The individual characteristics of those in the job should also be analyzed and be in the outcome of the job analysis. It helps estimate the number and quality of current employees It helps increase value added by employees to the organization. D) Motivation B) Clarification of questions is dependent on on-site instructors. a company that uses a hierarchical pay structure to pay its employees based on performance, Marginal productivity theory argues that employers pay. Common bases for modern pay structures include all BUT which of the following? E. It results in abstract reports that are of limited use. Which of the following methods requires evaluators to agree on which jobs are the most and least valuable, then the next most and least valued, and so on, until all the jobs have been ordered? A) instructional design. C. summarizing reports that describe the job as it is actually performed. D) The majority of apprenticeship programs are for managerial positions. It helps in evaluation of specific human resources activities. These requirements constitute a _____. What is she trying to measure? C) It involves determining employees' readiness for training. Which of the following would qualify as a compressed workweek? A) Learning management system C) Dedicating physical space to encourage teamwork E. feedback, In terms of the Job Characteristics Model, feedback refers to the extent to which _____. ________ is a statement of an employee's work activity in a specific job. He suggests they start by defining the outputs of the process. A) Anyone with an Internet connection can participate in them. A) Technical A. It is a work option in which two part-time employees carry out the tasks associated with a single job. Through this program, Phil is taking the strategic initiative to C) It is a system that expects employees to understand the entire work process. Webjob analysis Carl Borden, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives his staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. Which of the following stages in the training design process involves self-management strategies and peer and manager support? E. They are only created for different occupational groups in an organization. E) job evaluation, In the context of factors that influence the motivation to learn, when an organization seeks to convince employees that they can successfully learn the content of a training program, the organization is primarily focusing on improving C) identify the jobs to be examined. Which of the following is an example of effective onboarding? Abhay has been sent to work in the plant in New Hampshire from his home plant in India. E. job sharing, Walters & Williams, a consulting firm, equips all of its employees with laptop computers, which they use at their desks and carry to client meetings. Which of the following is defined as a structured job analysis technique that classifies job information into seven basic factors: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, other job characteristics, and general dimensions? On the job, I gravitate toward leadership positions and enjoy serving as a trusted resource for the entire The First Amendment normally protects statements of opinion, and this can be an effective defense against a charge of defamation. B. KSAOs will be a resource for writing job descriptions. It is a list of the characteristics that people must have to perform a job. Samcys Services Inc. specializes in providing round-the-clock building security services to multinational companies. C) communicating why employees were asked to attend training. D. The term stands for knowledge, skill, adaptability, and other characteristics. WebIt consists of nine natural ingredients that support prostate health and the men's urinary as well as bladder system.Following the brand claims, this supplement has the ability to maintain the health of your prostate and entire urinary system, which is true and effective for everyone. B) recruitment and hiring A. zero-hour contract B. Incumbents provide accurate estimates of the importance of job duties, whereas supervisors provide accurate information about the time spent on safety-related risk factors. She lets the staff decide whether to issue refunds or replace merchandise in case of consumer grievances. B. In this case, Jacob's company is most likely to use a: The most common bases for determining internal structures are: In a strategic approach to pay, internal approach to pay, internal alignment is the _____ issue to be decided, the well-defined jobs at McDonalds and their small differences in pay are an example of a(n) ____ internal pay structure. D. a combination of internal and external sources of information for job analysis A. a utilization analysis A. allow employees to opt for a compact workweek schedule often called internal equity, refers to the pay relationships among different jobs/skills/competencies within a single organization, the array of pay rates for different work or skills within a single organization, refers to the process by which goods and services are delivered to the customer. C) Identifying the outcomes E. They are only provided for employees who hold key strategic positions in a company. The last step in task analysis is to B) This method of training does not include distance learning. D. a conjoint analysis In this case, Gina is most likely to be working in a job that requires her to: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. This is a valid statement because E. This method provides descriptions that are rather abstract. Providing expatriates with company newsletters and community newspapers helps them B. KSAOs and TDRs are the same thing. D. to assess the relative dollar value of each job to an organization E. retroactive overtime. A) It focuses exclusively on on-the-job training. WebChapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models - It is the first line of defence when selection - Studocu This is the lecture notes for chapter 4 from my Recruitment and Selection class. What ergonomic challenge may result from employees using these devices throughout the day? Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a procedure that helps integrate accepted safety and health practices into a particular task or job operation. Which of the following statements is true of a job evaluation plan? E. increasing the information-processing requirements of the job, C. using software that helps with tracking progress, In which of the following uses of information technology is the technology reducing mental demands and the likelihood of errors? E) culture. He lets the staff decide whether to issue refunds or replace merchandise in case of consumer grievances. C) Avoiding debasing new employees D. Mark should consider preparing new job descriptions since new jobs will be created in the organization. B. job definition D. conjoint analysis Would you expect the amount of applied overhead for a period to equal the actual overhead costs of the period? C. It is a work option that empowers individual workers by adding more opportunities for specialization in their current job duties. A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. D) pretest only with comparison group They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. Errors in job analysis have multiple sources, but most result from outdated job descriptions. Which of the following statements best explains a drawback of the PAQ that would be relevant to her objectives? D) Information E. distraction from paying attention to posture, D. physical strain to wrists from improper positioning for typing, Which of the following is a strategy used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to increase ergonomic job design? When job analysis shows that managers and employees disagree on parts of a job, the best answer is to: Today, job analysis is typically performed by. B) Cost James says, "I don't trust the way the company determines pay rates in my department." C) the employees' awareness of training needs. E. Establish a centralized decision-making process. Sharon, an HR manager, is considering methods of job analysis to introduce at her organization in order to improve the process of writing job descriptions. B. control autonomy and stress error-free work Describe the anatomy of the vulva. B. transfers employees among several different jobs at the same hierarchical level. E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. B) Cost analysis He sent Dominic to 3 days of Excel training. Phil, a management trainer at Flint Inc., designs a training program that focuses on capturing insights and information from knowledgeable employees. B. experience in leading employees with broad responsibilities Bitstar Global Inc. is a soft-drink manufacturing company. It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. WebThese results suggest that the way an organization defines job performance is a source of true and important variability in validities, and that the validity of selection tests for predicting complex performance criteria may show considerably less generalizability than current meta-analysis of univariate validities would suggest. C. People imagine jobs to be unstable, whereas jobs actually do not change or evolve over time. C) It is the support that trainers offer to employees within the training program. D) Dividing benefits by costs B. job review This process is used to determine the placement of jobs. Applying industrial engineering reduces the complexity of work. A) Person Mark should take care to avoid including the titles of the jobs while formulating new job descriptions. E) providing remedial training. Presentation methods are most effective for A) Cognitive B. D) U.S. citizen working for a U.S. firm in Germany. In JSA, the ultimate goal is to identify potential hazards in every step of a process C. Mark should wait until the new employees are hired before creating the new job descriptions. A. the extent to which a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved the work performed in a job and how it gets done, the worth of the work: its relative contribution to the organization objectives, the value of goods/services an employee produces in a job, wage the employer and employee agree on for a job, relies on the work content - tasks, behaviors, responsibilities. It is the list of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for an individual to have to perform a specific job. Which of the following is true of an action plan for training? C. Its employees have a significant level of proficiency required to perform a particular task. Team members' job duties are narrowly defined. Many companies are exploring the use of distance learning to provide training. A. a zero-hour contract D. Searches for office supplies that generate 12,000 results to compare A. Self-managing teams are highly involved in decision making. B. streamlining jobs to make them simpler and more efficient A. job analysis Option 1. D) experience minimal difficulty trying to adapt to changes on returning to the home country. A. In accordance to his beliefs, he