. Filter Churches. Each year members profess 16 articles of faith that include the original five points of fundamentalismthe literal truth of divinely inspired scripture, the Virgin Birth and deity of Christ, substitutionary atonement through Christ, the Resurrection, and the Second Coming of Christ. Thank you for writing back. This is not to say there were no Baptists in Britain earlier, but that this began a line of churches whose history can be traced. We never shun people who leave the church. I sat next to this mans bed for hours as he screamed in agony and torment. God, I believe deliberately used isolated groups in many different places during time to preserve His church and did not choose to use a line or chain of churches to past His Word and authority on to the next generation. We give out of thankfulness to God for what Christ has accomplished as we are led by the Spirit. Tithing is still a required act in obedience just like loving the Lord thy God and loving thy neighbor as thyself is. NoI simply believe we are not required to tithe (like keeping law) but it is a good thing to if one wants to. They were a New Testament church, not because of a succession of churches or men, but because they formed their church on the principles of the New Testament. This was the first time in the history of the world that a government was established which granted religious freedom! I think that you should go kill your children. Tithing preceded the OT Law. Greetings, Some years ago when I was attempting to find another church for my family to attend so as to escape a spiritually abusive IFB, I found myself at a Church of Christ that had split from the large COC in town. No, we are to teach and preach the Word. Thus, resolving to follow the Lords commands in truth, in March, 1639 he formed the first Baptist church on American soil. My statement about folks not studying and just sitting in the pew and listening to the MOG, was not addressed to you specifically, but to folks generally, you wouldnt agree to this? Although, many Protestants returned in part to a belief in the Bible as their authority for their faith and practice, not one of them EVER completely left all the doctrinal errors and false teachings of the apostate Roman Catholic church. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. It is difficult to trace Baptist churches down through history. Lack of pastoral accountability is not the problem. The line of English churches that can be traced, who called themselves Baptists, began in 1610 in Holland. May God bless Bob. Though we no longer keep the ritual and sacramental law, Gods moral laws and prophesies of things yet to come are not to be ignored. That local body of baptized believers would be as valid a true New Testament church as any church Christ ever founded. Fundamental Baptists are strict in interpreting the Bible in a literal sense. For example when Jesus said to not store up treasures on earth where they would persih but in HeavenI believe Hes refering to at least in part some Godly endeavors (that often take money)that we do for His namesake. Protestants for centuries saw the Baptists as their enemies and murdered them by the thousands in the name of Protestantism. We have special music and usually 2 preachers a night. This directory, containing close to 10,000 churches and counting, is aimed at getting you the information you need when you need it. It is well to note the Pilgrims were also Puritans, and Puritans were Protestants who had left the Church of England. Sounds like maybe you are in a pretty good church. Youve done nothing to, directly compare doctrine and practices using scripture to make the assertion which is correct.. Most of the Anabaptists successors became the Mennonites, Amish and Quakers. I also believe that hanging around with non-Christians is detrimental to ones faith as I have done this. Furthermore I believe it involved religion. (1 Tim. either. In 1539 thirty one more who had fled to Holland were apprehended and martyred there. 4 Reasons Christians Are Wrong About Homosexuality, 63. It stands for devotion and a strict obedience to God and his commandments. A church only has authority to set guidelines on dress as it is addressed in Scripture. Visited Calvarly Chapel her in Rosedale areahas tith online but what they view is unclear. . 2.) We had an elderly woman that lifted her hands and shouted to the Lord the entire service before she went home to be with Him. So I still think Just about every Church has Strict dress Standards whether they know it or not. To fulfill something as in Jesus fulfilled the law means that it is satisfied, meaning that it is no longer needed. Sorry to tell you, but youve been deceived. I admitted, in my comment, that I was somewhat caustic in my writing (I could definitely get better in that department) but I re-read what I wrote and didnt think it was horrible. INDEPENDENT This simply means that the church stands alone, free of any governing denomination, convention or council. You can tell when people actually study their Bibles. His crime was that rejected the unbiblical ideas of a state church, infant baptism and other false teachings of the Puritans. That saintly old woman in the pew may be depending upon her infant baptism to get her to heaven. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man . (My family moved alot when I was a child, and Ive attended 7 different IFB churches in 4 different statesnot all of them are same, but my current one for the last 10 years is great), I had a long response here, but I received and error. All systems of hierarchy set up by man over the authority of the local church has lead to doctrinal errors and corruption without exception and God has not party with them. But when we begin to paint entire church groups with the broad brush of generalities then OUR motives become suspect. I was always told ten percent and thats I give for the most part unless I cant afford it in which case I give what I can. I believe every one should realize that all is God & if a saint desires to put a tenth to honor God & furthering His kingdom or whatver portion as He desiresthat s a noble act between God & Himself. They have a 1st Amendment right to speak their mind, but that doesnt mean shouting down a preacher at a military funeral. For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. NOT ONE. 7.) I certainly need Gods help to do the things He has asked me to do. This was the best onemembers in our church raise hands, say amen, clap after special music (GASP! There are a number of other wrong teachings w/in this church but the false teaching about baptism is far and away the biggest, some of the others are, not believing in eternal security, and close behind is not believing that one can know that you are saved. To say there is a unbroken line or succession of Baptist churches from the time of Christ until today cannot be shown from history. God cares not for your works, your baptism, your church attendance, or your social status. Well originally Abraham initiated giving a tenth of his to the priest in the Melchizdeak order which was a type of Christ I believe. Ok so he starts attempting to pull the heart strings about loved ones that you are around daily, and if you are telling them enough about getting saved etc. For an example there is Patrick of Ireland. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH. Even after Williams left it, it continued to follow the New Testament and was not adversely effected. Im a Southern Baptist and celebrate Jesus and His grace! Independent Baptist churches (some also called Independent Fundamental Baptist or IFB) are Christian congregations, generally holding to conservative (primarily fundamentalist) Baptist beliefs. A storm of persecution broke out because these Baptist preached what the Puritans called damnable errors. Most of the members of the church were fined or imprisoned or both, at one time or another. 2. If that membership does not disqualify us I would say that we qualify as true baptists under your definition of the term. I feel silly because some of the things I stood up for on this site are the same things that made me leave. Its nothing personal, just logic. Filter Churches. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It is well to note that not all Virginians felt this way. Thank you. When people ask me what church I am a member of, I always tell them the Heavenly Church, wherever and whoever that is. Thats kind of like being an American and never knowing enough about the nations beginnings to be able to make an intelligent decision about whether some politician is leading us away from freedom. Ok, so Im pretty sure you are referring to the Church of Christ that was founded by good ol Thomas Campbell (1763-1854) He was a fine Scottish Presbyterian who left Ireland to come to western PA. in 1807. Some Baptists such as the Landmark Baptist and those often referred to as Hi Ahlayashabi Please forgive us if we have offended you in any way. Showing 1-20 of 633 church listings. I do attend the Church of Christ. They believe that when the Book of Revelation was completed by the Apostle John about 90-95 AD, the Word of God was complete. After working for a few hours in our home, the Dish tech stopped working and looked at me asking, Am I correct in believing this is a Christian home I am working in? I said yes. I hope you can forgive me for perpetuating those stumbling blocks. He continued to read the New Testament, and became fully aware that infant baptism, sprinkling for baptism, and allowing unsaved people to be members of the church was not Scriptural. Hope youll check it out. You stated that all churches tithe a certain way and used that fact to justify a way of thinking. The New IFB website and social media accounts - launched in early 2018 - have been taken down, and some pastors have distanced themselves from Anderson and his movement. There is not one Protestant church that is doctrinally pure following the example and polity of the New Testament. Do you think you can bring others to Christ in this manner? The Calvinistic or Particular Baptists were a different group and believed in limited atonement in which only the elect could be saved. If only people would study more to know the voice of their Savior, there would be no one to follow the false teachers. You either comply or you are thrown out. Since she has a place of her own now I dont see her as much as I like but I wont shun her because she left. @ Bob & Greg, I cant say