Spaghetti and mostaccioli are referred to as SPAG and MOST. Refire usually used to ring in something that needs to be remade and quick. Dry well when the water in the hot well dries up and smells awful. to replace a finished party with a new party. Also referred to as a Lexan (from a competing company). * Eighty-six, 86 Were out of Sams! Jail Bird when a grill cook doesnt sear cross marks on a chicken breast and instead just marks with parallel lines that look like old fasion prison uniforms * Campers Customers that hang out at a table all night long and even turning off all the lights doesnt get rid of them at closing time. When a restaurant has more than one kitchen, a chef or other cook will ask a new guy to go and retrieve ridiculous items, and laugh when they have trouble finding them (because they dont exist).. Three good ones: A can of steam, a left handed knife and stuffed peas. etc etc. The cost of a chicken entre with meat, sauce, vegetables and starch is your food cost. Par or Par Cook: When a very large party has made a reservation, they are sometimes only offered a few key items from the menu (because of their size, almost like ckicken or fish at a wedding reception). Beverage Station Internet Slang . you know, where they have extra silverware, a computer to send an order to the kitchen, water, salt and pepper, etc is it geuridone? Ive been trying to remember a term we used for the cover used on dinner plates. Short forms to Abbreviate Food. Used to note the total quantity of an item on multiple tickets. Chef says this is how were doing it today. Yes, Chef!. What is the specific term for dish sorting?? SKIPPER- a server who skips out on their sidework or rolling silverware, see Skate or Skater. Generally root vegetables, potatoes, carrots, but sometimes zucchini or other soft vegetables are used. : Alot like Hot Behind and Hot Behind, you yell this when youre going into a cabinet cooler, so nobody turns around into you and drops anything. Mellow a gentle, smooth flavor. Just so the mates would know where you were, but not what you were doing. I need a side of papas.. Sweet: A sugary flavour. 2 and 2: Used in breakfast joints. * Saucier Saut Chef/station. Heres one: : Thats Las Vegas baby put it up! Used super frequently,at least where im at tough - The steak was very tough. * Tare The weight of a container that the product from a vendor is delivered in. ie cover that hash/fries/pattie. Apps- appetizers, as in are my apps up yet? * Bev Nap The little square paper napkin which a beverage rests on. Can you please stir or add soup in the warmer next to the gril or Inplaced the knot rolls in the hot box and theyre ready to deliver, On Deck: Term used to define who is in line or que to be seated, served, or cashed out following a current service being provided to another customer or co worker. Lunch Ladies The Monday through Friday Day shift servers that have been there for years. And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @connecticutmagazine and Twitter @connecticutmag. MAY receive preferential treatment, or, the complete oppositesee redneck, perhaps related to, or expectsother times, an owners greatest asset. sarcastically, refers to a person who stands around giving orders rather than actually working during a task that does not require an expo, such as making drinks or moving tables. clopen: noun. I apologize if somebody has already posted these.. Grat- to add gratuity(the tip) to a large group that is dining together. Correspondingly, several types of course description abbreviations are used. Pick up a salad du jour Ryan style . Yesterday: Touched on in the glossary but equally as used as on the fly. Buss/pre buss- to remove empty glasses, finished plates, dirty napkins, wrappers, ect from table. Can also be used in reference of bringing/dropping a check on a table for customers to pay. upsell: verb. those given a pager Turn that table now, weve got 8 on tether, Screamer: a crying infant or unruly child in the dining room usually in conjunction with a expedite plea Screamer on 5 Rail It Yesterday!, sometimes an obnoxious/complaining adult, Ghost: a member of a party who hasnt arrived yet Hold table 7, we got a ghost, Kiss: roughly a little kiss the fire (ultra-rare, or lightly warmed), kiss the sea (barely salted), A Precious: a very finicky, difficult or demanding diner; someone who sends everything back or expects a comp, Donkey: lowest person in the kitchen, particularly a cook, who ends up doing the all the scut work for the other cooks on the line the beast of burden. Keep It Simple Stupid, In regards to creating dishes, menus or table settings for a restaurant or special event. Walking in/ On the new What someone on expo will say when a new ticket comes in and there are already several on the board. Runner - Someone needed to "run" food to table. Under Cover- on the house, Hi Heather!! This past October at the Restaurants Rise conference powered by MUFSO, we got the opportunity to interview several restaurant operators about how theyve risen to the challenges presented by the pandemic. Pipe Stock: Water for the tap used in-stead of Stock. Table 12s chicken was raw! Comp the whole table desserts and coffee!, * Cover A customer, i.e.It was a slow night, We only did 20 covers tonight.. The term for using a product against whats