Note that most pressure pool cleaners have reverse mechanisms or backup valves to reverse the cleaner direction every few minutes and prevent stalled operation. Ensure the bag is emptied regularly. (2020) Jacuzzi Play Owner's Manual. It just follows behind my Polaris. If its not climbing the walls like it used to, its probably also going slower. Turn off the pump and check the tightness of the strainer lid on the pump. Worn footpads or seals can also reduce cleaner speed and cause it to stick to the pool floor. Visit our pool cleaner parts department for all the parts mentioned above. "address": "", Bathroom. As a last resort, the tail can be cut shorter. Polaris 7240 Sport Cleaner Brochure. Optimum Pool & Spa, LLC. Solution: Wash your cartridge filter. I have a pressure (Polaris) cleaner and the hose keeps getting tangled in the front wheel. if you have a chewy dog or wild animals about. To find troubleshooting information for your specific pool cleaner, select the brand you own from the list below. "primaryImageOfPage": { My robotic cleaner is 4 years old. Is there a thrust drive mechanism or hose to check? This happens to polaris and letro cleaners too some times, the sweep tail can get sucked up into the throat and into the bag. An adjustment to the tail sweep screw, tightening the screw, located where the tail attaches, below the head float will reduce water flow to the tail. (2023) J-200 Owner's Manual. My Pentair Kreepy Krauly Legend Pool Cleaner is floating, what would cause that. Would this be a leak in the hose and how would I check that? Other polaris hose tangling problems can occur from bad hose swivels, not swiveling well, or from a hose that is too long for the pool should reach the furthest corner of the pool, plus 3-5 ft. Leaves, rocks, or other rubbish in the baskets will reduce your pump's water flow and slow down the suction side cleaner. Even if you clean the filter, a test you can do is if you have a sand or DE filter, you can put the valve on recirculate and run the system. Is this normal? Or a new pool cleaning machine? Pool cleaners require timely replacement of pool cleaner parts to operate at their full potential and prevent failure. Holding it underwater, flip it over and shake a bit to let the air escape. Two very easy ways to keep your pool cleaner well maintained include: emptying its basket or filter bag often to ensure proper continual suction, and clearing its brushes of any tangled debris to ensure it can move smoothly and efficiently. Im a pool cleaner. As a last resort, place a small boulder in the area, or shorten the pool cleaner hose. Check valve, air leaks, faulty seal, cracked lint pot lid, etc. Adjusting the two vents can also affect the direction of travel. "height": "219", Also look for frayed or broken power cords. Hi Jon, first make sure that the cleaner is in floor/wall mode. Hi, it is likely a broken UWF (universal wall fitting), a threaded 1.5 fitting with two tabs inside, item 6-500-00. Slight water loss around the hose swivels is normal. Spa Works Repair. Thirdly, check out the valve hose as it would be disconnected at the gearbox or manifold. And, sand and De filters can also bypass debris back to the pool from a missing or misaligned o-ring in a push pull slide valve, or spider gasket in the filter multiport valve. Powerful pool pumps create strong water flow, which can cause your suction side cleaner to move faster than normal. Offers remote services. Dilute the pool water. If your cleaner gets stuck on or under your pool ladder, install a ladder guard kit. Water pressure seems fine. Why isnt my robotic cleaner staying on to clean my pool,does that mean my pool is clean,cause I clean it everytime the kids get out. J-500 COLLECTION. Robot will do 1 of 2 things. Check the wall stainer, inside of the wall fitting for cleanliness. To clarify, the first hose section that connects to the wall fitting If your pump is too large, you could drill small holes in the solid part of the fitting, to pull water in at that point, to create a bypass or alternate suction intake, however be careful that this does not create a suction entrapment hazard, drilling many small holes all around the fitting, is probably safer than one large hole in the side. Centennial, Colorado. Hi Kimberly, probably there is some adjustment that can be made, check the owners manual, it could be that the filters need to be cleaned, or the cleaner may be contacting the floor, if very uneven, Im sure there is something that can be done. The hose determines how much room the cleaner has to move in your pool. Hi, the pool vacuum hose separates from the wall when the pump shuts off (there is some back pressure I guess when the pumps arent work), and this pushes the hose out of the connection. It could also be possible to fabricate something yourself, using plastic, wood or rope, to block the cleaner, or make it think that it has hit a wall. The backup valve is new., lines and filter are clean. Other cleaners have too much height between the cleaner and the floor, to suck up algae or dust. If the RPM is much higher, there is too much water flow/pressure going to the cleaner. (67) Hot Tub and Spa Repair, Hot Tub and Spa Cleaning and Maintenance. If a booster pump is being used, be sure that both the filter pump and booster pump are operating and not leaking or making funny noises. If placed gently on the deck, with bag removed and booster pump on, the throat jets should shoot 12-15 ft in the air, and the same for the thrust jet and sweeper tail. Why wait around for your pool cleaner at home when you can clean your pool regardless of where you are With the convenience of iAquaLink app control for on-the-go cleaning and remote control capabilities, the Polaris EPIC 8642 iQ offers enhanced maneuverability with a tighter turn radius and greater agility to propel the cleaner up walls and over obstacles. }, If those things dont help, I would suggest making some sort of homemade deflector, like maybe a plastic clothes hanger, or brass, something similar that you can wedge in there, and it will stick out of the skimmer by a few inches, but not block leaves coming in, to deflect the hose as it comes by. Suction cleaners also need a clean pool filter to move and vacuum well. Hi Mike, I dont think you mean Pool Vac which is a suction cleaner, but you have a booster pump type of pressure cleaner, I presume? 