But others have suggested the chilling photos might have been taken by someone else after killing the girls. The attacker could have taken the photos to confuse the authorities and the public. The families continued to plead with the U.S. government to send equipment and personnel to aid in the search and recovery effort. He wasnt walking with them. I think they were murdered and their greatest mistake was to travel to this little town in Panama. Perhaps someone has just hit Kris on the right side of her head and she is putting her hand up to where it hurts. Europe is the world . If the Calderas photo is genuine as you believe, then I sadly think the two girls were killed shortly after by the two young men (and possibly the taxi driver), and the police knew and bumped the lot off. The stats leave 42 cases currently open since 2007. 2. What if she was trying to get fire with the mirror and the paper? There IS anecdotal info that Lisannes BF made contact with her at 1400 or so on the 1st April but maybe that was Dutch time not Panama time? I believe that the case was handled so poorly that it leads one to believe that it was intentionally handled as such. Or maybe the girls were using the flash as light in the dark. She looks disorientated almost. If you zoom in on the picture, I noticed that her face almost seems distorted, almost as though it was swelled up? Its a complex topic. And if suspects were clicking photos, and knew how to operate a smartphone, they would not return the phones. Nobody knows what happened to Kris and Lisanne and everything is open to speculation until more information is found. The families are now working on having the womens' remains brought back to the U.S., he said. Very interesting and completely changed my mind. If so then those could tell some information. The 2020 cristian massacre was committed by a couple of men who were definitively altered in their state and heard voices etc. Hi Jim, That particular photo was supposed to have been taken at 1.20 pm. Hi Susan, those are all possibilities. Or if they went, they could have been followed by someone the murderer (or murderers). The commenters here are speculating wildly about this particular picture. The blue thing on the ground looks like a blue tarp and that looks like a corner sticking out. Shortly after this photo is when the girls encountered trouble and tried to dial for help. She clearly thinks shes found something amazing. she does see something disgusting. I think someone took them there. I dont understand the question. What is peculiar is that there were no attempts to contact anyone other than the emergency services. During thistime,Kremers and Froon repeatedly called for help. I just would like to know if you see that as well? (this was enhanced by an AI as someone who has studied this sort of thing professionally, explains some of the distortions and weird patterns in the photos leaves and vines, the AI distorted her face lol and it made it appear she has no arm from the elbow down). Something happened between the morning and afternoon of the 5th because it was in the afternoon that a wrong pin was entered and subsequently every time thereafter. I think this has been added to hide the fact that Kris was not wearing boots, as this was a shot of her from somewhere else and superimposed on the jungle scene. If you look closely at the top left part of this photo, you can see that, behind all the criss-crossed twigs and branches, there is a bank of rock. And why? Reading this reminded me of another photo the girls took of a branch with what appears to be red plastic attached to it. Two intelligent girls could not be veering off course to this dense vegetation on their own accord. Kris was not happy with the situation and was just going along and not looking too cheerful in the pictures. I think they knew too much and someone wanted them to be silenced forever. I also live in a third-world country about which it was said that investigations were shut down, or botched, to protect the tourist industry. I can assure you that is nonsense. I think that Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon underestimated their surroundings and were ill prepared for this adventure. Rights of initiation? It looks like a turtle shell hanging on the right side of the picture (its further up). The arbitrary pictures looked focused as if steady hands took the shots, suggesting they were intentional. So its kind of curious that the most critical images are either cropped or missing entirely. Thank you, and keep up the good work. Its texture and color seemingly resembles the red bag tied to the SOS stick on the rock later on, imo. Maybe a struggle or fall? Then I downloaded the photo and opened it up in my graphics editor. Your email address will not be published. Being in a foreign country, in the tropical rainforests, especially for young curious minds, is a very unique experience. Further to my earlier reply of a few minutes ago, I think the dying from exposure angle is only possible if we consider that either the girls abandoned the rucksack for some reason or it was discovered after their passing. My question is: Who has the ability to manipulate both the cameras internal storage database and the photos? Its interesting numerous people have contacted me anonymously and informed me that there are already multiple existing research teams that are investigating this case privately. Hi