come in later is FIFO. Biotherm thermometer Im a cook myself, and these are some back of the house lingo Ive used or heard that I think are common.. added add added water add wtr artificial art aspartame asp assorted asstd Australia Austl average avg baked bkd baking bkg barbeque bbq boiled ckd boneless w/o bone bottle btl bottled btld braised brsd breaded brd broiled brld calcium calc California Calif calorie cal caffeine caff canned cnd carton ctn charbroiled char chocolate choc chopped chpd cholesterol cholest commercial cmrcl . Those are some good additions Erin Thanks! Answer (1 of 3): I don't believe there is a standard set of food abbreviations. When a server rings in multiply bills all at once for no good reason other then pure laziness. PUNCH IT- when servers/bartenders put their order into the POS system so the ticket will print in the kitchen. see Table Turn. Joiner guest(s) that arrive late to a table that has already started * Brigade System The kitchen organization system instituted by Auguste Escoffier. Deck brush the scrub brush used to do the floors after water and cleaner is poured on them. (salt, pepper, onions, butter, etc), Single out: When the rail is full and a single top comes through get it done out of order. Yes? I have worked in a restaurant for 9 years. Thats disgusting!. When you open it, the gases cause the ketchup to splatter upward, all over you. Traditionally, they are boiled, steamed or roasted. VIP pass: noun. Las Vegas baby: When something falls on the floor in the kitchen, gets wiped off and cooked. Your two-top is looking for you.. Items or directions with only one word are represented by the first two to three letters or a combination of three to four letters that phonetically sound out the full word. The baker kinda gives it away : ). The babies are complaining again that they need tables. If you ask for a unspecified gin and tonic you will get whatever gin they serve as opposed to a Tanqueray and tonic. A good explanation of some is found at: to give something away, to take off the check at a financial loss. HEARD means you drop what youre doing and begin the new action. * Rollup Silverware rolled into a napkin, usually linen but can be paper. day dots Rate it: FOOD. Facebook. Echo Like heard, a way of letting someone know you heard them. * Food cost What a menu item costs to prepare. Working: The opposite of all day, if the sous chef asks the grill cook how many filets he has, the working number is the amount on the grill or in the oven, actually cooking, all day means total. Being a MS/CS in the military taught me more about food safety then honing my culinary skills but seeing the kitchens of most restaurants/hotels left a somewhat sickening lump in my throat. ; Campers: Customers who remain seated at a table for . A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W. And dont forget to add your own terms to the comment section below! Meaning a server walking by the window could run food even if one of their hands were full because it was such a small carry, make me a hero used by expediters to notify to the cooks that all they need to sell this ticket is one last item. Eggs on a plate were called by the wheelman to the fry station. They made chicken for comida again., comp: noun, verb. Refers to the Head Chef or The Boss! Ex. Pungent unpleasantly strong in taste or smell. * On a Rail or On the Fly Something needed quickly, like yesterday. Also worth noting.. Yesterday and on the fly mean the same thing, but imply different things. There's no time or room to write out full menu descriptions on guest checks, so it's crucial that all item abbreviations are clearly understood by both kitchen and floor staff, such as STF, LG or EZ. fire two filets medium rare, one salmon. Sort. Toss it was common to toss out food. the person who coordinates all orders in the kitchen. A cook who works under the Chef de Partie to learn the station and responsibilities. If you wanted to smoke or use the bathroom, we would say Ive got to pet my dog (outside/in the bathroom). 8. articles. Food Service Description Food abbreviations for waitressing Total Cards 8 Subject Other Level 12th Grade Created 04/02/2010 Click here to study/print these flashcards . Food critics fall into this category. Bleeder When a ketchup bottle has been sitting in a hot kitchen undisturbed for too long, and the contents ferment. These customers typically are not concerned that they put you in the weeds, -Rug Rat- small child that is going to make a MESS of the table. -Curtain Crawler- a slightly older child, that runs amok around the joint irritating and annoying other customers. Im triple sat. short for complimentary. NOT the same as a void. ie roll hash (hashbrowns) and cakes (pancakes). ex: Hot side just got slammed, they have 7 tickets on the board, The Sampler Used when a table orders one of everything. (what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.). Where the cooks place the food for pickup. I merely wanted to give you a quick heads up! a triple is only possible in restaurants that are open through three meal periods, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, or that have a late night or graveyard shift, such as 24-hr diners and nightclubs. notably, it includes foreign-language slang such as people often wish they knew when