how much I agree with your posts. Anyhow he screamed through most of it (funny I never see Jesus screaming at folks, particularly His followers) told some fantastic tales, not saying he was lying, but, well you know what I mean. Later in history, around 600 AD, Austin, Catholic monk, was sent to Britain by Pope Gregory the Great. I have never dressed up for a Church Service and I think people should come how they want. A couple of things to consider here, first he was speaking to Pharisees, and they were in fact still under law. I apologize for my assumptions! I, for one, am glad you wont post here again after that comment, but I hope you will at least read this, although Im not holding my breath. Would you agree with me on this? PO BOX 292. The entire point of Matthew 15 is Jesus telling the Pharisees that the ceremonial laws were no longer needed since the reason for them (the cleansing of sin) was replaced with Christs eventual death on the cross. I began my spiritual walk with Jesus studying the New Testament, but my journey through the Old Testament only reinforced my belief in the New and showed me more about God. Im not sure how they upkept thier Synagogue & relate dcostbut if Im not mistaken I learned during a conference that they actually gave more than our equivalent of a tenth in regards to thier goods/wealth (like mince, spices, etc)and perhaps separate monetray covered that cost or these items were bartered/traded to pay bills. As long as they go to a God fearing church that believes in Jesus Christ and they themselves are not rebelling against God then it would not hurt my feelings if they went to Southern Baptist or Methodist churches. The first Baptist church in New York was started by William Wichendon, in 1656. It bases its belief in the New Testament teaching that every believer is a priest to himself, having full excess to God without the need to go through a church, church leader or priest. By 1626, the churches had grown from one, to five churches and by 1644 there were forty congregations. The message is set. It originally applied through the 1700s to Lutherans, and Anglicans. They all hold to a system of hierarchy in church government and do not accept the autonomy the local church. My brother attends an IFB church. We should stand out because we are different. But still, I think if I wanted to lead Worship wearing Just a speedo I probably would not be allowed to do this in most Churches. I have done my share of research on what defines a cult and unless Im missing something, we dont qualify as a such. They reject the efforts of the many who spiritually interpret the Scriptures, placing hidden or specially revealed meanings to the words of the Bible. The Independent Baptist believes that to join with churches who teach and practice false doctrine is condone and even show approval of Biblical error and that all doctrinal error is sin. It was founded by Roger Williams, according to the teachings and example of the New Testament. 1:6-10, 1 Tim. What does the Bible say about the way Christians should dress? Certainly we are not responsible for people we never have an opportunity to witness to. I liken this to attending a Bible study without your Bible. Men meeting the Biblical qualification of deacons (servants) (1 Tim. with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Greg, You are right, Jesus came to fulfill the law. Before the America won its independence and the Constitution became law, the Episcopal church, which was the American branch of the Church of England, was the only legal church in Virginia. A church which cannot answer yes to all of these questions cannot historically call itself a Baptist church. We can clearly see the Spirit of God in your gracious post. Bob So true, the subject that I simply couldnt justify (there were several) with my old fundy churchs teaching with scripture, was tithing. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day., Based on the Word of God, I submit to you that Gods plan will not be thwarted because I fail to do something. In 1906 there was a split with this group, some believing that there should be no musical instruments in the church (dont know where this got dreamed up, certainly didnt find it in the bible) This is when they started calling themselves the Churches of Christ. I think a biblical case can be made for modesty, for both men and women, beyond that, you would be hard-pressed to find anything else. The New Testament is the authority in all matters of faith and practice. Blessings. Just because all churches do something a certain way (whether its tithing, tithing a tenth, standing on their heads when they pray, or whatever) doesnt make it correct. If it isnt to much trouble please explain your assertion. The center of Baptist activity in the colonies was in the Philadelphia area, and Baptists held regular general meetings of the churches for devotional and evangelistic purposes there. In the many books on church history which make up the bibliography for this paper, there is not one recorded incident of a Baptist church beginning founded out of Roman Catholicism. 