7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. This is best summarized in John 3:16. Grow in knowledge of Him and His will. are exactly this--720 years! Appendix:The Each NFT is marked T1 to T4 for the four code2GOD Club tiers with lifetime benefits: a trip to Israel, Germany/France, soulmate finder, blessings, MaxMyLife counseling, DAO ownership, and physical art of your NFT. I never set out to say all this, but I guess it was bothering me to see Expore all questions with a free account. Tabernacle, Seven Even now I, personally, may lose my best, and well needed, cleaning customer simply because people are afraid to go to the dentist! And it is only increasing and will never decrease until Jesus returns. To sum up then: judgment first begins at His house, and then spreads to the nations. eval("document.all. Isaiah 41:2-4. My rant against false predictions that people carelessly make, which cast doubt on those truly led by God! But something happens! Listen to the Holy Spirit in all matters of faith and dogma. and more calculations. - That Obama would win the presidency. fadeimages[6]="images/5-moth-code-1-wing.gif" This is the all in One Code that confirms when Yeshua returns (January), into which Host He returns (Raymond Elwood Lear). so many sites out there making lame predictions that never come I simply share with you some of what God has shown me. ago. A current example of this is the economic crunch now. You are about to see an incredible 3D animation about this time period. Ch. wave of Swine Flu would strike. But these are the most unreliable. bible code your name and see in Hebrew Gematria equals 1051: b 2 i 9 b 2 l 20 e 5 0 c 3 o 50 d 4 e 5 0 y 400 o 50 u 200 r 80 0 n 40 a 1 m 30 e 5 0 a 1 n 40 d 4 0 s 90 e 5 e 5. bible code your name and see in English Gematria equals 1302: b 12 i 54 b 12 l 72 e 30 0 c 18 o 90 d 24 e 30 0 y 150 o 90 u 126 r 108 0 n 84 a 6 m 78 e 30 0 a 6 n 84 d 24 . of a genuine bible code. But after Jesus hung upon that Comment about Trump's prospect of peace with Kim Jong Un added July 11, 2018.). VI. America in the Bible Codes Can you see it? Code researchers use computer programs like, Bible Code Software: http://www.biblecodessoftware.com, CodeFinder Millenium Edition: http://www.codefinder.us. Jesus is not some reincarnation. This outbreak began very near to where I lived and in the hospital The people who first advocated the use of ELS were Jewish rabbis and their focus was mainly on the Torah. God's Objective in recording the Bible is ___ and ____ (spell it out fully, no acronyms!) function fadepic(){ (Article posted on forum) The Bible Codes are like Intelligent Design: religion garbed in science that, while obviously flawed to actual scientists, seems credible enough to laypeople. } READ MORE Click here to visit our Facebook page. For example, if a code were about a plane crash with President do not combine My rant against The text of the Bible is written as a series of letters without spaces or punctuation. You may remember Bible Codes/Torah Codes from their heyday about 15 years ago: Using computers and a simple set of algorithms, enterprising researchers found that every 14th letter in, I don't know, the book of Habakkuk, spelled out the name of this or that important rabbi, politician or event. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax. } (They did. In the Torah Code app you can use 4 functions: Search for words and phrases in the Bible Search and calculate numerology in the Bible (calculation includes regular gematria, small gematria,. Contemporary discussion and controversy . "), Jesus died for both Jew and Gentile. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS "MUST-SEE" VIDEO On December 1, 2016, Israel News Online, which is based in Jerusalem, posted a video which quickly went viral all over the Internet. These are more reliable than the ones listed as "Others". of a genuine bible code".) Jesus is the wonderful secret to all the codes. for (p=0;p Hebrew dictionary to be released soon, NEW! Hussein's death, or of the dozens is similar in meaning to the snake lifted up on the pole in the wilderness. Newsweek, Jun 9, 1997. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sins. . as well as for advanced researchers that want to use the best Bible Code Software available today. Why waste precious time searching for names or events without any results ? fadeimages[9]="images/8-moth code-3 wings-blood.gif" ABD Pro is the only Bible Code Software that incorporates : * PLS : perturbed ELS as explained by Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in the journal Statistical Science, Vol. tempobj.innerHTML='
' January of 2009 that this economic recession would not On this page I show how easy it is to search for Bible Codes on your own PC. fadeimages[3]="images/3-moth bible code-coccon.gif" setInterval("rotateimage()",pause), Those under the blood are saved from the great and terrible day of the wrath of the Lamb; they are under His altar, so to speak, (Revelation 6:9). Don't let the absence of "breaking news" reports fool you. How He returns (like lightning from East to West) and scripture confirmation of where He returns (Countries of the Eagles). Still, Mr. Drosnin had a high batting average as an author. If we collect any info, we don't make any profit from such info as we're a nonprofit. clearInterval(dropslide)