Anna, youre casting a wide net when you say If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist.. Unfortunately the resolution is not high enough to identify any specific shapes, although it appears to contain the colors white and red. Photo #509 was permanently deleted which takes advanced technical knowledge, plus a computer. I hope someday the family has answers. P.S. You cant see any blue sky behind the branches and the rock is in bright sunlight which bleaches out the colour. It would be interesting to see a map of possible mobile blackspots because it seems where ever they were IF STATIONARY then they were on the extreme edge or reception dependent on atmospherics. There are over 30 fingerprints on the blue backpack which belongs to one of the girls, but they dont want to investigate the fingerprints. Kremers and Froon set out into the forest along thePianista Trail around 11 amon April 1, 2014,with only a backpack between them. Are any of you familiar with the missing 411 phenomena? There is no traces of them anywhere. Wearing minimal clothing, no knife of compass which were left in their room. On the bottom right of the photo it looks as though her hair is wrapped around somebodys fingers, or rather someone has their fingers wrapped around her hair. I created this graphic and highlighted the unusual items that seemed peculiar to me: In this photo of what looks like a cave or overgrown ravine, there are numerous possible items that suggest this place had been visited by other people. Why? It appears to me that Kris has her right arm to her right temple and you can see part of her left elbow. To Janice To me it looks as if shes holding up one hand cupping her ear as if to hear something being shouted to her. The 29-year-old from Stockport vanished on 14 August near a beauty spot in Panama. to Kris left is a huge dark area that has been poorly obscured with pixellation. In this photo is another object (or two? ): https://ibb.co/nqy80hS I implore those who are intrigued by this to read his books. However, a lot of the photos seem to have been tampered with and one of them was even deleted from their camera, which could only have been done using a computer. Right now Im simply building a list of names to determine interest: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/07/14/organizing-a-research-team/. Had someone told them about something worth seeing? "I saw a child get dragged down the river when he let go of his parents' hands. So sad what happened to them today is the first Ive heard of the story and its wildly upsetting. 1 reason tourists sometimes annoy residents. What confuses this is that after Kriss phone dies then on the 5th during the afternoon SOS attempt a wrong pin is input on Lisannes phone and indeed continues to be input until the end. Watch Lost in the Wild Season 1 Episode 1. How many tourists go missing in Australia each year? Hi Chris, and thank you for your nice comments! What people are mistaking as blood from her nose and lip is again just a shadow cast from her nostril and lower lip due to the bright sun. Emilio Virola - 12 years in prison. Its disturbing. She decided to attempt to reach her friend, or help via phone. But in the last year, several mass graves have been unearthed, revealing to the world a dark practice of human sacrifice which is thriving in the jungles of Panama. Hope there will be a reasonable explanation to everything one day. The limited number of attempts especially on the first day is very strange. They earn money through drug trafficking, often theft and sometimes by extorting businesses. From January to October, 86 Navajo men and women have gone missing nationwide, said Meskee Yanabah Yatsayte, a missing-persons advocate for . This photo of Kris Kremers is identified as Photo 505. I think its very possible that someone was with them or joined them along the way at some point. Especially the one where Kris is holding a water bottle 30-40ft from the photo-taker. An explosion in tourism has saved Iceland's economy. She is obviously excited by the weird place they have found. I cant imagine the rednecks in Alto Romero or the lads from Calderas having the wit to bother with it. The local jungle tribes people have been looking for the girls. Yes, the photo data was manipulated. Their backpack contents and electronics were stolen to be sold later but handed back to stop the search and not be incriminated. Alex Humphrey disappeared . Photo link: Too many coincidences. Im impressed how you were able to see the other things in the photo. Someone was with the girls when the two photos of them were taken on the Pianista summit. He has some resources at his disposal. It would be scarey.they could got attack by animal. Kriss bones had unnatural traces of phosphorus. She has no idea that her parents are about to arrive in Panama. I agree. Something drastic happened it is clear but what exactly and where exactly? "For now, however, this finally marks the beginning of our grieving process and provides us with a path to closure.". Like local tribesmen. I wish we had the answers to your questions. What do you think? ALSO, I really want to know where and when Kris quit wearing her backpack! Estou certa que no foi Lisanne que a tirou. Fact. To this day, the disappearance and tragic deaths of Kris and Lisanne remains a harrowing mystery. Look for an ex-military man who may be the culprit. Also, where did learn that