they get a job in a restaurant, but does NOT contain standard foreign-language words that can be looked up in a dictionary, such as standard french culinary terms. These are great terms to add to the list! Split: When upscale restaurants have separate lunch and dinner service, and the dining room is closed between them. Thanks for sharing, Sara. ALWAYS accompanied by the: -Daycare provider- A customer that ALLOWS the curtain crawler to run amok, could even be a parent, completely aloof that their little kid just crawled under your table in an attempt to obtain a previously dropped crayon, or sugar packet, or a discarded crouton. * Cremate it or Kill it To almost burn something or be very overcooked; i.e Table 5 wants his burger cremated (extra extra well done). They are frequently rectangular but sometimes square or round. Perhaps not as out of control as in the weeds. FOH: An acronym for Front of House, which refers to the front of the restaurant or the client facing areas like the bar or waiting area.Common FOH positions include servers, bartenders, barbacks, and hostesses. Now I will be more aware when dining out for some of the new ones though. Smoky: A taste recollective of the smell of smoke. If you kill it, refill it. Theres many more that I just cant remember. Got it!" Dead Plate (n.) - Food that can't be served. Squeegee just like youd use on a window but bigger and used after deck brushing to push the water into the drains. On the Judge Jeanine Pirro show today a young woman said all the register computers went down one day and the manager said to work out of the bag. all day: adjective. window: noun. Can be removed if the server feels his table would be willing to tip more. Wait Station Can I get an open menu count, please. on your back dont move backwards or turn around because youll bump into the person behind you that just said on your back. Typically the hours of 10p-6p or 9p-5p., Three Central & Southern American BBQ styles to try this summer, How To Add Outdoor Catering To Your Restaurant, How restaurant owners are rising to the challenges of COVID-19,, -Family Meal- Occurs after close, When ManagementOwners Chefs/cooks, bartenders, servers, dish pigs, bussers, illegals, everybody involved, maybe switches rolls, but all bets are off for who goes where and does what. Hooters. shoemaker: a cook who prepares food that tastes like chewing on leather. Quat, quat strips, sani bucket What does that mean? * Well drinks Well drinks are made from the inexpensive house liquors on hand. Three common soft skills for a waitress are communication skills, customer . What was the form of tender? They paid with cash., Chateau Lapompe:way to call tap water among staffmembers 2 chateau lapompe on table 7usually accompiened by a fair dose of sarcasme:P, House/table/regular/plain/normal water:way to call tap water among customers as if it was too cheap just to call it tap water. About 425,800 openings for waiters and waitresses are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Cant remember the term we used when you had to substitute something because of a mistake, was it system 7? The manager has to put that to:. * Still Moving or Still Mooing Ultra rare, they want the tender (tenderloin) still Mooing.. ie that burger is working spicy fries and no onions. * VIP A very important customer, perhaps well known and deserving of extra special treatment. Far be it. Also can be used as a verb. WHAT DOES ILL HAVE A CUP OF COFFEE IN A DIRTY CUP STAND FOR? to convince a guest to choose a higher-quality option that costs more, eg a drink with top-shelf liquor instead of well. literally of the fly. On emergency status, immediately. Food Abbreviations 9. Run - To bring something to a table. ramekin Gooey: A viscous, sometimes sticky texture arising from the presence of moisture in a dense solid food. Jacked: I term my kitchen uses for when a server takes a plate or side for their own table when it belonged to someone else. Can scrape any sort of dried food particle off of any dishes. See mis-picked. 7 popular forms of Abbreviation for Food updated in 2023. At most restaurants it is automatic with tables of 6 or 8 and over. Thank god Im wearing sneakers, Im in Jenny Craig tonight. * Overhead The added in factors when you are costing out menu products to make sure you are making a profit. Hearty: A firm, robust texture. See In The Weeds. Ambushed by senior citizen brigade / Red Hat Attack / blue light specials when senior citizens all comes at once for lunch Honeyed reminiscent of honey. STAB & GRAB- when servers stab their tickets and snatch their food up in a hurry to get it out to the customers. Stacked multiple tickets delivered to the kitchen all at once that usually put the kitchen in the weeds and get the server phased. Does anyone know what a 131 is? Holdto leave something off Suggest. That super crunch french fry that stuck in the basket for 3 rounds. When I worked in a fancy restaurant, the manager might tell a server to get the dead dishes and silverware off a table. Idiomatic Spanish. Hang on, before you run that, Im gonna tax it. Blue check when a plate comes back to be corrected, it becomes a blue check with priority to sell A few more that were left off the list Well vodka neat? Spanglish. sugar caddy, white on right The origin of this phrase is used for