El grupo de los Guerreros Unidos forma parte de las ltimas oleadas de cambio. En su conversacin con BBC Mundo, el periodista Jos Reveles dijo que haba descubierto por la zona de Iguala, "ms hacia la sierra, que se llama el Filo Mayor o Filo del Caballo", "cocinas" laboratorios de herona de la ms pura que se ha producido Mxico. Blog del Narco Mxico, Reportes sobre Narcotrafico y Poltica en Mxico, Sguenosen:Twitter,Telegram,Facebook,Instagram. WebLos Tlacos doing the questioning and killing and 20 members of Guerreros Unidos who were questioned and killed. Escribe lo que deseas encontrar y presiona Enter. This is the result of White supremecy. Dicen que lo hizo a cambio de que liberaran a su hijo Ivn Archivaldo, que estaba preso". World. The garbage that terrorized this beautiful city.. Web399K views 9 months ago. "A la ciudadana de Chilpancingo y una gran disculpa. Video completo sin censura en nuestro canal de Telegram:https://t.me/blogdelnarco. A Horrific New Cartel Video | Guerreros Unidos Dismembered By Los Tlacos Cartel. Adems, acusa al alcalde electo de Iguala, David Gama Prez, postulado por la alianza PRI-PRD, de presuntos nexos con la delincuencia. Plenty of customers and more profit. Por una capital sin extorsiones ni secuestros. Catorce das despus fue arrestado Carlos. Cules son las 10 joyas ms icnicas de la historia, Qu es la longitud de Plank y por qu marca un lmite en nuestra comprensin del Universo, No saba leer ni escribir hasta los 18 aos y ahora soy profesor de la Universidad de Cambridge, 5 casos sin resolver que an acechan a Alex Murdaugh, el famoso abogado condenado a cadena perpetua por asesinar a su mujer y su hijo, El "blob", la extraordinaria criatura que nos obliga a cuestionarnos si somos la especie ms inteligente, La asombrosa historia de la cientfica que por un derrame cerebral que la paraliz temporalmente hizo un gran descubrimiento, "Nekonomics": el poder de los gatos en la economa japonesa. People of Iguala, here are already die who extorted money and who goods killing innocent people and women, the man says. Please help us! Segn sus hermanos, quien lo entreg fue Joaqun 'el Chapo' Guzmn. Video shows Mexican cartel line up rivals for mass execution Se inicia entonces otra ronda de fragmentacin y disputas. A travs de redes sociales circul el video en el que se observa la ejecucin masiva de al menos 20 presuntos integrantes de Guerreros Unidos, presuntamente a Reply Cjng has mnimal, to no presence in Guerrero, A Mexican drug cartel released video footage earlier this week of 20 rival members lined up prior to their execution. Copyright 2023. The insurrectionist in the United States are a Larger threat to America, they were much worse then these guysBeware of the white supremacy group from Jan 6th. Here lies the truth. The men lined up kneeling next to one another are purported to be members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, as reported by El Pas, a Spanish Who are they? Mexican Gangster Dismembered And Burned In A Barrel 3 986 3 0. Pero los distingue algo ms: son ultraviolentos. If you are the Content owner and do not want us to publish your materials on our Website, please get in touch with us by email [emailprotected]; we will remove the Content from our Website. Las autoridades confirmaron que los cuerpos hallados en seis fosas no pertenecen a los estudiantes. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guaymas, Sonora - Relatives identified the woman who was found dead on the side of the federal highwa "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Fernando Puente grew up living between the US / Mexico border in the worst parts of Tijuana, an Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. 11:49 don't you worry none, if they are really innocent, the lord will pick them out for heavenOn earth, the PRD governor of guerrero has picked sides. All Rights Reserved. La basura que tena en terror a esta bella ciudad, se los dijimos, y lleg el momento: esta plaza ya tiene dueo, dice uno de los miembros del grupo paramilitar Los Tlacos, que tiene su bastin en el poblado de, Asegura que el alcalde electo de Iguala, David Gama, pact un acuerdo con el lder de, Se definen como integrantes de una red criminal dedicada al sicariato, extorsin y venta de droga en los poblados de. that at 9 pm on Tuesday, a human head was located in the municipality of PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! Mexican drug cartel Los Tlacos mass executed 20 members of rival gang La Bandera in Iguala, Guerrero on September 28 (Twitter) Members of the terrifying El gobernador Hctor Astudillo y el futuro alcalde priista de Iguala, David Gama, guardaron silencio. 