her brother mistakenly put the hair photo online? And there have been some other unsolved murders in the same area where the girls were. Btw, phones will connect to emergency services with or without sim card being present. Im not sure if Ive found something new here, but I havent found anyone else discussing these details online. The camera had a video function this could have been used including of course sound. It does not make sense to me. But they are hurt and they are lost. It does look like a manmade structure. Hi Mel, thanks for sharing. I look forward to learning more and you do valuable humane work helping other young adventurers. Didnt they cross the line where it had a clear sign not to cross it? A tragedy and a mystery but in its core, this is only a horrible accident. We have no way of knowing if somebody tried to unlock the phone but failed. Youre asking why didnt they try to call a friend or family member WHEN THEY COULDNT EVEN GET A SIGNAL TO THE POLICE? Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were both adventurers. Like she was scouting and turned back to talk to Lisanne, shielding her eyes from the sun to see her. Why would that be? One indication is that I cannot see the shoulder strap of her top that is obscured by her white/fair forearm. Im not understanding why they bothered to create a cover story. Why would the perpetrators concoct all of the photo/backpack evidence? It appears further down as well. Its worth mentioning how the police found out that someone tried unlocking Kris Kremers phone, but failed to do so. Government corruption perpetuates the proliferation of gang activity. After cops searched the area where the backpack was found, they discovered Kris' clothes neatly folded along the edge of the river. After the backpack was found the family got to see the pictures and the case was ruled an accident presumably the 30 or so pics the family didnt release showed the girls in bad shape,, the case went from foul play to accident after the pics were seen.. the pic of the girls hair was put on internet by her brother or something like that and was quickly photoshopped , the wound and eye were concealed. The following insight will make not make much sense to you if you dont know their story. Also, I live in El Salvador, less than 1,000 kilometers from Panama, which has many cultural similarities. For Composer Drew Silva, Music is all About Embracing Life. Once they examined the phones, investigators unraveled a confusing and grim timeline. It is a suicide decision and they, experienced travellers, know that. Its difficult to see when glancing at the photo, because it looks like Kriss head is referencing something the ground. Probably the culprit or stupid tribe didnt delete anything coz they took pictures on purpose .for example to sell the footage .but allready the police or parents who asked the investigator to delete it .they just simply didnt want to show it to everyone. The rock isnt about the twig its got chunks of flesh and blood splatter all over it to the right and back of rock. Debra Ann Velleman, 70, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Sue Borries, 57, of Teutopolis, Illinois, both retired public school teachers, were part of a community of snowbirds and expats living in the area of Chame, Panama. Guns are mostly for use in robberies, but these gangs prefer not to leave bullet holes its too obvious. I think its possible the red and black object is actually just a reddish-brown dead plant leaf jungle leaves can get rather large. Theycalled 112, the emergency number for the Netherlands, as well as Panama's emergency number, 911. Often, they. It also looks like that red item is around her neck as well. Like jaguar? Someone with darkish skin. I dissagree with her hand beeing tied. A piece of evidence that is irrefutable. I believe that by the time this photo was taken, the situation has gone sideways. He even found pictures of the suspect and a local model wearing Kriss blue shirt right after the disappearance. Terrible for the parents. If you are in the middle of the jungle, lost, and desperately trying to find service, why waste your battery by logging into your phone. Can anybody see that? Should have read this before I commented lol. Her skin does not look pallid like that of a dead person, it is still pink. One day in June, the tribespeople bring him what he wants; The backpacks and the bodies. Give me a link. The finding of the backpack 14 miles away is too incredulous to be believed. If the dog was with them, we cannot know for how long, nor why the dog left the girls. https://koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-disappearance-of-kris-kremers-and.html. It looks as though she has a mouse under her right eye. The reason being, many people assume that shes leaning over and looking down at the rock before her. Despite the heat and humidity, Panamanians wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Im curious about your experience living abroad. Chris, I hope you and a team go but I also understand, in the present age of uncertainty, if you dont. Kris and Lisanne's families decided to fly out to Panama and bring Dutch detectives with them. They decided to take that short hike, but they failed to tell anyone where they were going and what time to expect them back. The next morning, on April 2nd, a substantial earthquake of magnitude 6.0 hits Panama at 11:13 AM. I would not