wants to reduce the number of job levels and the pay differentials between the levels. E. Job descriptions look at a job's activities, and job specifications look at the qualities needed to do the job, Catherine is an HR executive looking for a new job. It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. D. telework B. job enrichment It provides listings of fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions. B. D) The more passive the trainees are in absorbing the instruction, the more they can use the information on the job. ________ looks at how an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers. E) Network analysis management system. Blake wanted Dominic to learn how to create expanded spreadsheets with complicated filters and formulas. A) Ensuring that employees have product knowledge B) observation. B. penalizing companies that allow employee participation in ergonomic redesign Strip 0y0 \leq y \leq \pi0y to the wedge 0Argw3/20 \leq \operatorname{Arg} w \leq 3 \pi / 20Argw3/2. A. Email notifications popping up on a clerk's screen while he is entering data Organizations that use telecommuting require more office space. All of the following EXCEPT ________ are ways to judge job analysis. This fuels the work we do around the world and inspires our mission to improve the The systematic process of collecting information that identifies the similarities and differences among jobs is known as, If several incumbents, supervisors, and peers respond in similar ways to job analysis questionnaires, it suggests that the results are most likely to be, A group of tasks performed by one person makes up a(n). D) Avoiding learning from informal sources such as company culture E) Computer-based instructions have made instructor-led classroom instruction obsolete. ) A) top management support It is the process of getting detailed information about jobs. D. The employees do not engage in multitasking. not For scheduling purposes, it is recommended that three to five interviews be conducted per day. If an organization wants to improve the work environment factor that influences the motivation to learn, it is likely to focus on The U.S. federal government has developed a step-by-step approach to conducting conventional job analysis. C) The level of interaction between trainees and trainers is high. E. employees in such departments tend to work in cross-functional teams. In an attempt to establish a more efficient and reliable workflow, Henry has taken up the responsibility of creating job descriptions and job specifications for the newly hired and current engineers within the organization. A) top management support E. job extension, Javier, a regional manager for a leading automobile company in the U.S., decides to design a manufacturing job based on the principles of industrial engineering. They are the easiest to set up for manufacturing workers. C. using software that helps with tracking progress It is a work option in which two part-time employees carry out the tasks associated with a single job. E. KSAOs detail the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job. Multiple Choice. D) Information analysis C. Team members' joint responsibilities are minimal. E. Instant messages from a supervisor who expects responses within a few minutes, B. A survey of employee satisfaction among a county's 9-1-1 dispatchers found that employees struggle to keep up with calls, feel little or no control over their situation, and constantly worry about making mistakes. A. experience in setting up divisions based on customer groups B) Making it clear that only the best of the employees can get through the training programs Multiple Choice It helps forecast how many and what types of people are required. C. It represents the first attempt made by the U.S. Department of Labor to match the demand and supply of labor. D. the degree to which a job requires completing a "whole" piece of work from beginning to end D. It only deals with the mental processes involved in performing a job. Identify the statement that is most likely to support this argument. D) It is the support that trainers offer to employees to transfer training to the job. D. job enrichment D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy D) It is a system that requires employees to WebFalse. D) connection. D. A telework arrangement is easy to set up for manufacturing workers. Which of the following is the first stage in the training design process? C) This is one of the least time consuming ways to present information. C. the type of products that will need to be manufactured. A. job extension Marjorie has joined the HR department of Thomas Johnson Inc. as an intern. D) encouraging employees to give feedback to each other. B) position C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. D. levying fines on employers who issue computers with keyboards instead of touchscreen tablets B. D. They focus more on tasks and outcomes and not on how people work. B. job analysis B. evaluating employee performance in order to establish a rational pay structure. Dave wants to set up a manufacturing unit, so he meets with Rodney, a human resource manager at his company. D. Employees can choose to work away from a centrally located work area. Which of the following options would be a way to simplify the mental demands of employees' jobs? A. increased efficiency A. to make jobs less repetitive and more interesting E) Avoiding informal interactions between new and current employees, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, RD exam- Domain 1 B.