The sow eating her pups may be starving. When properly fed, you dont have to worry that she will eat her babies. Here is how to tell if your baby guinea pig is a boy or girl: RELATED: CLICK HERE for more information on how to determine the sex of a guinea pig. This often happens when owners of female guinea pigs discover an unplanned pregnancy and arent able to care for all the babies. Most guinea pigs cages are designed for adult guinea pigs with a one inch space between the bars. Also, they should have unlimited amounts of timothy hay and water all the time. There is a chance that your sow will only partially eat her offspring, particularly if she killed them by accident. In the next section weve assembled some of the most commonly asked questions our readers have about their baby guinea pigs. On the other hand, female guinea pigs mature sexually at 2 months of age, so make sure to keep them separated from their brothers and father. (Such as blood and remaining body parts). They will begin to wriggle and move about as soon as theyve been licked clean by their mom. It will also well as putting her at risk for developing diseases like toxaemia. Guinea pigs are social animals and do best when kept in pairs or groups. is a participant in theAmazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to She needs more food and more nutrients to prepare her for the process of giving birth and nursing her babies. On the other hand, a male guinea pig eats guinea pig babies when they recognize that the babies are not theirs, also because they are intimidated and territorial. Most species clean their offspring with their tongue and so do your little friends. He may also help to nurse the babies. The first twenty four hours are when the babies are at greatest risk for being eaten, so remain close during this period. For example, guinea pigs are born with their eyes open, and their ears which look huge at the moment can already hear. By their second week, you wont be able to miss how much your baby guinea pigs have grown already. They are able to see, hear and move around once they are born. One of the ways they do this is through "wheeking". Theyre sweet, juicy, and tasty. The body temperature of a guinea pig is between 101104 F (3840 C), so its ideal ambient air temperature is similar to that of humans, approximately 6575 F (1824 C). For instance, a guinea pig that was captured individually needs at least one other guinea pig as a cage mate. Make sure any seller houses male and female guinea pigs separately, or there could be a chance you'll take home a pregnant female. Just simply focusing on your guinea pigs and trying to chat with them every day can go a long way. Once the baby guinea pigs turn 3 to 4 weeks, separate them from their mother, especially male guinea pigs. That is a common myth and is not true. One of which is probably: Will your guinea pig eat her babies? Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a865a53297bca918d5b51d234266ee3f");document.getElementById("e1b86b387e").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Most people find that, when it comes to guinea pigs at least, babies are the cutest. We placed an additional water bottle in the cage so that it was low enough for the babies to reach it. (Find Out Now), Can A Father Guinea Pig Be With The Babies? Once all the serious aspects of baby guinea pig care are in hand, you can turn your mind to more fun tasks, like picking their names. For guinea pigs to reproduce, a male guinea pig needs to fertilize the female. Of course, every guinea pig is different, and some individual animals may indeed experience some sadness or loneliness after being separated from their babies if you are concerned that your guinea pig may miss its young, it. But, theres some things you can do to help your fur baby return to a comfortable atmosphere, and to prevent this from happening again in the future. While the baby boars can be separated in just three weeks once they are fully weaned, the baby sows can remain with the mother for up to 4 weeks from the time of birth. On the other hand, if it turns out that they dont form any attachment to their young, then we can rest assured knowing that there isnt anything we need to worry about. Yes, guinea pigs like stuffed, Read More Do Guinea Pigs Like Stuffed Animals? While it might not be anything to worry about, sometimes it can be a sign of sickness. Keep in mind that guinea pigs are not the best choice to raise other female guinea pigs babies. Expect to pay around $10 to $40 on average, though this can vary depending on factors such as age and coloring. Why would a pet guinea pig eat its own babies? You can expect your pup to wander curiously about their world during this time, but their legs are still a bit clumsy and theyre apt to suddenly plop down as they explore their environs. Squeaks, Scales and Tails is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC an affiliate advertising program. You can take some precautions to lower