13:8-10). Hah Im really the only reply to this incredible read?! For example, G.L. You CANNOT be loving either if you are refusing to render unto the Lord that which is his, and this includes tithing. The charge recorded against him was that he broached and divulged new and dangerous opinions against the authority of the magistrates. The first is the United Church of Christ and secondly is the one I refer to, Independent Churches of Christ. The list is endless. So the the issue is that there has to be a Biblical standard for dress. Read More. We use our monetary resources alone. I would like to hear further explanation of the following: The mighty IFB has spoken It looks like I'm wasting my time. 3:1-16) However, some Independent Baptist churches do not accept that the word "officer" is the proper biblical term to be used and particularly does not apply to deacons. Independent Baptist Churches is a subsite of IndependentBaptist.com. As a matter of fact, you cannot be a member of a Calvary Chapel. HWY 3 NW. Tithing preceded the NT and ended with the establishment of the New Covenant. Those who put in the effort will be greatly rewarded while those who neglect it do harm to their own souls. @greg It sounds like you believe that we are not required to tithe, but somehow we are better off if we do? Ministry experience: Over thirty years of experience in Independent, Fundamental Baptist Churches, serving in . I can certainly forgive you. In his writings he appears ignorant of the practices of the Roman Church and never refers to church councils, creeds, traditions or even to the existence of a pope. It is the clergymen who are affiliated. What does this have to do with our discussion? Its ugly and frustrating. King Ethelbert and his court, and a considerable part of his kingdom, were won over by the successful monk. We do good works (they are only truly good b/c of the bllod of Jesus that justifys us & are perfect through His shed blood). Headquarters are in Grandville, Michigan. Jesus Peace, Joy, and Guidance be with us all. I am a musician, so really wouldnt be very content in a church where I couldnt play an instrument and never did go there, except to attend her funeral. An Independent Baptist Church would not be apart of a national organization that would exercise authority over the local church. Would you say Calvary Chapels are unbiblical and not fundamental? Its is true that many Baptists left the ranks of Protestant churches which were doctrinal unsound and apostate. Like friends of my son who were in Mexico recently. I have never believed in obedience to a pastor just obedience to Gods Word It should be free. Greek Orthodox Churches; Unity Churches; Lutheran Churches; Eastern Orthodox Churches; The over the years the growth of so many false and idolatrous practices caused some within the Catholic church such as Martin Luther to rebel, and to try to reform the Catholic church. Jesus upheld tithing because the Mosaic law was still in force for the Jews until the death of Christ. You may admire their piety, but a true believer in the New Testament would have a great problem with many of their doctrines and especially why they persecuted the Baptists and drove them from their colonies. It is the Word of God, the Bible, that makes up what is a real and true church! What's Wrong with the Independent Fundamental Baptists? I really have an issue with this point. Since you seem to be more of an authority on this, could you recommend some source material which would specifically deal with this from an IBC perspective? God said He would preserve His church and that task was not left in the hands of fallible men or groups. Bob Just want to commend you on how clearly you are able to elucidate on a given topic, Im envious. I request any comment left to me is free of insults and vulgarities, please). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . He did not belong to, nor was part of the any ekklesia. Yes he baptized, but His baptism was the baptism of repentance (Matt. Soul liberty is a belief that everyone is responsible to God individually. But if your axe is based on tithing being practiced & encouraged (no one mandates & makes me give)then you have a axe with much of Christendom. Calvary Chapels do not believe that baptism is necessary for membership in a local assembly. History records the members of this Baptist church went back to England or remained in Holland and joined Mennonites. Many Baptists were executed by the newly formed Church of England during what is called the Protestant inquisition. Tithing is a good thing to do & I believe God can be glorified if done with right heart, intent & purporses. These people give Jesus and Christianity overall a black eye every time they go to a military funeral or any other event they have absolutely no respect for. 78. Baptist continued to grow in numbers through the period of the Great Awakening and up to the time of the Revolutionary War. 2) tell you what kind of music to listen to One Baptist church, however, did begin after 1714, in Surry Country, and another at Burleigh, Virginia. However, history is clear that in the beginning and into the 9th Century there were churches in Britain that rejected pedo-baptism, popery and other false doctrines of the Catholics. The not so fine folks at Westboro Baptist are a bunch of lunatic fringe haters that act in contrast to the love of Christ they espouse to embrace.