This factor could potentially limit the scale of biofuel production when it comes to upscaling their use. Source: New York Times, June 2, 2017. Less garbage in landfills. Greentumble was founded in the summer of 2015 by us, Sara and Ovi. (Dec. 13, 2010), Naylor, Rosamond L. et al. This is a problem that biofuel crops, food crops, gardens, and lawns have in common all over the world. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ethanol - Ethanol is a volatile, colorless and flammable alcohol obtained from corn or cellulosic materials, and is used as an alternative fuel to gasoline and diesel. They are perennial. As crude oil prices rise, we need several other alternative energy solutions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The Indonesian palm oil problem is really a combination of biofuel's drawbacks. But those fertilizers can have harmful effects on the surrounding environment, and expanded biofuel production could mean a major pollution threat to sources of fresh water. Biofuels are considered carbon neutral because the carbon dioxide emitted when they are burned is offset by the carbon dioxide that was absorbed by the plants during photosynthesis. However, this is not the only reason to encourage the use of biofuels. And once the chemicals are in the water supply, bad things can happen. It causes air pollution 3. It emits less harmful carbon compared to standard diesel. This undergraduate laboratory experiment educates students on the various alternative fuels that are being developed for automotive applications and the advantages and disadvantages of each. A prime example of this occurred in the early 2000s. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Linquipis a Professional Network for Equipment manufacturers, industrial customers, and service providers, Copyright 2022 Linquip Company. November 2007. (Nov. 15, 2010), Mellon, Margaret and Jane Rissler. If you use ethanol for your vehicles, you reduce up to 86% of greenhouse gas emissions more than fossil fuel. Lets have a look at the main advantages of biofuels over fossil fuels: Biofuels replenish over time, whereas fossil fuels are non-renewable and will eventually run out. Biofuel Disadvantages: In the creation of first generation biofuels, huge amounts of land are needed. With the growth of the biofuel industry, more jobs will be created, which will help keep the economy secure. One of the key challenges in making the use of biofuels more sustainable over the long term is ensuring that they are sourced from feedstocks that have a low carbon footprint and are not in competition with food production. While the advantages of biomass energy are plenty, there are also some shortcomings, including: 1. The pure form of ethanol (E100) can be used as a fuel for vehicles, but it is usually applied as an additive to gasoline to increase octane and enhance vehicle emissions. In any case, the regeneration of biofuels is also not fast enough to be considered a renewable energy source. 10 Disadvantages of Biofuels By: Matt Cunningham Biofuels, made from crops such as corn, can have negative economic and environmental effects, as well as positive ones. Many critics express concerns about the scope of the expansion of certain biofuels because of the economic and environmental costs associated with the refining process and the potential removal of vast areas of arable land from food production. But in much the same way that oranges will never be a cash crop in Alaska, there will always be some regions that simply can't support large-scale production of biofuel-rich crops. "Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass, and Wood; Biodiesel Production Using Soybean and Sunflower." Bloomberg Businessweek. To put it another way, think about a field of corn being grown for ethanol. But the fertilizers can have detrimental effects on the environment, and expanded biofuel production could pose a major threat due to freshwater pollution. "Growing Zone Information." The cost of biofuel production can vary depending on the type of biofuel, the location, and the specific technologies used. In addition, energy crops grown for biofuel can compete for the worlds natural habitats. Bioenergy is less expensive. Hundreds and even thousands of hectares of unbroken acres of one crop are an irresistible destination for plant pests; pest groups can explode uncontrollably in this tempting environment. Disadvantages of Biofuels One disadvantage of biofuels is that not all biofuels can be created equally. Researchers are exploring techniques to genetically engineer less thirsty crops. Synfuels still remain more expensive to produce than conventional fuels, mostly because more research, development and investment are necessary to make production economically viable. Hundreds -- even thousands -- of unbroken acres of one crop offer an irresistible target for plant pests; pest populations can explode beyond control in such a tempting environment. Although current gas reservoirs will remain available for many years, they will deplete in anot-too-distant future. For the billions of people who live on only a few dollars per day, even a small increase in food prices could put their access to proper nutrition at risk. The production of biofuels often leads to land use changes, such as the conversion of natural habitats to cropland. The rise in demand for food-biofuel crops can have a positive effect for crop producers, in the form of higher prices for their produce. A 2005 study suggested that, using current farming and production technology, it takes anywhere from 27 to 118 percent more energy to produce a gallon of biodiesel than the energy it contains [source: Pimentel]. Plantation owners prepared their operations to meet the demand . It leads to biodiversity do to the fact that a large amount of arable land is required to grow these crops and could see some natural habitats destroyed including rainforests 2. Its application in transport industry would cut a big part of the air pollution originating from this growing industry [2]. Additionally, they have a higher viscosity than fossil fuels, which can eventually lead to clogging or damage of fuel filters, injectors, and pumps. This may involve the use of advanced technologies. With international trends swinging toward sustainable transportation, fuels such as corn-based ethanol and biodiesel from soy, switchgrass and palm oil seem like a good step toward cleaner, greener highways. Since such feedstock material can be replenished readily, biofuel is considered to be a source of renewable energy, unlike fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Nevertheless, in 2012 Edmonton will host a chemical plant owned by Enerkem that will turn garbage into 36 million liters of ethanol and methanol per year. Some scientists argue that producing enough biodiesel or ethanol to replace one gallon of petroleum