His kid was quick and with anger pumping through his veins, Peter was unstoppable. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". You need to be careful., Mr. "Eugene Thompson! And he still lives with his mom." Instead, the scene that greets him is somehow inconceivably worse. The bedroom lights flashed on, then off, then on again, and kept flashing as the noise continued. Peter watched as the Iron Man suit contracted and folded itself off of Tony Stark, reassembling itself and looking to its master for direction. You've arrived. kind of embarrassing he thought as he made another failing attempt at pushing the giant slab of rock off of him. What are you talking about Jake he was shot in the leg of course ha can talk." He heard the Avengers chatter switch to background noise as his AI kicked in. Its not exactly the lie Peter would have gone for, but beggars cant be choosers. The man snarled and whipped out a handgun from God-knows-where and fired at the stumbling Captain America without hesitation. Peter Parker acts like a spider, and he finds a little surprise (he can now make his own webs, just it really isn't him). "Sorry for this part. Tony comes to take care of him. Stephen Strange was confused. Natalia Alianovna Romanov has bee. "Your pathetic ass excuse of a son tormented my son about saying he has an internship at Stark Industries, which he does as my personal intern, and the one day," Tony holds up one finger, "that my son finally says that he doesn't need your son to believe him, your son decides it's okay to break my sons nose, two of his ribs, repeatedly hit his head into his locker so much that he was bleeding and my son's locker has red streaks down it, and my son can no longer hear. Later, after the city was largely cleaned up and Captain America was stable, Mr. Stark approached Peter, who was sitting on top of a medical van, swinging his feet idly. You passed out almost immediately. Peter has the gauntlet, the stones already in place. The principal continued to tell Flash what would happen to him. Nothing. He moves back out. I like this one was all she said, and the others couldnt help but agree. From the table next to the bed, he produces a small dry erase board and a marker. Things like getting stabbed when he's just trying to protect people. Snarky irondad is my jam. "Was this Flash?" His stomach twists and cramps and he retches miserably. This would be bad enough, but when Peter starts getting seriously ill on top of that, it all goes to shit. His eyes trailed over Peter's still form to a man that had been calmly walking past them. Summary:While Peter is visiting Tony and Morgan at the lake house for a long weekend, the six-year-old manages to accidentally break his nose. 140 guests Is there anything else I can call you? Sound is first to return. . Peter wipes a hand across his face and sees shes telling the truth. Stay with me, Mr. Stark says. Tony screamed. Chapter 22. Injured Peter Parker. Peter was getting his lunch out of his locker because Pepper packed him lunch today. Flash kept muttering to himself. Peter frantically raced back to Captain America and checked the dazed but conscious Avenger for any new bullet wounds on his spangled suit. You did everythingbreathright.. "mr. stark i . Jake laughed. Immediately someone is grabbing his hand and pulling it back away from his mouth. Fevers, Bananas, & Math Lessons by @whumphoarder. Are you alright?! I recommend tearing the suit to form a makeshift splint until the ambulance arrives in 4.3 minutes." This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). I understand that I heard a ruckus, and when I come to investigate, I saw you slamming Mr Parker against the lockers and trying to choke him. Gotta say, dude, not super impressed with the whole spidey sense thing, Ned says as they trudge through the muddy corn maze. Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow "Shit, uh, can I? Oh my God, Karen, could you turn the volume down? He makes eye contact with Ned and shakes his head frantically. Ten minutes and two and a half apples later, they turn around yet another bend in the path and arrive at a three-way crossroads. Whats wrong with you?. . The cops arrived. Awww crap, Deadpool groaned, head tilting back dramatically. Peter shrugs. Why isn't he wandering the question?" And Peter nearly has a heart attack as a result. You don't need to be scared of me. Just then the monitor starts beeping loudly and Peter realizes hes had the mask off too long. Ah, Stark, youre late to the game! Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. Well, hes got the mother of all concussions and a few cuts and scrapes, but hell be fine., Good, Peter breathed. Boss, Leeds has just been cleared by medical staff and is requesting entrance.. "Excuse me, mister wireless headphones are not permitted in class. Jake tears the suit and together they apply pressure to the wound. Bucky Barnes AKA the Winter Soldier Do you need me to come and get you guys? she offers. Kid, were cut off for now. Theres a metallic taste on his tongue and his head is pounding. Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man. Chest feels weird. He was spinning, tumbling, and turning out of control, being flung in every direction. They like him. What does Captain America not have that you dont? Peter bleeds out in a guinea pig enclosure at Morgans sixth birthday party. I need you to get them out., Got it, Mr. Stark. The two fandoms will be the MCU, and OC's that will appear in future chapters of my other works. Okay, one, thats cheating. Peter chuckled. He says hes dizzy., Breathing through a wave of nausea, Peter tilts the phone screen back his direction. Chapter 12 He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. Tony has finally started allowing the kid to tag along on missions with the team. Holy crap, Peter breathed. Tony adopts Peter after May is suddenly killed in a hit and run. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. Why won't he answer my questions." Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. You have airyoure alright.. Peter finds out that Bucky killed Tony's parents and tries to avenge his dad. The words trickled out of Peter's mouth before they'd really even formed, but Tony understood them. She uses a stethoscope to listen to his chest for a few moments and seems to approve of whatever shes hearing. Peters body arched, and shook as the electricity traveled through him, before it receded, and Peter fell to the ground. You think hes being poisoned?!. "You're right Detective Peralta. Thats it. He didn't get to fix his mistakes. Eugene Thompson Sr screeched. trick or treat by @ciaconnaa - Morgan decides to do a quick science experiment to determine whether or not shes allergic to strawberries while under Peters care. Tony, now on the phone, hears the nurses next breakdown very clearly. everyone is booked. done. "Let me her this straight," he said, rage shaking his voice dangerously. KID! tony grunted and a slam sound echoed in peters ear, unless its life threatening i dont wanna hear it! "Help," just as his body went slack, the principal came around the corner. Just a precaution, she explains. His eyes are open and hes staring straight at Tony. Things like getting stabbed when he's just trying to protect people. Think Ill go do some inventory reports, Once Tony is out of sight and the door shuts behind him, Peter tugs down the mask for a second. after evacuating the building, it collapsed in on itself. What he doesnt add is that even if they did have it, most medicines dont even work on him anymore because his metabolism requires him to take such high doses. Strange. The most infuriating part was that for once, he didn't have the answers. Morgan stays because she wants to see him wake up and smile at her like that, too. So for the first time, I'm participating in a fandom challenge! Youre alright, kid. Kid, you okay? Tony asked as his helmet retracted into his suit. Peter was sure. Alternatively: Strange botches the spell that was meant to make everyone forget Peter and he arrives back in September 2016 with knowledge that could change the world. It was a clusterfuck of a day and that was putting it lightly. Is it.. alright for me to take your mask off Peter? Tony swallowed, his hands shaking slightly. Struggling to draw in breath, Tony could feel his heart pounding. I'm tired Mr. Sr. Peter shows up at the compound in a bad state. Read popular avengers peter bleeding at school Fanfiction book in Webnovel. To Peters dismay, the lightheadedness and headache hes been experiencing arent improving with the addition of the fruitin fact, theyre definitely getting worse. Ive got eyes on Cap, he announced to the general comm. He didn't know what else to say, other than he was completely, utterly confused. A few minutes later, Peters stomach growls audibly, reminding him that theyre currently missing lunch. peter parker fainting like a victorian madame for ten minutes straight by @floweryfran & @peter-stank. When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. No! Peter denies immediately. Peter laughed. His nose and the back of his head were oozing blood. Thirty minutes ago, Peter had been ready to eat anything in sight. So then, Monday morning, sixth period lunch he did it. 5. Wheels squeak and roll beneath him. The Thompson's sent a glare at Flash, turned away from him, and walked out. A very loud, extremely annoying horn sound blared through the ceiling speakers. Hes ready to prove hes not just some kid. No you cant! And no matter how hard he tries to keep these things from the Avengers, they're always going to find out. (never). But I've had this first chapter written for a while and I'm almost done with two others, so maybe having this published will motivate me? 12. But thats only their first problem. Its nothingIm fine, Peter quickly denies. You sure youre okay? by @losingmymindtonight. Just feel weird, Ned wrinkles his brow at him. Tony flew as fast as he ever had. Hey, guys! Not to mention his spidey sense is going haywire. He felt his nose break. Unoccupied and near him?, No one sounded an affirmative until Peter did. The answer turned out to be eleven. Wait, does that even make sense?, No, A dry voiceClint, Peter thoughtsaid. He feels disgusting. "I remember those days. Oof, youre in luck. Ned is trying to talk to him, but his voice sounds muffled, almost like theyre underwater. Peter accidentally takes Steves emergency pills that are designed to make him sick in case of poisoning. Ned stands off to the side, looking bewildered. You should remove Peter's mask. Ned ignores him. mind the tags!). Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. Don't go to sleep, okay Spider-Man. 7, peter parker is stuck under a building (again what a surprise the boy just attracts buildings i guess you could say theyre FALLING for him ahaha) anyways i just watched the kissing booth and i hate it so to distract myself i read peter parker angst and now i needed to do it and im so tired its one am, avengers ignore peter while hes stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize), edit: this was my first actual time writing a fic i promise i do actually know how to write well now haha, please leave critism (my spellings bad i cant see my screen rlly well my visions blurry im rlly tired) bc i want to make good angst also its not edited nor will i be editing them i am SO TIRED, (See the end of the work for more notes.). Pain in his stomach and chest; throbbing, stabbing pain. Peter groans and whacks him with one of his physics folders. Peter forces himself to open his eyes. 5. He settles on calling the next-best person to help, too bad (but its the life you lead) byjessicagoddamnjones, Are you even listening to what Im saying?, Jesus, kid he stopped and spun around, placing his hands on Peters shoulders. And then to make matter worse, Bucky had been triggered and forgotten who anyone was. Everything he was feeling began to fade. Try not to talk too much yet. I mean, have you heard about all those new adult coloring books? He jerked his wrists up and shot a web at the man, yanking the gun out of his hands and shoving him harshly away from Rogers. He was sure hed only been asleep a short while, and it was Saturday, so he didnt have to work today. Overall Peter thought it was fun. No problem! "What's for dinner mom?" Natasha whistled lowly. Go find a medic, would you, kid? His cheeks flushing, Peter shakes his head. Should I call May? Peter wants to say that he is, hes trying, but his brain and his mouth arent cooperating. im sure u noticed but im seven days behind and I've lost all motivation so im not gonna update anymore, Natasha was one who expected everything from attempted murder to tax fraud. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Jake flinches. Which, yknow, was fine for the stuffed animals and the walkie-talkies and the plastic lightsabershe gingerly touches the ice to his nosejust not for a sixteen-ounce can of refried pintos., Morgan lets out an exasperated exhale. They encountered that bump in the road a few years ago, and they worked through it, eventually coming out better than they went in. I love whump fics, but I dont really enjoy ones that are unrealistic. His ears are ringing, his chest and stomach hurt, and hes seeing black spots in his vision. Like his formerly poor eyesight, the mutation had cured that particular ailment. Follow Peter Parker entering a new life in Gotham City in his quest in trying to feel normal again in a new reality. He thought hed just caught the tail-end of an argument between Hawkeye and Falcon, because Sam Wilson muttered Spoilsport. just as Captain America said, Clint! Whoa, wait, is this a full Avengers team-up? "Oh, I understand plenty. Uh, Peter cant go to the hospital! he blurts out. He was so sore, so tired. Please consider turning it on! Hey, guys!, Mr. Starks voicewas tense as he addressed Peter. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. I think Coach Wilson is ready to get started.. Then, his spider-sense, which had been only a low hum at the back of his neck, suddenly screamed, and Peter flung himself away without thinking. Good. 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. You're loosing a lot of blood and you need to breathe and I doubt the mask is helping." Peter shakes his head. . He needs you. Browse Ranking Create. She checks him overshines a light in his eyes, draws some blood, and makes careful note of his vitalsbefore deciding hes okay to extubate. Crying. The moment shes gone, FRIDAY interrupts. Tony helps Peter deal with some of the vulnerability involved with not being a genetically modified spider-kid anymore. Flash dropped Peter, and he crumbled to the ground unconscious. There were a few SHIELD medics in their inconspicuous black vans as well as normal city ambulances. Kid, how? Steve asked, watching Peter as he moved in a way that shouldnt be possible. The people I like know it's real. Im on my way now. Peter has the flu at the lake house and, in his confused state, thinks its time to head to school. "Yes, that would be wise. They continue their never-ending trudge through the maze, but Its only a few minutes before Peter is forced to stop again as a particularly bad cramp has him doubling over. Tony hops into his suit and heads out to rescue Peter. He seemed like the only thing keepingthe poor guy on his feetthe super-soldier seemed dazed and unsteady. 3. I dont know how Mr. Stark puts up with this all the time.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Shuri was scrolling through his contacts furiously. Hey losers, youre not lost are you? Michelle calls over in her usual bored tone. Peter gets food poisoning & Tony takes care of him. The group had started out the field trip that day by picking apples in the farms orchard. I dont know if its asthma or what but just bring Mr. Harrington! Ned is urgently speaking into his phone. Tony said dangerously. Don't be like me, guys. (Everyone knew Mr. Harrington just really loved those apple cider donuts.). Nothing to freak out about! "I like your badge Mr. Sr. Police-Man. Peter Parker and Peppermint Dont Mix by @spider-man-stan, In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve, A Poison That Never Ached byfriendlyneighborhoodash. Jake mods. 2. Any, like, alien tech or something?, Karen was silent for a moment before speaking. Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little hard to breathe., tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, If You Can't Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest), yo lets all get together and celebrate my babe parkrstark. His breath hitches and tears slide down his cheeks. Terrified.. They turn around another corner and are met with a dead-end and a yellow sign stating You look Corn-fused!.
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