My set up these days is two modems>Ubuntu server with added zentyal gui and modified load balancing>Devices, r7000, and servers. So I'm not sure what you're asking. Or just gprs or something other than lte/4g. Thanks. So, lets stay focused here and end the back and forth. dun=0 just make sure that wlan data is routed through the standard cellular interface with the rest of the phones data. I had to do quite a bit of work on a certain providers phone (not the router) to make sure traffic was going over the normal apn. iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -i `get_wanface` -j TTL ttl-set 10 T-Mobile CEO John Legere has announced his intention to go after Network Abusers who are using as much as 2 TB of data and are circumventing T-Mobiles throttling and data caps. What is the command prompt to get settings back to default? Which carrier bundle are you using? in a rc.local file, or maybe there's a /etc/sysctl.conf file you can modify the net settings in. iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o usb0 -j TTL --ttl-set 65 This will change the TTL of all packets being routed through the usb attached android phone to 65. And from there, the link URLs have the ios version and carrier name. And Ive tried changing the proxy(Nothing happened) Ive also tried PdaNet (Nothing happened), Dun=0 method isnt working: Getting this message on ADB shell(error: device unauthorized. I cant remember if you were using a outer or router but as long as you could set it up on the router/puter that is an option of resort. You are using an out of date browser. What I mean by this is each os is built for each device and some measures and many programs may not work in said device. The SmartBond DA14682 is a single-chip, high-security, Bluetooth 5 solution with expandable memory for smart home, industrial and wearable device applications. note:for some reason, after a while, the tethering setting does go back to 1, which allows me to enable the hotspot, but blocks the internet access. at Theres no such thing as luck, yet perhaps @Mildew (or others) perhaps might have tips to the indigent. PdaNet not working. \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. I tried several ways before just deciding to mess with my TTL values. I have found this to be trueit stays firm and stable almost 100%. You should check TTL of ICMP __REQUEST__ instead. Setup is still working well. Would you kindly explain what you are trying to achieve / why you want to change the TTL? I have linksys ea3500 running openwrt 18.06.0 on it. Jay Im in Madison county Georgia, thats all boonies for acres and acres, sounds like congestion to me and once again you are forgetting that new phones run multiple connections so your 30, or whatever you said, would be much higher with the right set up. Do you have a way to view the carrier bundle files?? This will be one you change any setting in. How to obscure network device information for GL.iNet GL-MT1300? So far, 4 days now, I have no hit to my mobile hotspot. Thanks for sharing. Using puTTY or ssh, what do I put in my asus RT-AC68U router with merlin installed? For this operation, we will need a file manager with root access, such as Root Explorer. by LoveMeSomeCALTE Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:31 am, Post Their stuff is beyond locked down. at How do I use my Windows PC to connect to the openSSH server to create the traffic tunnel? The same amount of data is being transferred over internet to whatever VPN server you are using The only difference is Tmobile cant read the traffic in the data stream because its encrypted. Now I can set sail once again and get back to my quest for software privacy, free from the cruel masters of restraint! Im still using metro. I am rural and TMobile and AT&T share a tower here, maybe that has something to do with why it works at home, but not in town. Go to NETWORK > FIREWALL > CUSTOM TTL SETTING > and enable with TTL to 65 and Save & Apply. Changing USB port on my PC. 4) This is in part because, on many phones, T-Mobile has pre-installed network monitoring software designed to detect extracurricular data use. Not a roadblock just a detour for our means of completion. nknown Source:3) After making the router set up with modification, I just turn on the tethering wifi hotspot on my phone nexus 5 setting and all devices talk to each other thru the router connecting to internet. The command to. At home on the same tower, no issues so far. Did you do that? I'm seeing exactly the same behaviour. Thanks for the info Jay, Ive been using PDAnet on my MetroPCS plan for a little over 2 Android creates a second rmnet interface in which hotspot is routed over. Zach No way around that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. supports this feature, changing it is impossible, even on a rooted device. Where are you getting the bundles from?? And the whole flashmode just wasn't working from start, although it should be. Was 64,set to 65. On metropcs with a good signal 3-4 bars 4g phoneI usually get 20-30Mbs. Where specifically in DD-WRT settings do you change the APN? I tried to Dun=0 with sqlite editor but did not see the settings.db file will have to do it via twrp or terminal. Before apple patched it from working, the ibackupbot method called for editing the preferences.plist file to change the apn settings. There are more adwanced way to do this so you can run a whole network off this by using a router with either DD-wrt, Tomatos or open-wrt or a dedicated pc running either pfsense, linux, or freebsd to act as a router and mangle the TTl on the fly, the benefits of this is it gets ALL of the data(windows seem to miss a small amount arohnd 5%) and its possible to edit the User agent in ways that dont mess up websites with squid and just appending the device. Open a terminal window in webfig and then copy paste: Code: Select all. iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 65 I wonder if there are any companies out there offering unlimited tethering? Thank you. Thanks! The only other thing I notice is two hyphens (instead of one) before the ttl-set 65. Cant remember what the one plan was but Im pretty sure it was metros 60 plan or was it the one like the 50 plan where you cant get above 480p resolution on marked sites and codecs also there is no hotspot allowance. while not everything, almost entirely all of the tracking is done via TTL, torrents can be ran from both a phone(i use flud) or a computer so they cant say your abusing the TOS, not saying that xbox doesnt show up in some form on their network as weird traffic, but ive downloaded 1300GBs of data one month on my xbox one without issue, phones also connect to the xbox domain so they cant block it, and the only thing the isp can tell is what domain your are visiting not the content(as long as the page/content is over https). When we check data usage its all accounted for, but lists PDANet with most of the data. Read more: How to activate airplane mode on Android you can change dun setting via adb shell. (VPN on phone), As for the Windows Thing there could be two reasons one its obviously going to still be popping up as a Windows machine in every aspect except the ttl so its a lil obvious its not your phone (same reason why Windows phones use to have major issues with companies thinking they were tethered devices especially when their TTL was also 128. You wont even get a 40 with thaT setup. Thanks Jay. If that doesnt work, which it should, change the number to that of the current one it with the way they work at w top level it should only be an issue if the name. Or of highspeed data? Thanks for this blog post and commenters. It works just fine if I use a VPN but I got it of using one to bypass hotspot tracking a LONG time ago for many many reasons. Still cant get the USB Tether directly into the USB port of my Asus router. If you can see the file, use the exact syntax as the other entries. You'll need to explain. I give no guarantees though. Hope this helps. modprobe xt_hl So I am an everyday linux user and for me personally I use. All about 80 Gigs last month. Cost me absolutely nothing except for the occasional expensive thank-you gift. Token expire. But anyhow, if you are using what T-Mobile considers a phone or tablet the data cap is effectively still set at 28GB because after exceeding 26GB, speeds slow way down from throttling. no reason to boot into recovery, just boot the phone and type adb shell to get a shell prompt then the command settings put global tether_dun_required 0 that all. by ruraltx Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:53 am, Post I did have to download the LG USB drivers from the LG website, install, and reboot the computer. I have a rt-n56u and Ive tried to enter net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = 65 via telnet, but Ive been unable to see the expected results. a desktop also works im just talkign about a use case, wifi tether to a ubuntu machine and share that via Ethernet, simple, also i cant tell if your talking about server in the software sense or hardware, any old pc world work, just a laptop is the easiest to manage. Then double click it and add value 65 in decimal, (thx Jay) Is there a simple(ish) way to repeat the TTL trick for the data coming from the ps4 through my mac via cable or direct through the phones hotspot? I know cause these are what worked for me. Kodi with the Exodus Add-On Nexus 5x rooted 6.01 with settings put global tether_dun_required 0 thru a window 7 desktop. TMo S8+ user (not the unlocked versionwish it was in hindsight). Source:15) Changing registry parameter is not working: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters Name: DefaultTTL Type: REG_DWORD Valid Range: 1-255 How can I do it? If you have a extra PC laying around I also recommend using pfsense(its based of BSD and can do tons of high or low level filtering because of its extensive networking support the down side is its wifi hardware support isnt the best) unless the phone is explicitly marking the data coming through the hotspot there is not a single thing that pfsense shouldnt be able to get around as far as filters go. And if you wanted to be real sure they cant tell you teathing then find a spare laptop buyusb Ethernet adapter and modify the UA strings so they appear to come from the phone, you just need to append them at the back with some basic cellphone identifers and then set ip the box as a proxy server seting tthe ttl as data passes through. at android.os.Binder.onTransact( Was the script for Merlin specifically?? If you are on one PC and ping the local adress of the same PC it will just give you whatever value the PC has, because there are no hops, being its the same system/device. 4) No throttle untill I reset my phone back to the factory reset. sppeeds will onyl be cut in half if you are running a repeater bridge with one antenna, especially a old as dirt linksys 54g, that barly has the power to run ddwrt to begin with(that had to make a light build to get it working on the thing), any thing you add as a go between will increase the latency, if you wanted the lowest latency why dont you just connect directly to the pc, with its ttl edited there will be no extra processing, the only need for a server or router to mangle the data is to allow more devices to connect, it also simplifies the network for me, but its not a requirement in any sense. I dont know what this method does to the desktop? From there you should have the settings you seek. @Jay, please help me! There are too many options here to list them all, but when it comes to simplicity PIA (Private Internet Access VPN) is the best and easiest to set up and will run you about $39.95 a year ($3.33 a month).
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