We could never discharge our duties properly if we were to be perpetually distracted by the consciousness of what was around us: and, above all, we might be daunted by the perpetual thought of the presence of God, and so be paralyzed instead of helped. And as God thus begins the work of a sinner's salvation from mercy, it no way depends upon our merit or worth. The ruler should always be chief in action, that by his living he may point out the way of life to those that are put under him, and that the flock, which follows the voice and manners of the shepherd, may learn how to walk better through example than through words. the regular habit of reading the Bible at a fixed time, the occasional reminders of ourselves that God is looking on, these are our chief means of learning to remember His presence. S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. We could never discharge our duties properly if we were to be perpetually distracted by the consciousness of what was around us: and, above all, we might be daunted by the perpetual thought of the presence of God, and so be paralyzed instead of helped. "(Archbishop Temple. 9An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. The worst has been seen, and that too by the holiest of beings, and yet eternal glory is offered to us! How shall we learn to walk by His side? We have received with the utmost gratification the letters of your Fraternity, which have reached us somewhat late by the hands of Donatus and Quodvultdeus, our most reverend brethren and fellow-bishops, and also Victor the deacon with Agilegius the notary. If that Being has gone down into these depths of human depravity, and seen it with a more abhorring glance than could ever shoot from a finite eye, and yet has returned with a cordial offer to forgive it all, and a hearty proffer to cleanse it all away, then we can lift up the eye in adoration and in hope. Hoyt, D. D.)God's knowledge of manW. vi. (Isa. The simple question, then, which meets us is, Wilt thou know thyself here, and now, that thou mayest accept and feel God's pity; or wilt thou keep within the screen, and not know thyself until beyond the grave, and then feel God's judicial wrath? v. 22). 1. ad probam IV. GOD.1. You can speak to your womb and effect the promises of God concerning your womb through the spoken Word. the regular habit of reading the Bible at a fixed time, the occasional reminders of ourselves that God is looking on, these are our chief means of learning to remember His presence. He prophesies that the kings of the earth shall praise God7. Perfect all that concerns me O Lord (Psalm 138:8) O Lord, let Your hand of perfection straighten every crooked path before me. Did the Almighty pause in the middle of creation and leave His work unfinished? 1. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. (2)Unseen world.(3)Everywhere. NOTE THE ROCK ON WHICH HE RESTS. 1, 2. That exquisite pleasure in sin, which comes from its fancied concealment, is utter folly. And lest the presence of God should be too much for us, Christ has taken human nature on Him, and has provided that He will be always with us as long as the world shall last. And this will generally be just when we are tempted to do wrong, or perhaps just when we are actually beginning to do it: some secret sin of which no one knows or dreams perhaps, some self-indulgence, which we dare not deny that God condemns. English Revised Version (ERV) 18 " Ep., cxxx. To reveal the supreme interest of human life. Psalm 138:8 King James Version 8 The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. The text, however, itself, is its own guard. The answer is the same. So that whenever we are on the point of doing or saying anything cowardly, or mean, or false, or impure, or proud, or conceited, or unkind, the remembrance that God is looking on shall instantly flash across us and help us to beat down our enemy. The ruler should always be chief in action, that by his living he may point out the way of life to those that are put under him, and that the flock, which follows the voice and manners of the shepherd, may learn how to walk better through example than through words. Rom. Though the transgressor is ignorant of much of his sin, because, at the time of its commission, he sins blindly as well as wilfully, and unreflectingly as well as freely; and though the transgressor has forgotten much of that small amount of sin, of which he was conscious, and by which he was pained, at the time of its perpetration; though, on the side of man, the powers of self-inspection and memory have accomplished so little towards this preservation of man's sin, yet God knows it all, and remembers it all. 24).(W. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. For if God's exhaustive knowledge of the human heart waken dread in one of its aspects, it starts infinite hope in another. 9 Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation. Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mind, I proceed to mention, from out the teaching of Christ concerning humility, such as perhaps may be enough for my purpose. If God makes your son His son also, what do you lose or what does he himself lose? And this will generally be just when we are tempted to do wrong, or perhaps just when we are actually beginning to do it: some secret sin of which no one knows or dreams perhaps, some self-indulgence, which we dare not deny that God condemns. 19-22).3. And here let us look upon the bright as well as the dark side of this subject. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. There is no reason to mourn a son as lost who is a religious, still less to fear for his delicacy of constitution. The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works thy own hands. That of siding with Him against evil (vers. "(Archbishop Temple. 19-22).3. "He is so great that the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him, and so little that He can dwell in my heart.". So that whenever we are on the point of doing or saying anything cowardly, or mean, or false, or impure, or proud, or conceited, or unkind, the remembrance that God is looking on shall instantly flash across us and help us to beat down our enemy. lvii. Rom. He does not come back in a quarter of an hour and say, "Have you my money safe? - the power of the Holy Spirit, which worketh in me now; the promises, so many, so great, and precious, contained in the Holy Scriptures; and my own experience thus far, and that of many others; - all encourage and establish my faith that ' the Lord will perfect that,' etc. Being rich he becomes richer; being already high born, of still nobler lineage; being illustrious, he gains greater renown; and--what is more than all--once a sinner he is now a saint. The Coming Andrew MurrayThe Ministry of IntercessionForasmuch as Each Man is a Part of the Human Race1. Rom. That of a prayerful seeking of the Divine guidance (ver. (2)His knowledge of us is entire, complete.2. I. Those who live much in refined and educated society acquire refinement insensibly. He must be prepared for the Kingdom that has been prepared for him, Some Letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, The ruler should always be chief in action, that by his living he may point out the way of life to those that are put under him, and that the flock, which follows the voice and manners of the shepherd, may learn how to walk better through example than through words. In short, to live with God is to be perpetually rising above the world; to live without Him is to be perpetually sinking into it, and with it, and below it. It is easy for us to talk to God when there is a problem or issue and more often than not, God hears us. There is no reason to mourn a son as lost who is a religious, still less to fear for his delicacy of constitution. G. T. Shedd, D. D.: One of the most remark. We do not agree with Momus, neither are we of his mind who desired to have a window in his breast that all men might see his heart. "Whatever concerns me," says he, "the Lord will perfect.". "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me: Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever: forsake not the works of Your own hands." Psalm 138:8. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. 18, 19. 27 of 37 9/29/2016 ( THU) ID 919161452389 RADIO BROADCAST Blog -This . lxxxv. That of siding with Him against evil (vers. 5, 6. The thought will flash across us that God sees us. But in almost every case the dazzling rays of a searchlight frustrated the attempt, and the fugitives' vessel was captured by the Americans. S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. It is perfectly plain from the elevated central point of view where we now stand, and in the focal light in which we now see, that no man can be justified before God upon the ground of personal character; for that character, when subjected to God's exhaustive scrutiny, withers and shrinks away. able characteristics of a rational being is the power of self-inspection. We do not agree with Momus, neither are we of his mind who desired to have a window in his breast that all men might see his heart. 1. v. 22). The Coming Andrew MurrayThe Ministry of Intercession, Forasmuch as Each Man is a Part of the Human Race1. If God makes your son His son also, what do you lose or what does he himself lose? And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had told him, "Before a rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times." Psalm 34:15 Verse Concepts The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous And His ears are open to their cry. He may be an uncommonly thoughtful person, and little of what is done within his soul may escape his notice; nay, we will make the extreme supposition that he arrests every thought as it rises, and looks at it; that he analyzes every sentiment as it swells his heart; that he scrutinizes every purpose as it determines his will; even if he should have such a thorough and profound self-knowledge as this, God knows him equally profoundly and equally thoroughly. The simple question, then, which meets us is, Wilt thou know thyself here, and now, that thou mayest accept and feel God's pity; or wilt thou keep within the screen, and not know thyself until beyond the grave, and then feel God's judicial wrath? Ps. We become unconscious of everything by long use. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me: Thy right hand shall save me."--PS. It is the speech of the soul face to face with God. Here, then, is your confidence. 3. Hoyt, D. D.)God's knowledge of manW. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." 4. The Lord is nigh unto them that call upon Him; He also will hear their cry, and will help them.--Psalm cxlv. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us.(1)Innumerable.(2)Constant.II. )PeopleDavid, PsalmistPlacesJerusalemTopicsAbandon, Accomplish, Age, Chief, Complete, Concerneth, Concerns, David, Endures, Endureth, Eternal, Everlasting, Fall, Forever, Forsake, Fulfil, Fulfill, Hands, Kindness, Love, Loving, Lovingkindness, Loving-kindness, Mercy, Musician, O, Perfect, Psalm, Purpose, Steadfast, WorksOutline1. Take heed unto me and hear me; how I mourn in my prayer and am vexed.--Psalm iv. Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mind, I proceed to mention, from out the teaching of Christ concerning humility, such as perhaps may be enough for my purpose. For whereas man sinned, and is fallen, and by his fall all things are in confusion: death prevailed from Adam to Moses (cf. iii. Hilary of PoitiersThe Life and Writings of St. Hilary of PoitiersPsalmsThe piety of the Old Testament Church is reflected with more clearness and variety in the Psalter than in any other book of the Old Testament. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN MIGHT, BUT DOES NOT, KNOW OF HIMSELF. And though we thought that we had suffered loss from the tardiness of their coming, yet we find gain from their more abundant charity; seeing that from this delay in point Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatThe Coming Revival"Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?"--PS. You have a plan on hand. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. S. Thomas, On the Beatific Vision, I., xii. Though the transgressor is ignorant of much of his sin, because, at the time of its commission, he sins blindly as well as wilfully, and unreflectingly as well as freely; and though the transgressor has forgotten much of that small amount of sin, of which he was conscious, and by which he was pained, at the time of its perpetration; though, on the side of man, the powers of self-inspection and memory have accomplished so little towards this preservation of man's sin, yet God knows it all, and remembers it all. Literally, the text says, "You keep him in peace, peace." (4)In the dark as well as the light.3. 73 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Church of the Saviour UMC: Modern Worship, Church of the Saviour - January 29, 2023 "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years."--HAB. Of course, ere ever this be possible, the Lord's work must have begun in us; we must have yielded ourselves up to him in real repentance and faith; but if we have done that, why, instead of our too common misgiving and fear, have we not this glad persuasion that is expressed in our text? (Admonition 23.) Is the Contemplative Life wholly confined to the Intellect, or does the Will enter into it? Hence Paul Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatSense in Which, and End for which all Things were Delivered to the Incarnate Son. All that concerns present safety and future glory are thus secured. Those who live much in a court acquire courtly manners. To Dominicus, Bishop. 18 " Ep., cxxx. Get a grip at this, thou troubled one, and by a personal faith say, "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me." He may be an uncommonly thoughtful person, and little of what is done within his soul may escape his notice; nay, we will make the extreme supposition that he arrests every thought as it rises, and looks at it; that he analyzes every sentiment as it swells his heart; that he scrutinizes every purpose as it determines his will; even if he should have such a thorough and profound self-knowledge as this, God knows him equally profoundly and equally thoroughly. 19 III. (1)He knows our actions, ways, words, thoughts. There is a sweetness and a power in the very monosyllable, "Thy mercy"; because it is peculiar to God, it is His own property, it distinguishes Him.