the risk of a guinea pig baby being eaten. I also enjoy doing things outdoors, like hiking and camping. Its just as important that your baby guinea pig also spends most of their time with other guinea pigs. Keep the male guinea pig separate from his female partner to keep her safe and reduce the stress. i've been keeping this a secret for over a week now!! Newborn guinea pigs should be kept with their mom for at least 3 weeks. Copyright 2021 - 2023 Guinea Pig Den | Jennifer Franklin Media LLCThis site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Try brushing your pets coats regularly as this can create soothing and pleasant connecting experiences. Many living creatures eat other members of their species when necessary for survival. If you keep a male guinea pig with the mother and babies, introduce them slowly, so there is no aggression between the two adults. At six weeks old baby guineas pigs are fully weaned, and have stopped nursing from their mother. See Also: Care Show details The larger the litter, the smaller the pups will likely be. Keeping the father around is a very bad idea and adds to the stress of the female guinea pig about to deliver her litter. (Find Out Now), Filial Cannibalism (and 7 Reasons Why Some Animal Moms Dine On Their Babies). Even though they share similar names, guinea pigs do not belong to either the dog or pig family. If it is found that they experience sadness after their young have been weaned, it would suggest that we take extra care in handling this process. As mentioned already, increased stress will make it much more likely that your guinea pig will eat her offspring. How long do guinea pig babies stay with mom? This is a question that has long been debated when it comes to guinea pigs. So, if youve been wanting to know if guinea pigs usually miss their owners, we hope you have the answer now. If you are considering getting a guinea pig, ensure you can provide them with the social interaction they need. So, pet parents should be cautious and prepared when dealing with pregnant sows. To most people, guinea pigs are cute pets, and having just one will suffice. New guinea pig breeds are formalised by the American Cavy Breeders Association, who also oversee breed standards and competitions in the United States. This is especially true if pet parents have not given their pregnant sow enough food. The pups will learn a lot from how to form social bonds, to which foods are safe to eat from the adults they live with. When I'm not writing, I enjoy kickboxing and work as an animal trainer. If you are unsure if the guinea pig is missing its baby, you may not be able to know if it is ill and needs to see a veterinarian. So, what is the answer? ), Guinea pigs can suffer from running lice. Three weeks marks the earliest point at which pups may stop nursing from their mother. When they dont respond to her attention, she tries cleaning them more and more vigorously, until eventually she ends up damaging them. male guinea pig staying with the mother and babies, guinea pigs can get attached to their owners. Compared to other rodents, guinea pigs (both in captivity and in the wild) will very rarely choose to eat their offspring. CLICK HERE to check the price. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Spinach Or Is It Bad For Them? Once the mother gives birth to her babies to the nest, she won't be paying much heed to the nest anymore. To do this, we learned it is best to wean the males by removing them from their mom and sisters cage at three weeks and moving them to a separate cage. Even then, they must be handled very gently., Why do animals sometimes kill their babies? The more factors that are present, the higher likelihood shell eat her pups. There's nothing quite like getting away from it all in nature. When you do approach the a baby guinea pig, be careful to move slowly and gently. Here you'll find the juicy goods to care for your little friends WITHOUT making your brain short-circuit. Theres a few traits unique to piggies that probably explain why they usually dont feel the need to eat their babies. When baby guinea pigs grow up the males are called boars and the females are called sows. However, dont keep them in the same cage for long. 2 3 cups mostly green, leafy vegetables, Occasional fruit too much sugar can lead to obesity. And if you push very gently, the penis might appear. Newborn guinea pigs weigh only 100 grams but they grow quickly. They need to stay with their mother guinea pigs and suck their milk, but they will quickly become active. Baby guinea pigs are called pups. Let's hear it for the boys. Baby guinea pigs typically stay with their mother for about three weeks, but this can vary depending on the situation. Make sure theres always enough food in your pregnant guinea pigs bowl. This little interaction will enable him warm to the introduction of a new cage mate better. Guinea pigs can recognize their owners and other people they know and trust. Pregnant and lactating guinea