many different things. Sub: turkey burger, no pickles. * No Call/No Show Employee who does not show up and does not call or a Reservation that does not show up and does not call. Gratutize to add a fixed gratuity parties of (any number) or more. * Top The number in a dining party. Point of Sale. 50-50: cup of coffee or Joe with half-and-half, A spot with a twist: a cup of tea with lemon, A stack of Vermont: pancakes with maple syrup, Adam & Eve on a raft and wreck em: two scrambled eggs on toast, Adam & Eve on a raft: two poached eggs on toast, Adam & Eve on a log: two poached eggs with link sausage, All the way: hot wiener with mustard, meat sauce, onions, and celery salt, Angels on Horseback: oysters rolled in bacon and served on toast, Arnold Palmer: Half sweet tea, half lemonade, Atlanta: Coca-Cola (the company is based in Atlanta, Georgia), Axle grease/skid grease/cow paste: butter, B.L.T. Short forms to Abbreviate Waitress. no call / no show: noun. Stray dog person that wanders away from their work area into another section -Misfire (shooting blanks)- an item of food that the cook/chef usually admittedly discards, having incorrectly applied temperature or timingmust apply to spoilage. * Stiffs Non-tipping customers, see redneck. Our variation of the push 88 is 80 up. Neat-poured straight out of the bottle into guests glass. Dish dog is what weve always called the dishperson. Silky: A fine, smooth texture characterized by a sleek feel in the mouth. begin to cook. FOOD Adjectives! Holding Tables: When the kitchen is in the weeds holding guests in the waiting room until the kitchen can catch up (even if there are open tables. Dishers different sized scoops. Breakdown was when BOH opened their PBRs and began washing/covering everything. The second most common hard skill for a waitress is food preparation appearing on 9.3% of resumes. Weed wacker / bail out a person sent to help someone get out of the weeds Food Service. A couple of additions, It has been a WHILE since I worked in this industry, but I visit many restaurants Many of them regularly, -Crop Dusting- Intentionally passing gas, while walking past a table at the front of house, so as to discourage a customers patronage, -Regular- a person or person that visits the joint several times a week or month (may even prefer a specific seat), knows employees by name, many times managers will even stop by for a sit. Diner Lingo: How to Talk Like a Short Order Cook, National Signing Day 2022-2023: Connecticuts signing list. push 88- Im sure this one is specific to my restaurant but other restaurants probably have their own version of the same. POS is the hardware and software used by the store to send orders to the kitchen, cash out guests, etc. Dr Garfield, we called that sandbagging or to be sandbag Line cooks also did a form of that at the begging of a rush cook off 10 steaks mid rare so that when you got that mid well it took less time to cook it. Working out has the same meaning. Table 2 has been waiting for 20 mins, I need their apps yesterday., Heard! Sous chef: Fire table 4!, all concerned stations: Heard!. Salamander broiler double (or triple): two shifts in a row on the same day. Entrees served a la carte are often preceded or followed by AC, while the full dinner portion including sides, soup, salad, dessert is labeled with a D. Side dishes are often distinguished with SD, as in "SD rice.". Molly, Becka, Mandy, and Tammy are scheduled to work graveyard Tuesday, BOGO: Buy one get one usually noted as BOGO 1/2 (buy one, get one half off) BOGO (buy one, get one free). hot app line, cold app line, dessert line.. * Jeopardy/Wheel of Fortune Crowd Early bird diners. As the foodservice industry closes out 2020 and looks ahead to the Q1 of 2021, we are preparing for the ongoing challenges of COVID-19. ie That salad clears the rail or cheering cleared it when the last bill is sold after a rush. We covered the plates for two reasons. Many restaurants offer the same items in different sizes or served with different sides. ROLL SILVER- when servers roll silverware up into napkins to be used later/next day as place-settings. Restaurant workers need to communicate effectively in a fast-paced work environment to perform their duties efficiently. Thank you Autumn! to take off the check with no financial loss to the restaurant. Nectarous like nectar, the drink of the gods. * Push- Sell it. Focus on the words/phrases which are in bold in the text and . * Shoe A slacker cook/chef. Some funny ones too. Scripting - Informing diners of the special and selling the special. to be out of, or to deliberately put a stop on / get rid of. so if all they needed to complete the order was a med rare steak the expediter might yell out, filet med rare makes me a hero. I need runners now!. to list off menu modifications that are not printed. can refer to a course, a drink, a person, or an entire production station. * Sacked Fired, usually employees are considered sacked after a major screw up, like serving a banquet of 200 people the $100.00 bottles of Dom Perignon champagne instead of the $12.95 bottles that they were supposed to get. Oh, just thought of another term too. * Pittsburgh Rare Burnt outside, rare inside. An 8-year-old learned his Waffle House waiter was living in a motel. i had a walkout., well: the polite word for the