fuel needs energy equal to several gallons value of petroleum fuel. There are four generations of biofuels based on how they are made. And alcohol fuels (including ethanol) can corrode or damage some of the metal and rubber fittings used in gasoline-powered engines. This difference has an effect on the oils' viability as fuel. Biofuels are often produced from crops such as corn, sugarcane, and palm oil, which can be grown on a large scale. In evaluating the economic benefits of biofuels, the energy required to produce them has to be taken into account. The use of biofuels can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable energy system. One alternative involves the use of highly diverse mixtures of species, with the North American tallgrass prairie as a specific example. Biodiesel is less efficient than gasoline Biomass: Should we focus on more eco-friendly renewable energy? Technical Challenges Perhaps the simplest drawback of biofuels is that it is not petroleum-based fuel so that they will work differently in engines developed for petroleum-based fuel. They emit less carbon dioxide and other emissions when burned than standard diesel. The process is not always cost-effective: Yes, though it may pay cash to the contributors, the truth is this process needs a lot of money, time and land to set up a plant and run. But there's another complication that arises with this selection. "You can place it in refineries throughout North America. While technology may eventually narrow those ratios, the input-output energy ratio of modern biofuel production is a major drawback to its widespread use. The greenhouse gases bring about global warming by trapping sunlight. . Researchers found that the crop engineered to fight off a moth known as prey on corn created pollen that could kill larvae of the monarch butterfly. This can be achieved through the use of waste materials and non-food crops for biofuel production, as well as the adoption of sustainable practices such as minimal tillage and the use of cover crops. In recent years, biofuel development and use has risen significantly. When done right and well-regulated, the production of biofuels has potential to actually support local biodiversity by promoting the growth of crops that are providing support to soils and leave soils less prone to erosion. April 14, 2009. But that price quickly trickles down to consumers. Syngas can be utilized to make methanol, DME, and hydrogen. However, some biofuel crops, such as corn and sugarcane, are considered to be water-intensive and their production requires large amounts of irrigation. The first generation biofuels are produced from food crops grown on arable land. Drivers of vehicles using these fuels often have heating units installed to keep the fuel tank and lines free from gelled fuel, or install dual-fuel systems that flush the engine with petroleum diesel on start-up and shut-down. So, extensive production of biofuel is a negative-sum game. Bioenergy is energy derived from any fuel that is originated from biomass. These fossil fuel stores are practically finite. But large-scale biofuel production -- especially using corn, and in arid parts of the world -- will have to share finite water resources with drinking and irrigation needs. Biodiesel, which has found greatest acceptance in Europe, is used in diesel engines and usually blended with petroleum diesel fuel in various percentages. The carbon footprint that the use of biofuels leaves is quite substantial. The second most common liquid biofuel is biodiesel, which is made primarily from oily plants (such as the soybean or oil palm) and to a lesser extent from other oily sources (such as waste cooking fat from restaurant deep-frying). High Cost of Production Even with all the benefits associated with biofuels, they are quite expensive to produce in the current market. Its also worth noting that the cost of fossil fuels fluctuates greatly depending on the market and political situation. Some crops will grow better in certain areas and may not grow at all in other regions. It takes biomass and turns it into a clean-burning fuel. (Dec. 11, 2010), Rosenthal, Elisabeth. April 2009. Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy. Advantages of Biofuels. Researchers are investigating ways to genetically engineer less thirsty crops, and carefully planning what biofuel crops to plant in a given region can mitigate this problem [source: Lau]. It takes up to 1.4 gallons of ethanol to replicate the mileage that 1 gallon of gasoline can provide. The New York Times. But the conversions impose additional time and money on the biofuel users. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, are non-renewable, which means they are finite and will eventually run out. For example, if crops grown for biofuels are planted on land that could be used for growing food crops. A way to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases is to use biofuels around the world. Scientists sounded the alarm, and further tests by academic and industry researchers confirmed that the corn's pollen posed a threat to monarchs. 2. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Advantages of Biofuels Biofuels costs have been declining and are likely to be far cheaper than petrol and other fossil fuels. Given all the negative effects, ethanol which is derived from crops does not make economical sense as a mainstream biofuel. PhotoAlto/James Hardy/Getty Images "Biofuel" is a major buzzword in transportation circles these days, and for good reason. (2022 Guideline). According to the report of RFA (Renewable Fuels Association) in February 2019, ethanol is the highest-octane and the least expensive motor fuel on earth. The reliability of biofuels as an energy source depends on a variety of factors, such as the feedstocks used, the production methods employed, and the end-use of the biofuels. Loss of natural habitat can change the hydrology, increase erosion, and generally reduce biodiversity of wildlife areas. But we must realize that nothing in life is straightforward and applicable to all situations. Additionally, biofuel production can also lead to changes in land use patterns, as farmers may shift from growing food crops to biofuel crops in order to take advantage of government incentives or higher prices for biofuel crops. Biofuels could be a sustainable energy source over the long term if they are produced and used in a responsible and well-planned manner when all the pros and cons of biofuels versus fossil fuels are considered. They are cleaner fuels, meaning that they produce fewer emissions during burning. Omissions? Some algal species contain up to 40 percent lipids by weight, which can be converted into biodiesel or synthetic petroleum. Students replicate commercially available alternative fuels, E85 and biodiesel, as well as create an experimental fuel blend of waste .