pigs also need alfalfa hay to sustain their babies. Just keep your little friend with other females only. Guinea pigs dont hibernate, but they will slow down their metabolism and activity in order to stay warm, Read More Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate? Prepare to separate the male and female baby guinea pigs by at least three weeks of age. If her diet doesnt contain enough vital vitamins and nutrients, she can still be malnourished whilst receiving enough calories to maintain her body weight. There are several major ideas about why would a guinea pig eat the babies: When they are small and weak, its much easier to keep baby guinea pigs away from male guinea pigs. Remember to remove any they leave, as it will spoil quickly. An indoor cage size of 18" x 24" (45 x 60 cm) should comfortably accommodate a guinea pig. 11. So, consider getting a cage large enough for them to play around. This will stop the mother from continuing to feed on them, and it will prevent the risk of diseases through decomposition. While it is certainly possible that guinea pigs may experience separation anxiety after their babies have been taken away, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that this is the case. However, too much calcium is dangerous for an adult guinea pig. Even if guinea pigs cannot express emotions the way other pets like dogs or cats do, it doesnt mean they dont miss their owners when left alone for long. Since males can get any female guinea pig pregnant once they reach maturity - including their mothers - they're weaned and taken from their mother at three weeks old. Berryman, J. C., Guineapig Vocalizations: Their Structure, Causation and Function, Ethology, 1976. There are, Read More 7 Alarming Reasons Why Guinea Pigs DroolContinue, What fruits can guinea pigs eat? You have entered an incorrect email address! When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? And all the behaviors theyll need to carry out for themselves instead of having performed for them by mom like grooming will be well established. Make sure your pig has a lot of food. the babies are doing so well and are so healthy.#guineapig #babies #cuteSong: Sapphe. Individual size is generally linked to litter size, so the more siblings there are in a litter, the smaller they are each likely to be. Want to know more? "Wheek" City. However, they will continue to feed on their mothers milk as well. The causes are different for each species. Or house her with a neutered male to prevent future pregnancies. This is called precociality. Lets take a closer look at this exciting topic. Signs of Guinea pig loneliness, depression, and boredom include hair chewing, hiding, refusing to be handled, and general irritability. Guinea pigs do not share a similar parent-child bond like that of their siblings with their parents. While it is a hard thing to think about, it can happen. How Can I Prevent Guinea Pigs From Eating Their Babies? Plus, good breeders and rescues tend to handle their guinea pigs regularly, which helps to keep them tame. However, you should err on the side of caution. She checked each one of them and licked them clean immediately following their birth. In general, the color of Abyssinian guinea pigs is associated with congenital eye defects and digestive problems. Guinea pig babies are born very quickly. Well chart the milestones of their first days and weeks, and find out what to expect if you discover your female guinea pig is expecting. Also, female guinea pigs eat their young if they are overstressed and afraid because they cannot handle the situation. The larger the litter, the smaller the pups (as a general rule), so ideally you wouldn't want too many pups born at once. Female guinea pigs take care of the hardest part as much as possible. Guinea pigs are different from many other species; they are born with teeth and fur, and almost immediately they can see and walk around. You can also give them a comfortable place to sleep, like a bed or hammock. If you have an affectionate male guinea pig, you can introduce the babies when they are in the same cage. Like babies of all species, cute baby guinea pigs are tiny and winsome. Thats what they do while also making your life a much brighter place. Keep an eye on their weight, and youll be able to observe them steadily gaining ounces until around their first birthday. Copyright 2023 A mother guinea pig needs to clean the babies and eat the afterbirth to chemically generate the mammary glands to start producing milk. (Fun Facts). Male guinea pigs (boars) usually mature sexually and can mate as young as 2-3 months of age. Newborn guinea pigs can open their eyes after they are born. Under normal circumstances, the sow will give birth and have a healthy litter of pups. Paying lots of brief visits to your litter with mother, and getting them used to gentle handling without worrying them are going to be a vital foundation of good socialization. Its often the result of starvation, stress, inexperience, or trauma. RELATED: CLICK HERE for tips on how to tame your guinea pig (step by step guide). An adult female guinea pig will never harm or eat newborn babies. Lake Shore Veterinary Hospital offers the following helpful advice: If you touch her belly a couple of centimeters ahead of the anus, you will be able to feel that the pelvic bones have spread apart. If you are a new guinea pig parent or have an unexpected pregnancy like we did, you too may have lots of questions about newborn baby guinea pigs. Between then and reaching their full adult weight several months later, you might hear them being described as juniors. (n.d.). 