The house is famous for being the house of self-undoing, but it can also be the house where we find our fame and fortune. Of course, this can lead to overspending and a tendency to overvalue anything that is overindulgent and impractical, but the positive energy Jupiter brings will generally get you through it. People born with Chiron in the 12th house struggle with their psyche, spirituality, and vulnerability. I had a karmic relationship with a guy for 6 years which ended badly. If the Composite Sun is in the 1 st House, there will be a focus on this relationship. A very painful and challenging connection. I have to come to grips with it (what you said) altough it is not an easy thing for me when it comes to love (being an Aries lol I want to love with a passion and not just except it as an idea). Pluto is elevated in the composite chart close to the midheaven in the 9th. Hello, Skye. My husband and I, have composite Saturn 27 Pluto 28 Libra in 12th, forming a T square to our Sun 26 Cancer and Venus 19/Mercury 23 Capricorn. Our synastry with my beloved couple is very strong with good connections between both 1th and 7th house rulers and many positive aspects like double whammy saturn-moon, and positive ascendant-moon, ascendant-venus, venus-moon, and so warm and intense pluto conj. Here we are, older, everything so different now, lessons learned, and I am seeing that I cant undo the past. do you have any clue of what this means or should i just ignore it? Loving and letting go, as well as maturing your love into a transcendant form of love where you are able to love so deeply that you give it the potential to annihilate you, yet you learn to let go and allow the natural changes in the state of our being has been a reoccurring theme of my life. Our composite has a sun and north node in the 12 th house. Is this similar for composite ruler in 12th? It's so "behind scenes" that it freaks me out. The lower expression has to be elevated, and the higher expression needs to be realized. I might even say hes one of the closest people to me. He just wanted to keep it physical until one of us gets married with someone else. @ more very amazing thing IF this is still not enough proof: My Moon and Mars conjucts his North Node (fairly tight 2-3 degrees conjuction) His NOrth Node conjucts His own Pluto (good old Pluto might just kill me with his north node conjuction (i wonder if that is the plan here?) It confuses us, as is appropriate with a house that Neptune rules. However, Sag and Cap are very, very different from one another and the things that make you feel secure, comforted and appreciated will be very different, unless other things in the chart back them up. Whatever I told you would not have a context. When transit Pluto is in the composite 12th house, you may feel more powerful and connected in the relationship when its just the two of you, behind closed doors, no one to bother. yeah, i think we didnt invest much efforts in getting/staying togetherhowever, when I tried to pursue more, I felt as if I was more needy and I cared more about this relationship, as his respose to my efforts was quite blank and gruff. let go or fight for it? His 12th is in Pisces, along with his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. So much more needs to be considered. Often, Sun/Neptune relationships just fade away or dissolve without anyone knowing why. Thank You very much for Your answer and very best regards from Hungary again! Id appreciate any information. Also my moon is conjuct to his sun both ways. I was immediately flooded with emotion- I realized all at once how intensely close to him I was and needed to know if he was ok, etc. Maybe someone else on the page will have an answer for you. With a lot of respect for all of your work and wishing you all the best. Learn how your comment data is processed. I never understood that statement could you put some light on it for me? We all find our gods where we can and must. I still feel a strong connection to him, but in a way, I guess I have come to reasonable terms with not being with him. Written in 12thouse Neptunian mystique and eloquence Your emotions may also be cloudy and unclear at times, and your lack of boundaries may cause you trouble. All this seems to confirm your analyses of the other composite houses, as well. There are 12 houses of Nessus divided according to the sun signs, such as the rst house belongs to Aries, the second house to Taurus, and so on. Well, his descendant point, and his ascendant ruler both conjunct my natal Lilith in my12 th house, orb2. At all. Thank you for such an eloquent understanding, this has helped me. Our situation was kind of complicated. They represent different aspects of a relationship. The 12th House is also known as the House of mystery while Venus symbolizes intuition and artful . I was wondering about my composite contacts with some I know who we share 12th house themes with. oh gosh do not i know this! (anyone who has ever fallen in love and had planets with that person in 12th composite will know..). Illusions yes I know. I cant stop the regretful feelings. Well it is a living hell right now! IF THIS IS NOT A TRAGIC LOVE STORY THAN WHAT IS? His natal Venus in cancer