6. Established in 2005. What can be wrong. My sharkvac is getting high ventered on the pump water intake drain on the bottom of the pool. I have a Polaris 180. I have cleaned it and checked all connections. Pressure gauge installed without sealant or teflon tape. In high demand. For the turning only one direction problem, it can be 1) uneven wear on the brushes or tracks, or 2) the power cable might be coiled or slightly twisted, and/or too much unnecessary cable in the pool, or 3) loose wheel tubes, worn or missing parts, or 4) uneven tab wear on brushes, I have a pool vac. The cleaner pumps water but doesnt moves. Some wall connections with o-rings may need lube, to make them lock into place easily. Remove the cleaner from the pool and unhook the hose from the top of the to release the tube and diaphragm from the main cleaner body. Hi Shannon, for your type of cleaner, x4 or the Breeze cleaner by Aquabot, check that there is no trapped air in the unit, and you could flip the switch to change directions, that may help. Any suggestions? Even so, you may need to use tools, like straight pliers or needlenose pliers. Check your owners manual for other tips if needed. I have a Tiger Shark, 2 years old. Another potential problem is an air leak in the cleaner hose or the pump. Third, you can use the Kreepy Krauly Wall Climb Adjuster pn K12065, which will push the Dive Float forward, to reduce climbing ability, but not speed. I have not had any problems until now. Many cleaners allow you to adjust the distance between the wheels, to make adjustments to the tightness of the drive track. Hi there ah you have an old Baker Hydro skimmer, it sounds like. One solution is to stretch the hose out along the pool deck in the hot sun, using weights if needed, to straighten out. The reason that a pressure cleaner like a Polaris or Kreepy (Letro) Legend might float is usually that air is trapped inside of the unit. "@context": "", If threaded, you could use Teflon tape or other thread sealant on the male threads, to help seal it up. "name": "In The Swim", I would guess however, that it could be a loose track on one side, loose belts, or loose wheel tube, causing it to turn in one direction more than the other. Ushering in the next evolution of intelligent robotic pool cleaners, the Polaris VRX iQ+ provides strategic cleaning for a brilliantly clean pool you can clearly see. Hi Marla, the Compass cleaner is made by Jacuzzi, and I dont see any retailers carrying parts for it yet. Hi Check the filter screens, located at the wall attachment, and in the hose on some newer models. Visit our pool cleaner parts department for any spares you need, or for more ideas to keep your pool cleaner from getting stuck. When I press the start button it wont start. Making adjustments to the cleaner pattern as described above may produce different results, allowing the cleaner to make a better approach to the wall. When you restrict the intake lines, that causes small air leaks to open up into larger air leaks, with the increase in vacuum pressure. This all starting happening after I cleaned my filter. Here's some pics of the equipment. Others are spaced out along the line, but 2 or 3 are underwater at all times, to keep the hose more or less vertical. Check your return line eyeball fittings, aiming them down towards the floor is usually best. INYO Products has an extensive library of owner's manuals and technical documents for your pool and spa equipment. Check the end of the tail, there should be a small hole, about 1/8 diameter or smaller. Too much power to a pressure cleaner can cause it to fly around the pool and tangle itself. Richard Schnittger Not sure how or when, but every day when I go out there it is out of the plug in. Replace damaged O-rings, and seal hose leaks with silicone or rubber cement. "url": "", One should be placed just after the back-up valve, which should be about 30 from the cleaner head. Once the PV brushes are soft and pliable, the robot should start lying flat on the bottom of your pool. Need help troubleshooting what is wrong with your sump pump? The wall fitting EW22, has a pressure relief, sometimes automatic, or some allow you to turn it open more with large pliers until the RPM drops. "@type": "ImageObject", Other causes of poor coverage include dirty filters, or debris in the propeller, or the top handle not positioned diagonally across the top of the cleaner. With over 10 years experience in replacing covers for all Jacuzzi models, we are sure to have yours on file. Use the pool brush (great exercise), to brush the pool early and late in the day, when its not so hot outside. First of all, you should check out the top/bottom valve as it could be damaged or the debris causes obstacles from closing and sealing the ball. 3. When it occurs, however, the cause can be a full debris bag or filter, or the drive tracks or wheels have become worn or rounded, or are loose or out of alignment. Frustrated with your current company? Pressure