10. The act of cannibalism in guinea pigs is usually the mother trying to protect the rest of her litter from predators. Watch after your guinea pig while she gives birth. Make sure that your guinea pig babies are able to reach the water bottle sipper. Some guinea pigs even put up great resistance to this. If you are unsure, it is best to consult with a veterinarian to help determine the sex of the pups. Be quiet and move slowly around baby guinea pigs. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Weve already covered the reproductive cycle of guinea pigs and pregnancy and how to tell if a guinea pig is pregnant, so you can learn much more about these topics in our articles. She is also teaching them how to interact with other guinea pigs. and Can You Put A Baby Guinea Pig With An Older One? How Can You Prevent Your Guinea Pig from Eating Its Young? But whether youre raising a litter from birth or buying an older baby guinea pig for sale, getting prepared in advance is the best way to make sure you provide them with the best start in life. Do guinea pigs miss their babies? (2020, May 5). [9] They will still need to nurse, though, for three weeks before they are ready to be removed from their mother. In the meantime, if you havent seen enough sweet pictures of baby guinea pigs yet, then why not visit our compilation of favorite guinea pig videos. To help you, weve written more about how to tame a guinea pig here. We knew for sure that we had one male and two females, but it was still hard for us to tell with the fourth guinea pig. But, stick with me. From the moment they are born they are unusually mature and capable of looking after themselves. Coming up with a cute guinea pig name is a lot of fun, but can be tough. Although they are capable of eating almost immediately, baby guineas do still need to nurse and they will seek milk about every two hours. While guinea pigs are usually docile, friendly and social creatures, adult males should not be around the babies under any circumstances. Once the pups arrive, monitor them closely to make sure nursing is established within 12 hours. Or at least make it a less dangerous one, for you, the guinea pig mother, and the baby piggies. Getting guinea pigs used to handling from an early age is an important part of rearing confident, relaxed pets. My first piggy some years ago did a big dance of joy each time I came back home after some days of being away. (Fun Facts). Guinea pigs make eleven different call types. Neutering is A LOT less risky for males than spaying is for females. Guinea pigs can eat their babies if they lack nutrition. To pick up your guinea pig move slowly and gently pick him up with two hands. Foreign bodies in the eye of a guinea pig result in tearing, and corneal ulcers, which, in some cases, form a translucent film over the eyes. Guinea Pigs do best when living with at least one similar companion, and pets that live without another Guinea pig sometimes become lonely and depressed. They also live for several years, longer than most other rodents, so you can enjoy them longer than other pet rodents. It is fine to carefully handle your new guinea pig pups during their first week, but be sure to allow them plenty of time with their mother as well. Guinea pigs definitely can eat clementines. This can harm the guinea pigs health, as they may become stressed or depressed. Extreme Stress -. RELATED: CLICK HERE for 99 cute guinea pig names to help you choose. As noted above; Guinea Pigs are highly vocal and use their voice to express their personality. Make sure she always has enough food. During our research we learned that there are two possible reasons why: This was one question that had me really worried. This can be very misleading especially when it comes to motherhood as many animals eat their offspring in certain circumstances. Normally, they could be 3-6 inches long. The babies shouldn't be separated from their mothers for at least a month. We will help you to raise your baby guinea pigs to become healthy, happy pets. Yes, guinea pigs miss their owners. For example, they can eat blueberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon, passion fruit, melons, bananas, and many more. Stop getting dirty looks from your piggies, because you forgot to do something for themAGAIN.
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