cheapest liquor of a certain type. END-OF-DAY- the closing procedures performed by Managers or Shift Leads that include processing credit cards, counting the money, printing sales reports, and making sure the restaurant is clean, everything is off, and locked up. Blue Death, Blue liquor poured on ice to indicate glass in well -Sod- That pan of chili sat in the walk in for so long, it went to sod, as in grew hair, molded, and not only the product in it, but the container must be discarded. Ones that I would like to know: I cant remember, or deserve names: -That ONE trash can, that stays out of sight, hopefully outside, but there is another on the line usually less severe, that all of the spoilage goes into. Fly-by what you do to a camper by repeatedly dropping by the table/restroom to ask if there is anything else they need or if they are okay. Abbreviation for Waiter: 5 Categories. Most restaurants use acronyms and abbreviations for food items as well. In more casual restaurants, hostesses hokey during dead periods as part of their sidework. Some common pizza topping abbreviations include SA for sausage, P or PEP for pepperoni, ON for onions, GP for green peppers and GO or BO for green or black olives. ie I need 2 cakes for a single sell. Totes are horded by kitchen staff because once washed and sanitized, they make excellent airtight storage containers for just about anything. Mondays- a table of undesirable customers ( everybody hates Monday s, back to work day) Running long when food production starts to arrive at the sell window / pass later than expected Fire for us, fire is used mainly for fajitas, to let the cooks know to go ahead and set it up on the hot skillet and make it sizzle so it can go to the table. Tickets (noun) the receipt of someones order, The Rail (noun) A metal rail in the Kitchen on the service line to slip in tickets that are or will be cooked to give the full kitchen view of the order. Used in restaurants that have a large window. Savannah: Heard, sixth *gets sixth pan*. Runner, tray runner, two hands (two plates) someone to take food to a table. Always check the menu or ask a server before you order so that you dont get mad at us in the end! The respectful form of address, equivalent to Sir, for the person of greatest final authority on duty at the moment. * Totes Plastic containers that are usually used to deliver fish. Spec ass were our specials and written on the board. Cut out leave. Black and Blue- charred on the outside very rare inside I want that steak black and blue This next bit isnt lingo but are some of the funny things we say to other new cooks, almost like a form of hazing.. usually done when you have more orders for that item then will fit in its designated cooking space/area on the grill or it would be more effort to count the all day then its worth. SOSsauce on the side papas- spanish for potatoes. Variant on the terms two-top three-top, etc. There are different abbreviations for wines as well, such as CAB for cabernet, MER for merlot, ZIN for Zinfandel and CHAR for chardonnay. face shield description 18th Birthday Cakes. Aside from that, great website! * The Man, the Boogie Man Health Inspector. Most restaurants use acronyms and abbreviations for food items as well. scripting: selling the the special, informing of the vegetable and soup of the day. I did 50 covers tonight.. Peg dish rack with pegs for plates, etc. i noticed Crater rush is not on the list, it is one i have heard in a couple of my restaurant jobs. @ patty, a gooseneck is a type of ramekin that loosely resembles a goose and is about the size of two smaller ramekins. a menu item, usually savory, that can be produced on the fly to fill the gap when a course is dragging. fire the single out. -Funkified- The smell of ones shoes, when worn multiple shifts in this industry, that becomes so severe that one can not wear them in a non-restaurant environment without fear that you are not the only person that can smell them. Pantry: Any area where the dry storage is, usually where pasta and canned goods are. customers that remain sitting at a table for no apparent reason, having completely finished eating and drinking, Chef: Honorific. Wave the Bottle Over It ordering an extremely dry martini aka vodka on the rocks. I have read all through the list and know alot..but have learned lots more. The $12.95 all you can eat buffet. store and pour bar containers w/ long necks Also used to smooth over problems. * Double/Triple Sat When more than one table is seated in a particular station at the same time. holding on the last item needed to complete the order. * Expeditor, Expo Person in charge of organizing food from the kitchen and sending it to the dining room; a mediator of the line. Thanks, Rilettes. drop to give manager big bills mid shift. rover the kitchen person who keeps all the stations full on busy nights. UGH, -Princess/Prince- the female or male that is subject of the clam dip, that obtains best shifts based on clam dip, -Short- When the amount of money taken in at the close of drawer by ticket, does not match the money in ones till. food abbreviations for waitresses. This conversation is a continuation of what was said in the first part of this exercise when the customers arrived and ordered drinks.
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