pay much attention to what she has to say as it sounds like she wrote this book to try to justify/clear herself from all the criticism she garnered through this experience: One of them probably fell got hurt, a local found them said they would help and well they didnt help they killed them and dumped in River knowing the river would remove any evidence. Maybe someone had her in there sitting on the rock, and she heard them coming back and got up quickly to turn around. Use soft language and leave out gory visuals in what you write. The backpack contained sunglasses, a camera, two cell phones,money,two bras, Froon's passport, and a water bottle. It is extremely easy to photoshop a photo once it has been darkened. Is there a head count of how many people have perished using the hiking trail in, say the last 10 years? Each year, around 30,000 people are reported missing in Australiaone person every 18 minutes. Certainly, each country around the world offers valuable experiences in their own way. Is there a particular name, symbol or color associated with the gang? Her stance is weird there is nothing of note she could be looking at and it is difficult to tell what her right arm is doing. It would be interesting to know exactly where this photo was taken Is it along the main trail north of the Mirador en route to the stream crossing? Search parties are looking for her. They were friends from college, and were roommates then, so Lisanne had to have known Kris password as her best friend. It needs to be stressed that while the AI upsampled image looks impressive, it cannot and does not recover any lost information. Ive kept comments on this article open for civil and respectful discussion. I have no idea. & the way the local police handled it seems so botched making it stranger, & why keep some pictures hidden from the public still, especially if the case is closed now? Would like to know exactly where and when the final day photo was taken. Jeroen Jumulet / Stringer / AFP / Getty Images, Blue returned from the hike unaccompanied. Even if there is only one it can provide information of they were not which is important to reduce the places they could be because much of the conspiracy theories I see seem to suggest they were not on the trail. But, then again this whole case is pretty unbelievable whether you believe they did or didnt meet foul play. Many hikers from all over the world disappear, fall,or suffer other fatalaccidents while traveling-this could've happened to these women as well. For all that we know, it could be someone who works for the police who did this. But we need to be careful about the information we have. They protested in China - now they've gone missing. Heres more info: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/12/09/research-team-update-join-us/. The predator is methodical. Im very curious what your experience is living in Latin America, because generalizations like your statement are certainly inconsistent with many disappearance stories and law enforcement activity here. She is looking down to the left and appears to be shocked by what she sees. She does look slightly uneasy but I just think it was a photo she wasnt expecting. Apparently this villager travelled abroad, adopted extremist Christian views, returned home and started a cult in his own village which resulted in human sacrifices of other locals. Was the reception that bad in those locations? Both were never seen again, The Sun reports. Could be that the path turns sharp right or left (out of the frame) or continues up ahead after a short scramble. Other than the dog, the young women went on their hike alone, only asking for directions from a local innkeeper, who advised them to take a taxi back to town. Hi Chris thanks for the link to the book. For what reason? Most of the tourists come from the United States, Canada, Europe, Central America, and South America. There are more answers out there that are still possible to gather. Theres some type of red and black object at the top of the photo. But in numerous case there are adverse priorities that lead to incompetence in disappearance investigations. Perhaps this stranger had suggested he could guide them on a more interesting trail, or show them something interesting in the jungle. Since they were two young women from Europe, I can easily see the possibility that they offended the wrong man. The causes of Kremerss and Froons tragic death have never been determined and the two bodies that were recovered have not even been conclusively found to be either of the girls. Be careful. Again, I stress that these kind of murder cases are frequently shut down by the media of the country at the direction of the government. I would prefer to stay anonymous and off the website, so you have permission to use my email. But so much of this search/investigation was poorly executed. If you follow down from the two red objects, there appears to be something that looks almost like blocks or siding shingles. Like a trap net or something. It holds a bad energy. This is significant because image 508 was the last photograph of them where they werent in any trouble. So many clues in all these pictures. Both of these photos were photoshopped! That is why the poor often resort to vigilantism. The tragic deaths of Kris and Lisanne remain a disturbing mystery. One thing is for sure, I will never travel to Panama. As soon as I zoomed in, my heart sank