the injured party . for users like yourself. A place where people are saying 'yes' to God and experiencing life in a fresh way. Only you know the answer to why you teach what you know is impossible for the Apostles to have taught. Fake "Christian" Maldonado coincidently started running his "honest representation" CCVonline.com lawyer solicitiation ads AFTER he realized he had mismanaged his finances and was in a financial meltdown and was in default on his written mortgage loan agreement. ccv peoria service times. Click here: 3rd Unanswered Challenge for Protestant Theology: Is Catholicism Apostolic, name one doctrine that isn't, name one doctrine the early Church believed that the Catholic Faith no longer does. I would never had waited that long for the light to come on in this idiots head (whcich it still hasnt apparently) Only crazy sociopaths who must have thier own violent rap sheets think its bad to remain civil and use the internet which happens to be the #1 way to share information about people now. That pride itself is driving the rationalization of embracing ideas invented only centuries ago, that have no connection with the Apostles (or even your own original reformers). No, for the Apostles did not teach them. Jude encourages us to confront ungodly and licentious living. . Just a little ironic. They have three grown daughters and a red golden retriever named Meadow. King David is a model of how to make that happen. The CHNetwork is committed to assisting financially and standing beside all inquirers, serving as a friend and an advocate. Who should I follow then, Don Wilson or historic Christianity which even the first reformers embraced?" wow, that last comment was right on target - thanks for that insight! Birthplace: Noyon, France. So for all you till deeply in denial, KOOLADE DRINKING CCV-robot nutjobs, YOUR LEADERSHIP HAS FALLEN. Anger not at prostitutes, or homosexuals, or nancy pelosi, or liberals, or peacemakers like jimmy carter, or other religions, but serious anger for the corrupt, phony two - faced, religious - church leaders of his day and inside the temples of his own religion. For that was when it was invented. He should not be practising law. There were police officers guiding traffic to and through the entrance of the church parking lot. Dear Don Wilson; Pastor, Christ's Church of the Valley. Brian and Lisa live on the side of a little mountain in the country where Brian wants to start a farm. The purpose of The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork) is to provide fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been received into the Catholic Church. These cookies (supplied by Google Analytics, Facebook, Hotjar, Gloo and Chartbeat) allow CCV Jeff is passionate about leadership, culture, generosity, marriages and the intersection of business leadership and faith. If you are a christian you likely know that christ, the main god - human - face in christianity, held a special contempt for these exact types of religious people - the phony, fake, two - faced religious leaders of his time - and in fact he called them various things from "brood of vipers" to "whitewashed tombs" - indicating the sickening stench of their phoney pious - perfect outside yet corrupt, rotten, filthy and maggot infested inside - refering of course not to their colons but their hearts. But more important - this "Christian" ledership failure permanently diminished and devalued the collective, general reputation of Christianity in America, especially by non-Christians, MANY OF WHOM NOW REGARD EVANGELICAS AS IGNORANT, HYPOCRITICAL EXTREMIST CLOWNS. U-N-B-E-L-E-I-V-A-B-L-E. But as the injured party, I wanted to send it to you in hopes that we can eventually see eye to eye on this matter. Good riddance. visitors move around the site. Mark is one of the Teaching Pastors at CCV in Phoenix, he. They made it very clear they did not endorse any company or guarantee anything in this section. Wooldridge - CCV Sr. Pastor 2. SO AS A BROKE, DEFAULTED BORROWER IN FEB 2009, MALDONADO SAID TO HIMSELF, IM IN DEEP [censored] HERE, i dont have anything to lose, I will call myself "honest" when I'm anything but, I will inform the AZ legal regulator, the AZBar.org, that I have liability insurance in order to get new clients, when I really have no insurance, (AGAIN PROVEN), they will put that lie on their website, and hopefully I wil get enough clients and cash to fix my financial mismanagement and then once the dust clears, maybe I will go back to telling the truth and TRULY being honest. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how You know this. US street preacher arrested in London says speaking truth is now a ' hate crime': After facing arrest and detention for preaching that homosexuality is a sin, an American evangelist is warning that "things are getting very bad" in the United Kingdom and other Western countries, suggesting that the situation has deteriorated to the point . Many people are broke and in serious default on their houses for OVER A YEAR BEFORE THEY FINALLY SIGN THEM OVER TO THEIR LENDER OR BEFORE THE ACTUAL AUCTION TAKES PLACE. Dave Stone, senior pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and his younger successor Kyle Idleman (Inset). Brian has been married to his wife Dr. Lisa Jones, for 35 years. Hasn't Don told us for years the errors of Catholic theology? And it is your quest to keep this knowledge from your parishioners. Your attempt to defame the righteous and Godly leadership of this church because of your personal bad experience with someone offering services on the church's free community section is sickening and deplorable. But please consider it. See more of Christ's Church of the Valley on Facebook. to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our [2], On October 29, 2017, Don Wilson, CCV's founding pastor stepped down as Senior Pastor after 35 years at CCV. filling in forms. He is likely the one responsible for weekly sermons and may also oversee various Bible studies or Sunday . And after tons of notices! This is a legally recorded Maricopa County Recorder's office document from Maldonado's home lender who he and his wife also screwed over. Caden previously served as the Next Gen & Teaching Pastor here at Radiant. Ask the students first to identify the vowels and consonants in the word, then split the word between the consonants . (Letter to the Romans 7:3 [A.D. 110]). Our church founded by Don Wilson, (CCV) in Phx teaches tithing 10% or more, and if we disagree, we are free to find another church. Dearborn Michigan (Sept) #833900. 'Mark 15 3 "And the Chief Priest accused him of many things: but he answered nothing" With that said; You make your claims for us all to read and expect us to believe and I have to consider that there are two sides to every story. Tony serves as an Executive Pastor at Christs Church of the Valley, where he leads CCV Campus Teams, Campus expansion and Administration & Finance. You can't find a single person before the Renaissance era who believed or even heard of what you now teach 8000 people as the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why doesn't he do some of that "Pastor stuff" and validate the claims he has told us for years are Apostolic? But I am only requesting that you cease discrediting another's faith if you are unwilling to substantiate your views. That is how far CCV's theology has drifted from orthodox Christianity. Is this still the CCV curriculum in your 100 class? And I must spread this information to your staff and to your parishioners because it is the truth. 4. But at least they would know the truth and the origin of CCV's distinctive theology. "Test everything. Elected position in the EIT Digital Alumni Board, with a focus on management of the Alumni community, maintaining external relations & representation within the EIT ecosystem as Vice President (2019 - 2021) and Lead Partnerships & Identity (2021 - 2023) of the EIT Alumni. You. He took cash from his victim days later in April 2009 WHEN HE WAS STILL BROKE AND IN DEFAULT, and wrote his bad-NSF check to that same client in early May 2009 and this is proven by sworn, witnesssed, notarized affidavit from his bank, Bank of America. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. http://www.britannia.com/history/resource/popes.html Has anyone of the victims filed a complaint against Maldonado, to the American Bar Association? Perhaps. Neil & Janet YoungSenior Pastors. Please tell a friend what you now know about ccv. Yes, dr. Don wilson - jesus had a story tailored just for you! Looking for opinions and scriptural teaching on tithing in the NT. Maldonado and his wife signed over title to their defaulted house to their lender on 7/2009 as the linked document PROVES BEYOND ALL DOUBT. any personally identifiable information. That is how far CCV's belief system has drifted from orthodox Christianity. An Open letter to Pastor Don Wilson . We're for people on their brightest and in their toughest seasons. The non-accountability? Brenda - Bilndness of your own sins does not mean you are without sin. . Is that the logic you want the CCV faithful to embrace? No. If you don't catch, charge and convict a murderer then has there been no murder? Find a group thats right for you. Before Thomas Edison, there was no such thing as a light bulb, and just as before the 2nd and 3rd generational reformers in the 16th and 17th centuries, Don Wilson's theology was *non-existent* as well. Pastors Caden and Hope Metcalf are passionate about seeing God's love