is in my 12house. Telepathy, visiting one another out of body, lucid dreaming where they communicate with one another, strange psychic links and melding of the two energetic bodies. We feel that very beautiful in our life! When the transit Moon is in the composite 12th house, you may want some alone time together, wanting to share feelings but only when alone and no one else is around. And what does it mean our 12th. They have an inner urge to help others but don't know how to help themselves or ask for support. And this is where we must reach out beyond our small lives to touch the greater life that is possible. The lesson they teach is that we do not have to possess love in order to experience it. Was our purpose to heal each other? The feelings I have are much deeper than lust and infatuation. Together we share a Mars 12th. We are ignoring what the Source is asking us to do. Composite north node (Aquarius) trine composite Saturn in Libra (which is conjunct his natal sun). I was with him longer than Ive ever consecutively been with someone- 1 1/2 years. I have a nice syntrastry with my boyfriend (im born 8/1/1983 and he is born 10/7/1982). Dont worry, Evelyne. Lilith may help 12th house to bring their subconscious patterns to light, or do the opposite and evoke more fear. should i run away from this relationship? I became reacquainted with a man I grew up with. He says what on thinking. I mentioned Juno because it has a 1 degree conjunction with the Sun. sounds pathetic, but thats just the nature of 12th house love; you cant downsize or decrease its feeling and meaning.. What a way to describe it ~ nebulous, yet mysteriously powerful influence on our lives or my life as far as i know, this was exactly how I confused myself in this short and intense relationship with an ex. Black Moon Lilith in 12th house suggests an interest in the occult and esoteric teachings. Find a way to bring the god down to the day to day world, so that it, too, is considered sacred. Thats for start. We went through hell together, we loved each other, we saved each other, we saved others together, we could practically feel and read one another. Is Your experience the same? cheers:). The examination of two natal charts shows how people interact with one another==how I affect you, and vice versa. Venus in 12th House Man. There is still a sense that anything can happen though, very unpredictable energy. A share a composite chart with a stellium of planets (Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune) in the 12th house with cusp on Scorpio. The But from the first moment I felt and I know he did as well this very big attraction to him. I have read your response about 12th house and i really do agree with you. Lilith in 11th House Composite, Composite Lilith in 11th House With Composite Lilith in the 11th house, you can get along swimmingly as friends, regardless of the type of partnership. How does a Composite Sun or Ruler of the chart operate when their planets are in the 12th house but also also conjunct the Ascendant? Also, forgive my double Virgo and the fact that I was once an editor: the phrase is unrequited love not unrequired. Sorry. Hello dawn After our individual identity is explored through all the houses, in the 12th and final house, the personality dissolves into something larger. Several weeks ago, my wife revealed that she has been hiding a secret life of crushes and short-lived affairs from me over the past 4 years. No one could share that kind of information with a person that he/she newly know. We both experienced he physically (I think) something weird when i was very close to him and I saw something mind boggling in the night when Venus turned retrograde this year. I have composite sun and moon in house 12 with my brother. Jupiter Rx in the 7th in Leo. It has been a long, hard road, but rewarding and with the planets in Cancer, SO hard to let go. Together, they like to dive deeper and deeper into unknown and mysterious beliefs, cultures, territories, and ideas. VENUS IN HOUSE TWELVE Venus in the 12th house cultivates a spiritually profound form of love and a desire to experience love on a higher level. composite moon and saturn are in fifth house. In my experience, if you have a good synastry but a difficult composite, the couple get along with one another but have problems establishing the relationship in the outside world. . You have nailed my experience. I will always be exactly where I am now loving you. Youre writing is inspired. We both have natal moon in house 12. WhiteLotus. We have an interesting stellium in the 6th Uranus, Eros, Ceres, and Vertex all within a degree of each other. Aghh! The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th , 12 th , 1 st , 2 nd , or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns . It also governs much, much more, however. The diurnal chart's house cusps will also conjunct progressed and directed planets throughout the year and can mark significant days. great post- thank you! Wow, everything in this article is so accurate + written so beautifully. We were happy plutonicay together. thanks you very much Dawn to shed some lights on this! I think that your article is quite amazing, but for those of us who are making these relationships work for us I wish you would have given some cases in which it can work. I am in a very confused place myself right now, wanting to forgive, still loving her, but not understanding her and whether healing her childhood wounds will bring her attraction back, or if its got something more to do with me and something I need to let go of. Thank You for Your answer and best regards from Hungary! Its not special, its common. When Venus occupies the 12th house, it highlights a more mature and sophisticated expression of love. It can also mean, in this case, unconscious elements making themselves known via the Ascendant in mysterious ways. P.S. Now, what to think of this powerful symbolism in the composite chart? Thanks Dawn! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Just a knowing if you will. What if the composite chart has two strong stelliums: one is made up of the outer planets in the 12th, the other Sun/Mercy/Venus/Juno in the 10th (and moon and mars are in the 8th). It isnt bad, its difficult. Me and my sweet friend have Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer in the 12th, trine Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th, sextile Moon in Taurus in the 10th, but square Saturn in Virgo in the 3rd. Reading Nessus in the houses and signs can provide an individual with different implications. (excuse my bad English) Talking about Fate! It's a nightmare sometimes. The point is not that the telepathy is an illusion, the point is that its real, but it doesnt matter. But also to wound each other? We all have things we come in to this life to accomplish, achieve, or learn. The inner planets are where we liveso yes, the 10th house stellium will have more influence on a day to day basis, and then once in a while the outer planets will come out to grab us with whatever their issues are, particularly by transit or progression to the stellium/12th. Sun/Uranus conjunct in the 1st. We dont really grasp whats in the 12th until we spiritualize it, remove the ego from the planets function. We are from different countries and we live bliss for few moments and then a lot of despair and pain separated without any logic A tough road between Heaven and Hell! but thats life afterall! We get along very well but our relationship is being kept in secret (which sucks) and the Saturn and Pluto opposite Asc. They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. mercury and mercury conj. We still keep in touch as just friends occasionally, and sometimes I feel like I am having conversations with him in my head. Struggling against our own unconscious is not an easy thing Just not what I wanted to hear. There is also Mercury in Taurus at 12 degrees, but this is in the 1st. It is SO powerful! What to make of this? I feel ok about it but dont want to attach to it. Lilith here can even be drawn to cults. Through counseling she has discovered that her pattern of deception and maintaining an emotional distance from me stems from childhood. Either the energy of the planet is lost, confused, diffused and (at least in our early years) ineffective, or the planet can completely embody its archetype for all to see, often after overcoming great difficulties and reversals, sometimes in extreme circumstances. It was helpful all of your comments about the rest of composite houses and I say Thank you again for this Saturn and Pluto and Ascedant. In composite we have north node in 12th. Both of us are on a spiritual path, which is very important to each of us. It has been a very long journey! The synastry can show the true about our relationship, and the Davison also but less than synastry, but the Composite chart can show almost nothing. Composite Houses, I'll begin, of course, with the Ascendant and the first quadrant of the chart. any input would be greatly appreciated!!! Trust me when I say that I will happily take a man i am less connected to, to allow myself the support I need to thrive in this life. But there will be some crisis where they have to define their love and anchor it some useful purpose. Dear Dawn, thank you for this amazing article. So sad! I have met my match. (I have never done anything like that with anyone else.) You may now be more confused about the 12th house than you were at the beginning of this piece, but such is the nature of the 12th, beautiful and terrible. In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. We also have 3 composite planets and an asteroid in house 8. You may struggle with understanding your emotions and cannot express them in a healthy way. The empty space in Aries, would that be the outlet or where to focus all that energy? But I think you can count on that Jupiter for evoking good will between you should you decide to reconcile. Hi Dawn. Noticed he has moved on and I want to let go and move on too, hoping that the story will not repeat itself again. I have always been very attached to her and have had strong needs for physical intimacy which she has resisted. Sun conjunct Neptune is a very difficult thing to live with in a composite chart. The composite charts (both Davison and midpoint) need to be progressed. We have our composite sun in 12th house, along with saturn. People