side cleaner wheels can be shaft driven, belt driven, or chain driven. Report. What can I do. If it hasn't rained in quite some time, you probably have a leaky pump. 101. is the regulator valve essential to operating the kreepy krauly? Any ideas? Top Pro. Make an informed and confident decision when you buy your hot tub. A good troubleshooter tip to finding air leaks is use shaving cream around suspected leak areas in front of the pump (see above), and see where it sucks in. Loose wheels or loose drive belts can cause your cleaner to behave sluggishly. Check the inline strainer at the wall for debris that could be slowing the water pressure to the cleaner. Put the pliers thru the opening of the connector, then open the pliers, then turn (CCW) with the pliers. Incidentally, this will increase the water pressure in the filter signaling that it is time to clean the filter. You can use shaving cream around suspected air leaks, as an aid to help locate an air leak. Oftentimes, the wires inside the rubber casing will short out or break. The repair was done quickly and effectively, and the technician took the time to explain what was . Find a Dealer. What you can do is use a 1.5 hose adapter, threaded into the wall fitting, that will hold the hose securely. Hi Brian, only bad if the (suction) cleaner sucks in air. To fix, simply let the cleaner sit in the pool for at least 30 minutes or until the brushes are soft. Hi Johan, this is from the owners manual: The climbing ability of the cleaner is dependent on the pools shape and available water flow. When you notice your pressure pool cleaner not moving the first thing to do is to check the booster pump. 16K views 1 year ago The Jacuzzi JCRX In-ground Robotic Cleaner provides powerful cleaning with rotating brushes to vacuum and scrub your pool floor and walls. what can i do to get it to clean the rest of my pool. Hi, that could be low suction from a not very powerful pump, or other pipes also open like other skimmers or main drain, or loss of suction at hose connections between cleaner and skimmer. They also may kind of float around the floor, not contacting all surfaces, when the booster pump water pressure is low, usually from a clogged inline strainer, or sometimes something jammed in between the wheels, or an internal blockage that keeps the wheels from moving. As they say The problem lies where the power dies, so if not at the outlet, then we cast suspicion onto the electric plug/cord, the power supply box and FUSE, and the cleaner floating power cord, plug end, and cleaner end attachment. Manually remove large debris and fallen objects before running the J-D300. My Polaris 360 wheel turn On their own when i pull it out of the water, but when i put it in the water they do not turn on their own. If you find it disconnected then simply reattaching it, hence, you need to use the hose clamps to keep it in the right place. Follow the pressure side pool cleaner troubleshooting tips below to solve any issues. Or perhaps the hose is not completely full of water before you connect it into the skimmer. What you have to do is put the pool pulse on the end of the hose . Likewise, if you remove the debris bag, water should spray upward 1520 feet in the air. Jacuzzi Repair 1. Hi Tommy, so its poppin wheelies? I would suggest adjusting the hose floats, there are two, that are supposed to go 12 from the cleaner head, at the end of the first short leader hose, and the other one about 9 past the first one, on the first long section of hose. The returning water may be pushing your cleaner away from certain areas. Probably not a leak in the hose, but thats easily checked by pulling the hose slowly out of the water, from end to end, with it connected, to see if you hear any hissing or sucking sounds. Another possibility is that not all wheels are being powered. Please help. You may notice that the cleaner moves, but doesnt climb the walls. And check the pump and pipes coming into the pump for an area that may be sucking air. Leaks can come from three different places - the shaft seal, the union, or the volute . see this video on how to do the out of water self test. Copyright 2022 In The Swim. Spray your filters every week or so with a hot tub filter cleaner to provide a deeper clean. Specifications & Technical Details. Pisces Pool Service Oahu. If more than that, remove equal amounts of hose from the 2nd and 3rd hose sections. Clean those areas manually with a pool brush. Hello I have a vacuum. The feed hose must be long enough to reach from the wall connection to the farthest point in your pool, with a few feet leftover. Shop Bathroom Products; 1-Day Bath and Shower Remodel; Professional Trade Services; . . Another option is to use a skim vac plate (made to fit your skimmer) with a 90 elbow on top, so that your skimmer basket catches the debris, not the pump basket. I cannot get the aorimatic regulator valve connector in the skimmer unscrewed, any suggestions? FREE delivery Feb 9 - 14. Pool gets lots of grass, but it should be working great with all these adjustments. Pool Equipment; Saunas; It can also happen when a cleaner gets stuck, if suctioned tightly to the pool floor. There are three main types of pool cleaners: suction side, pressure side, and robotic. And I have tried this on three different outlets with the same results. Search hose adapters on, or go here: If one wheel turns and the other doesnt, look for anything blocking the wheel. If your pool cleaner does not clean the entire pool, adjust the cleaning pattern or speed. The vertical, Automatic Pool Cleaner Troubleshooting Guide. Perhaps they are both slacking off! Or a loose connection inside the power supply?