transform the lives of people through the ministries of Radiant Church. Makes me want to puke. Welcome to the fast-track of biblical training. Mark E. Moore, Ph.D | Copyright All Rights Reserved 2019 | Site By. VERY INTENTIONAL and very malicious. He did a real bad job. YES, CCV's non-response was intentional, willful and malicious. He believes the church should be leading the way in shaping culture through authentic worship and creative expression that points people to Jesus. Hold on to the good. Sermon preparation and delivery is time-consuming, demanding work, even in settings where the church has one primary sermon each week. "Test everything. BY JUST IGNORING THIS SERIOUS FRAUD which used CCV CHURCH ASSESTS AND WEB COMMUNICATION TOOLS TO ALLOW A FELON CRIMINAL GANGBANGER MEMBER TO STEAL FROM OTHER UNSUSPECTING CCV CHRISTIANS, IS BEYOND BELIEF REALLY. Pastor David Rosales is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley and can be heard daily on "A Sure Foundation" on radio stations across the United States. Why do you teach this falsehood? Hence your silence. You as the Pastor of CCV, (and leader of this church), have presented nothing. Weekend church attendance was 32,000. In 2006, CCV built two new buildings for its children and youth ministries from over $8million in funding, raised in one weekend. Contact the Az Bar Association and the Office of the Arizona Attorney General, Fraud Division and file your complaint against this attorney as well as the Better Business Bureau. If these cookies are disabled, we will not know when a So - shame, shame, shame on these selfish, fraudster, phony "christian" leaders. With this in mind I must ask you: does it not matter where your theology came from? Yes, the Maldonado's failed to pay what they had agreed to pay IN WRITING re their home loan FOR MANY Many months before they stiffed their lender, (that is US by the way, taxpayers, as we've guaranteed most of these loans), defaulted, and signed over their house to their lender who then scheduled the house for auction weeks later. 5. Emily Jones. You have stated that many of your parishioners are fallen Catholics. Our team is made up with highly trained individuals who have a united passion to see lives changed by the power of God's word. They are usually only set in response to actions made by visitors which One of CCV's pastors conducts the baptism services, but we encourage you to consider asking the person who helped you come to faith in Jesus baptize you. CRASHED. You have attacked the Catholic Faith. If that is so, why do we find that the Apostles and the early Church taught ALL of these very doctrines? Yes. If this story and this failed church leadership sickens you as it has me, you know what to do. @Brenda - PS - Your arguement that without charge there can be no crime is ridiculous. - (NOT), was CAUGHT willingly particiapting in a three year long illegal-drug and sex based adulterous HOMOSEXUAL relationship with a male-ecort/prostitute in Denver, miles away from THE EYES OF HIS WIFE, FAMILY and the huge flock GOD had entrusted to him to PROTECT and lead in the suburbs. how long does crab paste last; is gavin hardcastle married; cut myself shaving down there won't stop bleeding At CCV we base our beliefs about baptism on what the Bible teaches, not church tradition. To answer the questions: "Where is that in the Bible?" Listing Your blind faith in Mr M is overwealming, you are a follower, I am a questioner. 3. An article about it just ran days ago in the Whitier Daily News because one of the perps finally was convicted after many years of mistrials, check out the story link here: What a sad missed opportunity CCV and Dr Wilson. Click here, the 7 Stages of Christian Spiritual Development. Nepal Leadership (Oct) #839700. Join to view profile . 228, Bookkeeperrobinw@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Download FREE resources to teach children about 'CCVC and CVCC words'. So be afraid, be very afraid of this new accountablility and transparency. (Eph 4:4) For an idea to be Biblical, it requires that the Apostles actually *taught the idea* and wrote it into the NT Bible. Live in peace with each other" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 ). Don, if you sincerely desire to follow the teachings of the Apostles to the early Church, "no matter where it leads you" please consider: But in fact there were several key journalists who knew what was really going on and they rang the bells as loud as their singular voices would allow on Bernie's frauds and neither Temple nor regulator listened to them for YEARS! 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 Stars provides a comprehensive program that not only develops the skills of players, but also comes alongside the parents to help form a foundation that will develop character and integrity . Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." Instead he has called this person vile names, made inappropriate personal attacks about irrevelent personal traits, and made crude bigoted remarks not at all in line with his professed CCV Christianity or as a lawyer aka, an officer of the court. Some would, some wouldn't. Each semester CCV employs over 400 instructors to teach courses throughout the state and online. CCCV is a community of like-minded . Hold on to the good. Because it is "Apostolic." Horrible, horrible, horrible! This is the reason for your silence. Move beyond defeat, and find out what it takes to truly overcome any []. Scripture also tells us: Kenya Special Needs (Oct)#850500. The emphasis on practice continues through the rest of the short epistle, adding further details about false teachers' denial of the . Prior to joining the CCV team, Mark was a Professor at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, (1990-2012). You become angry others disagree with your decision to give 10% of your income, you believe they are cursed. Instead, if you had read the post, he tried in vain by email and process server and church complaint, everything legal, for over a year and a half. First of all, CCV has never offered paid advertising anywhere on any of its websites. Yet you continue to tell 8000 people that the Apostles did teach these doctrines. Watch the whole message: http://my.ccv.church/watch/series?SeriesId=220 Marriage is the cornerstone of our culture, we're putting on some gloves, and getting. That's all. CCV instructors are working professionals who bring real-world experience into the classroom. or Currently, he is an online professor for Ozark . It's impossible. The bad check statute does NOT require a court judgement to be proven or valid. [3], According to a church census released in 2019, it claimed a weekly attendance of 32,107 people and 9 campuses in different cities. They believe everything you say whether it is true or not. Hope was involved in leading worship in multiple settings before coming on staff at Radiant Church. We would also like to set optional performance 16:24). (The Real Presence.) 217, Associate Worship Pastorrobbiej@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. I would pray that you would embrace this last option: Brussels, Belgium. Does that make CCV's theology Apostolic? Who believed your theology before the 16th century? This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. You have built a huge personal following. Even when asked for support. You seem very quick to forget that the church, in which ever guise, has spent nearly 2 millenia covering up and hiding the wrong doings of thier own members. Find out what it's like to build your career at all state and get connected to our latest job . THIS SO CALLED "PASTOR"" HAS FAILED BASIC CHURCH LEADERSHIP 101. This would unfortunately strand you in Stage 6, of the "7 stages of Christian Spiritual Development." great or even good leadership by definition is proactive not reactive and especially not inactive as this case proves. With ignorant, uneducated, sociopathic types, this usually only takes a few words or minutes to happen, as it has in the last posts right here with the bigoted and homophobic bombshells just delivered by "freekin homos" Brenda" and "disgruntled ###" immodest. "If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries." Don I must ask you (rhetorically), why is CCV spreading this misinformation that the Catholic Church makes up doctrines? A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. The case for the Catholic faith is its Apostolicity. Give and make an impact. God bless and if I or anyone is in need of legal help I will hopefully find a honorable one who is not dishonest.. May take a lot of searching. Do they predate the Renaissance era? This so-called "pastor" is no leader and DEF NOT A mature, wise, follower of Christ and must be removed by his board or other Christian pastors/leaders or public pressure, which would be quite sad if this guy is that EGO-CENTRIC AND DENSE to let this cancer grow to the point that the local news media get involved to expose this fraud enabler. (Matt. No, you can't. Christ's Church of , 9. Just as the Mormons claim Biblicism for their theology with zero historical support prior to Joseph Smith, your theology claims the same, with zero historical support prior to the Renaissance era. Eswatini, Challenge Ministries 2 - Oct #408351, Eswatini, Challenge Ministries 1 - Sept #408362, Eswatini, Challenge Ministries June #408384, Bulembu Special Needs_Construction Feb #853300. The use of this word "falsehood" might offend some, but it is the truth. Whether you came