who fight for justice for others often have Juno prominent in the chart. !.the telepathy is overwhelming me. Im sorry, Kyveli, but this is too complex a question to answer in the space here. Thank you for your reply Dawn . Beautiful article!! If we do things out of fear or for security, and we dont listen to the call to step onto our proper path in life, we are serving the ego instead of the soul. You dont want, on the whole, a composite Mars in the 12th square to Neptune, unless you are missionaries or you plan to open up a swimming pool installation company. Sometimes walking around with him is just like being in a movie, which is funny because we ARE in a movie together- one he is making with his best friend. Neptune tries to tell us that we cant own anything permanently, and if we try to possess and not understand the message of universal love (love is its own reward) it will pry our grasping fingers off of whatever we are trying to hold on to. . I live in a kind of constant daydream /illusion of being near my beloved ghost I know this is not truth , but I dont know how I could do without. It has felt fated, mesmerizing, seductive, magnetic and karmic. We have a composite Pisces Ascendant (3) with a Pisces Saturn in 12 conjunct Ascendant. Nothing in astrology dictates your decisions. Click on "Chart Type" >>. What is the difference between Midpoint and Davison as Your opinion? His north node in his 12th in pisces which means he will have to travel from a more material existence to a spiritual one in his lifetime, but that could take another 20 years. I just met someone who has their moon in 12th house like myself and im wondering if i need to investigate this more closely. In my opinion the midpoint composite is not really true, because our midpoint chart doesnt show the very intense physical love what we live together. But, our composite chart is weird. My english is not very good. And now we come to the house that causes more furrowed brows than any other. We are just in the beginning so should I try this relationship or just let it go? Much depends on the relationship of the 12th house planets to one another. Overall the chart has a heavy emphasis on the 10-12 houses, and no planets at all in the 5-9 houses, with the exception of Chiron in the 8th house (which sextiles the MC and trines the Moon/Mars as well). Mercury in the first is a good aspect to have because of the communication involved and the ability to think clearly regarding the relationship. Greetings. The Sun and Moon in the 7th house are especially encouraging for a new relationship (if you're single) because your main focus for the year (the Sun) plus your emotional concerns will be united in that area. We have had such a difficult relationship. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I love him more than Ive ever loved any man I knew immediately. . i give it much meaning because i really feel a psychic connection and a karmic fate, but again that could be just me since i have a heavy neptune but nothing in my natal 12th. I apologize for the mistakes, Im French and sometimes it is difficult to express in English . And here is why: my sun, mercury and venus and chiron is in th e 12th natal house. Im kinda tired of dancing with men who enjoy attempting control and am tired of the endlessly unavailable creatures that keep crossing my path in life. When transit Neptune is in the composite 12th house, you can explore your spiritual connection, and want to make sure that youre intuitively moving in the same direction. you are right on target- although I forgot to mention that our trine is in 4th,8th and 12th you are an amazing teacher and your articales on your site have helped me tremendously. Juno in the 12th means that there are unresolved issues surrounding equality in relationship and some sort of sacrifice in relationships will be necessary in order to discover that balance. What would you say about a composite Scorpio Juno in the 12th house, conjunct to the asteroid Valentine and squaring the north and south node? 08.05.20. Lilith in the 12th House is an unusual placement because it revolves around the dark side of your life and its unseen parts. Lilith in 8 th house composite. They think no one cares whether they are present or absent. thanks Dawn for your reply. When transit Mars is in the composite 12th house, you may become aware of subconscious drivers and motivators in your relationship, and this can help you gain a better understanding of one another. Hi HGOf course, these articles cant contain every single exception, and the whole chart has to be taken into consideration. It contains everything and nothing . Once they have hammered out their imbalance (too little, too much is often a theme with the 12th) they must find a way to make something real of their inspiration. I found composite Saturn on the 12th house, trining the composite Sun/Venus/Merc on the 8th and sextile to the Moon on the 2nd. Thanks so much Dawn. Lovely article. Ive seen couples with a heavy 12th house influence utterly befuddled and bedazzled by their lives (which dont go the way their friends lives go). so we find the True in each other. We challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves. It