for her. Hi Chris, i heard of this case a few months ago and i read many articles about it. Who knows if the girls really went for a walk that day by themselves? I would expect especially on the first day for total panic to occur and multiple attempts to be made until a decision was made to save battery strength. Then uses the flash to take many photos of the area, so she can return for Kris after finding help. Blue, a dog known throughout the community, reportedly followed them along the trail. More info here. Both of their phones finally ran out of battery by April 11 - ten days after they disappeared. Which other objects in this photo look unnatural to you? Where they went and who they talked to in order to build up an idea about what motivated them to take that fateful walk and what information could have taken them down the other side of the divide. If anything, that is an evidence that they were taking more risks than a regular tourist/hiker, so being lost and/or injured seems to me much more reasonable explanation (than murdered) based on that. They had plans to meet men there as their boyfriends.Check men they used to Date or seen. Also and I am assuming the phones where in their possession the phones actually did acquire a signal some times but clearly they were not being used so they did not know. Nothing more sinister than that. Many hikers from all over the world disappear, fall, or suffer other fatal accidents while traveling - this could've happened to these women as well. Fortunately, theres a lot of work still underway from private investigators and researchers. It was taken on the Continental Divide on April 1st, 2014 with the recorded time: 13:20:32. Perhaps that is where this photo was taken and a search should be done there. And her shirt is pushed up. I think that she has her hand to her ear,she looks like she is trying to hear what someone is saying,and also,the light is in her eyes;.It looks like she has twisted herself around in doing so. That is the big picture of this case. That photo was wiped clean from the SD card, which is a strong clue that someone deleted it after the other photos were taken. This means either the user became incapacitated and was not operating the phone or was seriously confused. Did they each have a camera or only Lisanne? Is this in dispute? I think in the original photo she is putting on her backpack, stretching her arm and back, and the backpack has been airbrushed out because of course she didnt take that with her. There is nothing ominous or cause for concern in this particular pic. One thing which confused me were the bras the smaller one looks more like a bikini top. Please note: Our team is committed to accuracy of information and respecting the privacy of those involved with this disappearance case. The camera could have malfunctioned but this seem highly unlikely. Exhausted and waited somewhere near water for days. Thats from her palm. Why are both her hands behind her back? According to Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin's office, the U.S. Coast Guard provided Panamanian authorities with technical modeling to support the search for the aircraft. There are vast cultural differences to account for, especially between men and women. The rich pay for their own security and the poor resort to vigilantism. It begins to rain. Many cold cases have been solved years later. Throughout the years people have hiked the disappearance route, I wonder if this structure was found there and investigated. Everyone is already aware that there are many unfortunate possibilities of what could have happened to Kris and Lisanne. I like the wit and sarcasm. It isnt a cave, somebody has shown in a youtube video that it us just a very deep path on the wrong side of the mountain with a sharp turn. I bounce around a little and try to get to the crux of the issue. The same thing happened to the taxidriver who drove Kris and Lisanne to the forest. The lower orange being around the belly area. Sometimes that is all that is found. But even when a phone is locked after thee attempts the screen says emergency calls only. However, amiscommunication led to them arriving in Boquete too early for their program, which Kremersnoted was "rude and not at all friendly" in a diary entry. Yes, I think its the entrance to a short cave. It took us quite some time to get there.". Looks like 2 blurred out people one talker than other behind her over her left shoulder or her left when looking left of pic. The circular part looks like vines to me, but the portion in the middle has potential to be a cow skull. Dutch investigators attempted to recover the file but didnt manage to retrieve any data, which suggests that the camera was plugged into a computer and the file was deleted rather than deleted from the camera. In Latin America, it is as common as drinking coffee. The real question is wether or not there is a cave or dwelling behind her. The phones remained active for nearly 10days after the pair went missing. All Froon and Kremers photos were taking with phones and a camera from six years ago, probably jpeg, with all the associated algorithm issues, let alone we have no idea of the provenance of the photos we are all seeing, I doubt any of it is first generation copies straight from the devices, and every time we copy a photo we risk changing the data somewhat. The branches above her could be an attempt to hide the entrance.