to read, watch, or listen, the collegiate level of information provided here by Dr. Mark E Moore will enhance your knowledge of historical biblical events and Jesus himself. I WILL USE MY CLIENTS AS A CASH MACHINE OR A PAYDAY LOAN STORE, taking their money, cashing all their checks, and then telling them "oh, I made a mistake, I have a conflict, I cant take your case after all, but I hope everything works out for you without you fee refunded and deadlines now missed, god bless you". First ,everyone was invited to pick one theme from our YA's list that resonates with themselves or a reality in their ministry context. For two years Jeff served as the Teaching Pastor at Savannah Christian Church in Savannah, GA. On January 1, 2008, Jeff became the Lead Pastor of ONE&ALL Church (formerly Christ's Church of the Valley) in Southern California. What else has Christ's Authority besides the Bible?" Unfortunately, that is their choice. Is that your logic? Sounds like you need to email you Biblical revelations to Pastor Wilson ASAP so he and his staffers can start practising Pauls hidden in plain sight teachings before this matter moves to court. I.e. Join us for Easter . If these cookies are disabled, we will not know when a I am simply telling you what you already know, but might not want to acknowledge. It is one thing to disagree with another's faith (and actually substantiate that disagreement), it is another thing to disagree with another's faith, and then misrepresent it (either intentionally or unintentionally). This is only logical. After numerous inquiries, and in accordance with Matt 18:15, which commands me to first speak to you and your staff privately (which I tried to no avail), I am going to post this letter on the new CCV website, because I feel it important enough for your parishioners to read. You are taking on 10's of millions of dollars of debt to finance the growth of your new church and the growth of your distinctive ideas. Are they Apostolic, find out. "Test everything. And in Matt 18:17 Christ commands Christians to "hear his Church." 206, Worship Arts Pastorerics@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Multiple pastor-teachers follows at least one scriptural pattern. 203, Christs Church of the Valley | 1560 Yeager Road, Royersford, PA 19468 | Copyright @2021. We are a people who bring life to every area in our community. For if they were to learn this, why would they continue to embrace a belief system that even your own reformers did not embrace, much less the Apostles and the early Church? Maldonado was in youth prison for many years and that may be one reason why he's now representing indigent criminal youth for Maricopa County in AZ away from anyone who knew him in CA. We are glad you are here! Can you find a single Christian before the Renaissance era who even heard of these ideas? Empower the busiest people to master the core of the Bible. You and I both know what they will find. If not, why the silence? Please, do not shoot the messenger. I received no response. 2. Writing a bad - nsf check - is a felony in maricopa county az. . The fact this great community resource has now been eliminated is obviously do to bitter, vengeful people like you. It doesn't matter if the idea is a new invention to Christianity, for your 8000 parishioners, if you say it's THE gospel, it's gospel. Hold on to the good. Be a part of what God is doing in this valley and around the world. Again, that is not true. It's not sound. Christ's Church of the Valley also held services in an elementary school and a strip mall for a short period of time. If not today, maybe tomorrow or the next. To teach the syllable breaks, ask the students to clap at each syllable or tap the table when they repeat the word back to you after you have modeled where the split is. Yet you and your staff refuse to give a "reason for the hope you have". 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 Like the false prophets of Jeremiah's day, he and the thousands like him say, "'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14). Duh! I have sold products and hired numerous individuals over the years from the CCV online community section and was never under any kind of delusion that these people were guaranteed saints just because of where I found them. No offer to take his ccvonline.com ad down and call him in for an explanation or meeting to explain his side of the story to me the victim as is required in the bible. You guys are crazy! Again this sounds so harsh, but what else am I to do to defend the attacks of Don Wilson's theology upon the Catholic Faith? We recognize that many have . Or read a law book. We're for individuals and families alike. You do not want CCV to know the origins of its theology. Hebrews 10: 26