8.1K. Hours for the video, gang members left four bodies in front of Mayor David Gamas home, the report said. The Kingdom endorses Mr. Banga for World Bank Group leadership role, Eight Terrorists Caught by Security Forces in Punjab Province, Pakistan, Storms in the Southern US leave seven dead, Roblox Promo Codes August 2022: Claim free gear in Roblox today, White Christmas stars singing voice was snubbed dubbed over by unseen singer, Oliver Sacks: His Own Life REVIEW: A truly inspirational documentary, SABIC markets Aramcos stake in Petro Rabigh products. T. hrough a video attributed to Los Guerreros Unidos, where they show two alleged members of the Tlacos, they asked the president to "put order" in Iguala. Y el alcalde del municipio, Luis Abarca, y su esposa, Mara Pineda Villa, se encuentran prfugos de la justicia. Fue entonces que el grupo de los Beltrn Leyva empez a desmoronarse. A Mexican cartel released horrifying footage of tormenting a rival cartel of twenty men shown bound and kneeling on the ground before being executed. WebTRAC INCIDENT REPORT: Los Tlacos Circulates Video of Interrogation, Dismembering Alive, and Beheading of More Than 20 Sicarios of the Guerreros Unidos in Iguala, Guererro, Mexico- 30 September 2021 . A man tells the disturbing images says, This Square already has an owner, El Pas reported. The public will not see it and we do not share it. WebCartel. Sin embargo, las primeras informaciones indican que se trataba slo de un jefe de plaza en un municipio de Morelos. "En la estructura del cartel esta clula era liderada por un tipo llamado Cleotilde Toribio Renteria 'El Tilde', quien le renda cuentas a dgar Valdez 'La Barbie', quien a su vez era el encargado de las operaciones de los Beltrn Leyva en el centro del pas y en Guerrero". #Vaccines (@HaimishTheRed) October 2, 2021. Four bodies were reportedly recovered from the trunk of an abandoned car left in front of the mayors campaign office in Iguala, Mexico before the video was posted online. I think they dismembered two members of the Guerreros Unidos cartel and shot a bunch of others, leaving the bodies out to be (purposefully) discovered later. Modified date: October 1, 2021. remains were sent to the Iguala Forensic Medical Service for forensic studies. Asegura que el alcalde electo de Iguala, David Gama, pact un acuerdo con el lder de Guerreros Unidos, Chucho Brito. La BBC no se hace responsable del contenido de sitios externos. Truth has never been more critical! Blog del Narco Mxico, Reportes sobre Narcotrafico y Poltica en Mxico, Sguenosen:Twitter,Telegram,Facebook,Instagram. 214K views 1 year ago. The men lined up kneeling next to one another are purported to be members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, as reported by El Pas, a Spanish language publication. The Guerrero State Office of the Attorney General identified one of the bodies in the vehicle as Luis ngel, who was being investigatedfor the aggravated homicide of two men. En la imagen aspecto de las oficinas de la gobernacin de Chilpancingo, capital de Guerrero, incendiadas por manifestantes. Algunas protestas se han tornado violentas. The narrator accuses the incoming mayor of Iguala of have connections met Guerreros Unidos, a cartel believed to be related met the kidnapping of 2014 of Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School, said El Pais. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members in the row up on on their knees and taunted, just before being executed by a rival gang. por ayudar al cartel de Sinaloa, "Quin mata a un beb a tiros? A partir de 2008 el de los Beltrn Leyva fue considerado como un cartel aparte, que forj alianzas con los ms jurados enemigos de Guzmn Loera: Los Zetas y el Cartel del Golfo. Tepecoacuilco. The video, posted to social media by members of Los Tlacos, shows about 20 doomed men who are purported members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, according to El Pas, a Spanish language The images shows a masked man die taunts the damned men, who are handcuffed behind their backs. Twitter users took the jarring footage as an opportunity to examine President Bidens failed border policy and the implications that welcoming undocumented, illegal migrants could have on the U.S. When it comes to money, drugs and guns the Mexican cartels let nothing stand in their way. Opera en los estados mexicanos de Guerrero y Morelos. The garbage that terrorized this beauty city.. En Mxico los criminales exhiben a sus vctimas, otros presuntos criminales, y hasta graban sus ejecuciones, #Iguala #Guerrero, Tlacos vs Bandera pic.twitter.com/UsvR3nRIm5, ReporTorres (@ReporTorres) September 29, 2021. Still from the video of the mass execution of members of Los Tlacos. You could be getting the best stories in your inbox twice a day. The images of the massacre was released on Wednesday and is part of the increasing violence in the southern Mexican state of Geurrero, according to reports. "Hacen cualquier negocio que les deje dinero", asegura Reveles. people like you Comandante 80. The video, posted to social media by members of Los Tlacos, shows about 20 doomed men who are purported members of La Bandera, part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel, according to El Pas, a Spanish language publication. https://t.co/4vbKXTXegm, Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) October 2, 2021. Gente de iguala, aqu estn todos los que extorsionaban y que andaban matando a gente inocente y mujeres. Somehow. others in the same way, near the towns of Atetetla and San Vicente Papala 388. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain fruitful conversation. Desde que los estudiantes desaparecieron se han presentado manifestaciones exigiendo su retorno. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members in the row up on on their knees and taunted, just before being executed by a rival gang. The video was posted to social media Wednesday by members of the agitating cartel, Los Tlacos. Esta semana, el Procurador General (fiscal) Jess Murillo Karam dijo que 14 integrantes de la polica municipal de Cocula, cerca de Iguala, tambin fueron detenidos, pues confesaron que haban entregado a los jvenes a la organizacin criminal. He violently grabs their hair and points An gun to their faces as they questioned them, asking their names and others information. It's what all those twisted criminals say all the time, but they do murder innocents. WebLos Tlacos. The BizPac Review is under attack by progressive Silicon Valley zealots. Denial of any Responsibility! WebTRAC INCIDENT REPORT: Los Tlacos Circulates Video of Interrogation, Dismembering Alive, and Beheading of More Than 20 Sicarios of the Guerreros Unidos in Iguala, "Herona blanca, del tipo de la de Afganistn. 351K subscribers. Posted 1 year ago. It remains unclear if authorities have located the bodies of the 16 other men. Tampoco parecen existir dudas sobre el grado de penetracin de este grupo en el municipio de Iguala. Para hacer frente al CIDA, 'El Tilde' funda La Barredora, y a principios de 2011 deja La Barredora para fundar Guerreros Unidos". We have just arranged that in our platform for Educational Purposes only. We told them and the time has come, this turf already has an owner, the masked Los Tlacos leader said in the video. Mayor Gama Prezs office did not offer comments, according to DailyMail. Tapn del Darin: 4 factores que explican por qu los ecuatorianos son ahora los sudamericanos que ms cruzan la selva camino a EE.UU. Entonces parece que el mercado est obligando a que aqu se produzca herona de mejor calidad". WebI saw the disturbed reality video on YouTube, about the execution youre talking about. Chucho Brito, hijo de tu puta madre, traicionero de mierda, ya tenas armada tu mesa con Gama para sentarte a mamar como toda tu perra vida; se les dio la mano y la mordiste como a todos los que te han ayudado. The right leg of the first captive is being removed at the knee with a 12 Lee sobre nuestra postura acerca de enlaces externos. Enseguida se escucha la voz de un hombre que los acusa de pertenecer a la banda denominada La Bandera, una faccin del grupo delictivo Guerrero Unidos, que dirigen Jess Brito El Marranero; Hctor Rodrguez Uriostegui, El Coln, y Juan Carlos Flores Ascencio La Beba, todos considerados personajes clave en el caso Ayotzinapa. People from Iguala, here are all those who extorted money and who were killing innocent people and women. Success! La aparicin del nuevo grupo criminal se da en el contexto de los cambios de administracin municipal y estatal, a los que se seala conjuntamente de operar para el grupo delictivo Los Tlacos. 46. They also Go by the Name of cartel de la Sierra and are archenemied with guerreros unidos. El 16 de diciembre de 2009, elementos de la infantera de marina dieron de baja a Arturo Beltrn Leyva. People from Iguala, here are all those who extorted money and who were killing innocent people and women, the man says. El grupo, una escisin del cartel de los Beltrn Leyva, es considerado extremamente violento y voltil. Disturbed Reality. BizPacReview |, Christian nurse was treated like a criminal, harassed by hospital for years over cross necklace, wins suit, No, Sandy, I dont want to sleep with you! Tucker, Candace have fun with AOCs 10-margarita Miami rant, Its now official: Gov. Russia Close to Encircling Ukraines Bakhmut After Months of Fighting, GOP hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy rips Trump, vows to banish FBI and 10 fed agencies, Chinese gang stole identities of 3,000 Texans to give to illegal immigrants, Columbia University abandons standardized tests for admissions, AND THEN THEY CAME FOR ME; A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS. 4 factores que explican por qu los ecuatorianos son ahora los sudamericanos que ms cruzan la selva del Darin camino a EE.UU.