shapes the relationship between two persons. In the second house of values, beware . Weve known each other for a decade??? This is the empty space, the place where we are not like others, the place where the pieces dont fit. Please enlighten me.. Usually, when the 12th house is heavily involved, whether it be a natal chart, a comparison, or a composite, the message is to let go. Your generation, the one with Pluto/Uranus opposite Saturn in Virgo/Pisces, came into this life with a huge burden. Our midpoint composit cannot show any true about our relationship. Composite Pluto in the 12th House With Composite Pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren't obvious. I feel so relieved after reading it because I really thought i was crazy. Found the site while trying to decipher a stellium in a composite 12th house. Ive known couples who are married for long periods of time to have 12th house composites. We have a Sun, Venus, Ceres, Node, Lilith and Fortune in 12th house. He eventually ended it because he was afraid wed go into a dark place with each other again- our relationship was very intense, and my insecurities and control issues combined with his youthful sloppiness are what destroyed it. The composite AC is Scorpio Pluto in 12th (only planet) and Mars in 8th. The 12th house really gives you an opportunity to see behind the veil in such a powerful and beautiful way, to understand not only our existence in this lifetime, but our collective reason and the inner workings of the universe itself and the karmic bonds that we have formed with soul family that have traveled this journey with us for many many lifetimes. I can no longer approach love as wholeheartedly again. Neptune is also in the 12th, but hanging back a bit and squaring Neptune- yikes. Having someone else's planets in these houses (especially the 5 th, 7 th, and 8 th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. venus all in the 12th house. The composite chart is probably the best known. We move from the personal world, giving up our individuality along the way, to become a plaything of the collective unconscious. I dont know whether this situation is karma? They are the lilith wearing an "eve mask". The interesting thing is that we have a very unconventional relationship, mainly as friends and close allies in a spiritual cause (with the mission of saving the world, essentially), but with a new dimension of intense emotional and physical intimacy. Obviously, I thought this man was my soulmate. We met 3 months ago, and live 300 miles apart. Eventually, some of their views may clash and this can . And 1 more thing HIS VENUS opposes my vertex and my sun, venus and mercury on his ASC conjucts his Venus! What gives a better idea of the relationship potential, synastry or composite? Mars in the 12th can mean unconscious eroticism, aggression, or desire. Could I ask Your opinion? Mercury in 12th House. What you are fascinated by is your own longing to acknowledge and feel this power. In composite, we have sun, mercury and part of fortune in the 12th. For instance I have a Composite Taurus Sun at 1-2 degrees in the 12th Conjunct Taurus Eros (also in the 12th at 4 degrees), and the Taurus Asc at 5 degrees. Lilith in 12th House: 5 Key Takeaways. Great gifts are possible if that Saturn is respectedthe power of manifesting energy into form. sorry Ive made an error : it is not his descendant point, it is his IC point. thundered Women may stay because they think, how the heck am i going to find a man Im this connected to? The only way that you can figure out the main issue of karma in a relationship is to examine the nature of both Nodes and their rulers in the Composite, along with aspects to the Nodes. I felt like someone kicked me out of my home. You're hypersensitive to energy and emotions in your environment, including the collective, if Chiron is in the 12th House. Composite Saturn is in the 1st. 13 . Transit Mercury in the Composite 12th House. 4) Conjunctions to the Axis/Angles = very strong bond. There are two conjunctions with ascendent as well. Am i trapping my self? we activate each others 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th and 11th houses also. He is a pisces rising with neptune conjunct his midheaven. I need all the help to understand I can get. I met this men who i recall seeing 20 years ago once and a couple of other times within that 20 years. However it can create a feeling of fate sometimes, since it's also the house of soulmates and psychic connections. My wife and I have composite moon in the 12 house (aquarius). And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. When Saturn is conjunct the North Node it can be particularly ruthless in pursuing its goals. November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27. But someone who tells you they love you every day and tries to break up with you every month is clearly not. Im glad youre enjoying it. we have stellium-sun, venus, mercury in 12th house-composit chart(aries), mars in 11th house, moon in 6th, uran retrograde and pluto retrograte in 5th, jupiter retrograde and neptun retrograde in 7th house, south node conjuct regulus in 4th hause, vertex conjuct DC, saturn in 1th house.