Unlike Crookedjaw, Thistleclaw failed to become leader and didn'tescape the Dark Forest's influence,joining them after his death. That would be great for Patchkit. You should be ashamed that you deserted your Clan on a fish-brained mission! "He loved too much". If a motivation to murder was what mattered, then Ashfur (and maybe Hollyleaf) would also be in the Dark Forest. We needed her! In the second paragraph (I think) Mapleshade was murdering, but im not sure if that counts as for fun. Are you from Riverclan? Mapleshade was convinced StarClan was giving her an opportunity and said yes, they were Birchface's kits. Lets start off by setting the scence (MAJOR spoilers for Mapleshades Vengeance): Mapleshade, a ThunderClan cat, is secretly mates with Appledusk, a RiverClan cat. You get rejected from StarClan if you truly are evil. warriorcats. Shes not like Rainflower (Crookedstars mother) or Onestar, who abandoned her kits because of choice! Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! If she can't keep herself safe then she's no use to you. But its for the best. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/WarriorCatsMapleshadesVengeance. My next post will be about 5 cats that people think deserve the Dark Forest but dont (and one that absolutely does). What if her kits didnt live up to Birchface? However, Mapleshade also had a hidden arrogant, naive and selfish side to her, as seen when she acted possessive over Appledusk and disregarded his concerns regarding their relationship, and at one point resisted the urge to attack Frecklewish when the other she-cat attempted to bond with who she thinks are her brother's kits. As for point 3) yes, I agree that is really a terrible reason, and I honestly cannot believe that it is actually the case. So, how do you like Appledusk?. But they face distrust due to their half-Clan heritage. Spottedpaw dreams herself into the Place of No Stars, and goes to find Thistleclaw. Go eat it while your mother and I talk.. Yeah, agreed Mapleshade, pretending to be wistful. She awoke in the Dark Forest and she felt pleased. But instead she chose to be lazy and take the fastest and most dangerous way, even if there was no flood. So, I think theres enough evidence to say that Thistleclaws motives were bad. You must promise me that you will be loyal to your Clan above all other things. Upon taking her and the kit's bodies to RiverClan camp, Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for crossing the river which resulted in the kit's deaths, and rejected her in front of his Clan. What adventures, and secrets, await the three kits? Well, I caught it just for you!! Imagine raking your claws across some cat's pelt, and drawing real blood! She has a breakdown before she ran into the tunnels, but I think that was less about guilt about murdering Ashfur, and more about just general guilt surrounding breaking the warrior code and having everything she thought to be true collapsing around her. Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!]. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The ThunderClan medicine cat Ravenwing also sees them, and tells her that he's figured out that the father of the kits is Appledusk, not Birchface. Your disloyalty makes me sick. No matter what she did, she just couldnt make Sandstorm suffer, so she made Firestar suffer;by killing Spottedleaf. Your Clanmates are lying injured in camp yet you sneak off and risk your life to save a warrior who can't even outrun a Twoleg! She then uncovered his grave and left his corpse to be eaten by a hawk. And, the most unfair thing of all was that Featherwhisker kept Bluestars secret a secret, when the other medicine cat couldnt keep their snout in the right place, resulting in Mapleshades kits death, heartbreak, and grief. Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for getting their kits drowned and turned Mapleshade away. Patchyface, thats my prey, because I caught it. Also, WHY COULD DARKSTAR NOT HAVE BEEN AS GENEROUS AS CROOKEDSTAR?! I went through the agony of bearing your kits! Tigerstar | Thistleclaw | Mapleshade | Goosefeather | Ashfur | Darkstripe | Hollyleaf, RiverClan The irony in this is that Birchface was killed (albeit accidentally) by Appledusk, the real father of Mapleshade's kits, during a battle between ThunderClan and RiverClan at the Sunningrocks. She tries to carry the kits across the river but they drown, and when she gets . Can you imagine what that feels like? I decide who eats it. He growled indignantly. Needless to say, the Clan does not take this well, and Mapleshade and her kits are exiled. Mapleshade goes for her instead, but Appledusk jumps in the way, and he takes the fatal hit. My name is Mapleshade. 5 Cats That Everyone Thinks Deserved to go to the Dark Forest but dont (and one Cat who Absolutely does) by HollyleafTheGreat, Skye [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! To be rejected twice? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. According to the official family tree on the books' website, one of Appledusk and Reedshine's kits is named Applefrost, presumably for the kits' father. The medicine cat apologized one more timeabout him judging the kitsbefore he left. She had two sons and a daughter, naming the daughter Petalkit and the sons Patchkit and Larchkit. During her exile, Mapleshade had visions of her drowned kits, initially wailing for help and then urging her to commit murder. However, Mapleshade was forced to surrender after Ashfur was defeated by the Lights in the Mist and fled. to be fair more than half of arc 4 suffers from continuity errors and really badly inserted plot devices (looking at you, fourth cat and hollyleaf). I should have had all that!.Mapleshade attempting to murder Sandstorm. Its been two days since my apprentice ceremony, and I was just out fetching more horsetail for Ravenwing. As they bring her back to camp, unsure if they can save her life, Mapleshade hears only one of her kits calling for her. Press J to jump to the feed. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! During the battle between the Clans, StarClan and the Dark Forest, she tried to kill a ThunderClan senior warrior, Sandstorm, becauseshe had everything Mapleshade ever wanted: a mate who loved her, having kits that she could watch grow up and one day have kits of their own, and respect from her Clanmates, all of which she believed StarClan stole from her. If he was the medicine cat, why does he need me? Mapleshade is one of thefewmajor female villains in the. Petalkit wrapped her paws around Patchkit's body,while Larchkit leaned his head as to follow his mother. Since the day he was born, sheacted as a second ghostly voice in Tigerkit's head, not revealing herself until late into his adulthood in a dream. Imagine that! CROOKEDSTAR LITERALLY WELCOMED GRAYSTRIPE (Silverstreams mate of thunderclan) WITH OPEN ARMS IN ORDER FOR HIM TO TAKE CARE OF HIS DARLING KITS! Not wishing she were in StarClan. My mentor was busy treating Crimsonwish, who had whitecough. Why would you want to go to StarClan? She spends the night in a barn, and believes she can hear her three kits crying out for her. Im Larchkit! Darkstripe was loyal to a murderous cat, he tried to kill a child. The kits soon were playfighting with a leaf that spiraled down from the sky. Pigma Micron Archival Ink pens. She was apprenticed to Bloomheart and later became a warrior known as Mapleshade. She is said to have broken the jaw of a pike in order to make Crookedjaw deputy in The Ultimate Guide, when she actually broke the jaw of a squirrel in Crookedstar's Promise. You have everything that I wanted, Sandstorm! Patchkit interrupts crossly that he did not, he was just resting. The tom that was truly the father. Hello Mapleshade, Appledusk dipped his head to her formally, but Mapleshade could tell the dark cream tom was overjoyed. Frecklewish asks if Birchface, Frecklewish's brother, the warrior who Appledusk killed, is their father. Frecklewish, the sister of the recently-deceased warrior Birchface, assumes that this is because Birchface is the father, and Mapleshade doesn't confirm or deny it. Mapleshade gives her news to the Clan the next day, and when asked about the father she says only that she's raising the kits alone. Do you make that promise?.Mapleshade demanding Crookedkit's fateful promise. They enjoy it, but a RiverClan patrol spots them and warns them away. She also killed Frecklewish, who watched her kits drown, and Ravenwing, who revealed her secret as a result of an omen from StarClan, killing three cats in total. Darkstar This cats got many problems-_- And, about 4) when I read that passage, I interpreted it as a nightmare/hallucination brought on by the guilt he felt about being a bad father, and not that he was actually sent to the Dark Forest. No! Second, the stepping stones are not the safest way to cross, and the map shows two perfectly good bridges that she could have used to cross. Hmm. You will regret this, Appledusk. You will live to regret this day forever, ThunderClan, and that is a promise.Mapleshade when she is exiled from ThunderClan. Nettlebreeze says that Mapleshade deserves to go to the Dark Forest. So th kits grow up in Thunderclan. -her only meeting up with Oakheart at night, Mapleshade: Narrator about Mapleshade's failed accomplishment. Mapleshade quickly leaned over to him and whispered, They are ours. Appledusk beamed at her. HollyleafTheGreat takes a look at Mapleshades involvement in the death of her kits. This is merely a Fanfiction. Mapleshade to Crookedstar in in Crookedstar's Promise. Mapleshade after she is exiled from ThunderClan. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Mapleshade & Crookedstar - Mini Collector Figures, Mapleshade and Appledusk's confrontation, Mapleshade's confrontation with Spottedleaf. After spending moons in the Dark Forest, her appearance became rather distorted andemaciated, witha scarred head, muzzle and face, and ragged, patched, matted fur. Come. Do you make that promise? Oh, that would be wonderful., Theyll be the best ThunderClan warriors ever, He whispered. Why do you think I'm here?.Mapleshade to Crookedstar. ", Mapleshade demanding Crookedkit's fateful promise, Mapleshade is a ragged[11] tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat[12] with amber eyes.[13]. Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. Great article, you really are HollyleafTheGreat! He rejected her in front of RiverClan, who then refused to let her stay. I killed him for you! Mapleshade, He stated, I have seen an omen. . She had avenged her kits! Wasppaw! Judging their character at only four moons old?! Well, Mapleshade died after she killed Appledusk, whom she had blamed for the death of her kits as well as blaming Ravenwing and Frecklewish. And just as Mapleshade expected, a silhouette of a cat was waiting for them. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Yes, Mapleshade purred. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. It was entirely, 100% her fault. She should be ashamed that she caused so much trouble. I added Birchface and Flowerpaw for fun :) Materials I used : Strathmore Drawing, Recycled drawing paper. Mapleshade is oneof the two overarching antagonists (alongside Thistleclaw) of Erin Hunter'sWarriorsbook series. Mapleshade briefly trained him in his dreams, buteventually didn't bother with him anymore, as she knew he was "already doomedby StarClan". Why would you want to go to StarClan? You have betrayed me and my kits. She shook her head, trying to rid off the intruding thought, but it was no use.