You regain hit points equal to the sum of the necrotic damage dealt. 19. From a mechanical standpoint, this means that wild magic barbarians roll on a smaller wild surge table to produce an effect whenever they enter their rage. It is hostile to them, vanishing after 1 minute. For 1 minute, a duplicate of yourself appears in the nearest open space which can take actions independently, and goes on the same Initiative as you. You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for 1 minute. You lose 1d6x5 pounds. A shrieking, skinless, many-limbed horror that has the statistics of (and vaguely resembles) a unicorn appears within 30 feet of the character. When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration required). They might take diligent notes or become fully engrossed whenever they conjure up a power they havent experienced before. You can picture this as a blast of arcane energy pouring out of these warriors hearts and unleashing a particularly nasty brand of chaos on the battlefield. If the roll is odd, you lose the weight. When you drink this potion, you gain the "reduce" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The one that moves you somewhere naked is strange - I would certainly say you keep your clothes. Its a subclass thats all about the unexpected, and I frequently find myself working wild magic into my campaigns in one form or another. Think of Rogue from X-Men or Elsa from Frozen. The vial has enough oil to cover a medium or smaller creature; 10 minutes to apply. Any more haste, and you'll be stuck waiting for your barrage to cooldown after you've cast blast. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. The oil can be poured on the ground covering a 10-foot square, creating the grease spell effect for 8 hours. controlled by the DM appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you and are frightened of you. 21. A spell such as, You are surrounded by a faint, pleasant odor. 2) For the next minute, all attacks against you have advantage but you have advantage on all attacks you make as well. If you are wounded, you regain. Potion, very rare. Such creatures gain. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to thunder damage for 1 minute. All allies within 20 feet of you heal up to 3d8 hit points. I mean, these sorcerers can actually control and harness the un-harnessable effects of wild magic. 20. For the next minute, you can see any invisible creature if you have line of sight to it. A simulacrum of yourself appears within 20 feet of you. If you are in combat, you reroll your order in the initiative at the end of this round. If you do, you must take the new rolls result. An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute. You gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet for the next minute. Its fun, and thats what I want when playing D&D. Everyone always thinks about the Fireball TPK thing, but its only 2% chance. Potion of Wild Magic. Perhaps a backfiring healing spell actually heals an enemy. All New Wild Beyond the Witchlight Magic Items. While most wizards study for a specific school of magic, others may opt to choose to study how magic reacts when introduced to an element of chaos. You become invisible and silent for 1 minute. A. A spell such as. When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the clairvoyance spell. Potion name generator . You lose concentration on any spells you are concentrating on, and an. A bad joke comes to mind and until you tell it (which takes an entire action), you suffer a, All creatures within 20 feet of you, including you, must make a. For the next hour, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d6 and add the result. You are confused for 1 minute, as though you were affected by the. Sell Price: 50. If you die within the next minute, you immediately come back to life as if by the, UNFETTERED SURGE: Every round for 10rds roll on this table ignoring this result on subsequent rolls, MAGIC MISSLES hit nearby targets (5 missles), QUICKENED SPELLS cast times for 1action are 1bonus (10rds), MAXXED SPELLS max effects and damage (10rds), CAN'T SPEAK permanent (may be dispelled/remove curse), ALL FLAMMABLE OBJECTS ON PERSON BURST INTO FLAMES, FRIGHTENED by nearest creature until end of next turn, TARGETS ARE RANDOMIZED within 30ft of magic source, REJUVENATED (equivalent of long rest except for hp adjustment), SPELL FURCATION spell affects all creatures within 60ft of target. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed a on a, Your fingernails and toenails grow to an uncomfortable length. For the next minute, all your spells with a casting time of 1 action have a casting time of 1 bonus action. You gradually return to your original height over the course of 1 day. General documentation and help section. 218 spells in DnD 5e require concentration; thats 46% of the spells in the game. This gives you disadvantage on ranged attacks (including spell attacks) and, A 30-foot cube hypnotic pattern appears with you at the center. Surely they must give us some idea of how wild magic really works, right? When you try, pink bubbles float out of your mouth. It is the 5etools platform of choice for VTT integrations. You no longer need to breathe for the next 1d8 hours. Dust of Corrosion. Im here to have fun too, dammit, so maybe I want to be just as surprised by whats on the other side of the door as the adventurers. Your speed is reduced by 10 feet. Pixie Dust. Such creatures gain. 75-76. You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for the next minute. View and manage file attachments for this page. Choose 1 permanent or triggered effect that has happened to you or somebody else that youve received from this chart and remove it, even if it was beneficial. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to fire damage for 1 minute. Foundry is a modernized, better-than replacement for Roll20, which prioritizes modding support. You can read our full breakdown of the schools of magic, as well as the history of magic in Dungeons & Dragons here. One randomly-chosen non-magical item in your possession that weighs 1 pound or less vanishes and is forever gone. This name generator will give you 10 random names for potions, elixirs and other concoctions. You are vulnerable to Fey for 1 hour. Any time before you regain the use of this feature, the DM can have you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. You gain two spell slots at your second-highest level for 1 week. You are instantly resurrected if you are killed within 24 hours of drinking this potion. Or, what about the time when they accidentally set off some ethereal music that attracted the attention of a bunch of orcs. Everyone remembers the moments where serendipity saved (or doomed) a D&D campaign; someone had just the right item or pulled off the most imaginative spell usage, or the wild magic sorcerer randomly poisoned the BBEG and won the party the battle. If this height causes it to collide with a ceiling or object above you, you are restrained and take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, pinned against the object, unless you use your reaction to succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw to jump off. Most fights are easily won with Sleep anyway. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. I'm giving up my day job and going into business for myself! This existential crisis lasts until the start of your next turn, after which you shake it off as nonsense. Instead, they simply talk about an ability to access the raw forces of magic. You levitate 6 inches off the ground for 1 minute. Until you do, your, For the next minute, every creature within 60 feet of you that hears you speak only hears insults as if you are casting. However, they do not follow the rules of magical item creation. You develop an allergy to any magic near you. Likewise, different areas have different wild magic tables. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. For the next minute, one creature of your choice gets a -2 penalty to its AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. This clear, gelatinous oil sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver shards. Top 10 highest rating potions. It turns to snow 1 minute later. A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to. Iggwilv's Cauldron. You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 5d6 days. For the next day, you gain proficiency in all skills that you are not already proficient in. School of Chaos (Wild Magic Wizard). Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). When drunk, a creature regains 4d4 + 4 HP. It can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute. This increases 1st level spells from 5% to 10%, increasing the odds by 5% each level. Theres a small callout in the PHB that talks about The Weave of Magic. At the very end, theres a single dismissable sentence that states in places where the Weave is damaged or torn, magic works in unpredictable ways or not at all. This little tidbit is our first 5e hint at the root of wild magic. And if you don't hit that the DC becomes 3, and so on and so forth. However it came to be, this chaotic magic churns within you, waiting for any outlet. If the roll is even, you grow. If the roll is odd, you get younger (minimum 1 year old). You are protected from Celestials for 1 day. The sorcerer, for example, says that you might have received your abilities from exposure to some form of raw magic, like a planar portal or the Elemental Chaos. If a spell requires concentration to maintain, it will say so in the "Duration" item of the spell description. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to cold damage for 1 minute. Something Fishy: the caster is left smelling of fish. I am DMing a Wild Magic Sorcerer right now (just had the first game this evening) and I intend to have her get back Tides of Chaos every single time she casts a spell and has the opportunity to get it back. Optional rule: Instead of a flat 5% chance of Wild Magic Surges occurring when spells are cast, it was suggested that you roll d20 and subtract the level of the spell. Randomness and uncertainty are a part of why people play D&D. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice that you're not already proficient in for one hour. For the next hour, you are unable to read as the letters all appeared jumbled. You sprout tiny fairy wings from your shoulders. A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours. Its enough to know that a to-hit roll might miss or they might fail a saving roll, but even a remote chance (5%) of something completely random happening is something they avoid. Until you can change and/or clean your clothes, your. Class Archetype - Wild Magic Wild Magic Surge - Level 1. Starting at 1st level, you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Your size increases by one size category for the next minute. Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, your spellcasting can unleash surges of untamed magic. Such creatures gain. You gain a -2 penalty to your AC for 1 minute. 5-6. When drunk, a creature gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed for 1 hour. Ironically, both of these gloved heroines are portrayed as loners, afraid that their violent powers could harm anyone that gets too close. The creature that drinks this potion will become charmed by the next creature it sees within 10 minutes for a duration of 1 hour. Such ceatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, You are surrounded by a horrible, noxious odor for 1 minute. Ornithopter of Flying. When drunk, a creature gains the enlarge effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). Mordenkainens Faithful Hound could remain a faithful servant or become as violent as a wild dog. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You gain the ability to walk on water for 1 day. 1-2. You grow 1d6 inches in height. It defends itself if attacked, but it cannot speak and otherwise just looks around utterly confused. Of course, in 5e, the most common examples of this concept show up in subclasses. A potion that when drunk, grants a creature resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. 1) You grow an extra leg for a minute. 904. A potion or oil can be used only once. Your pants fall down. Whenever you try, pink bubbles float out of your mouth. A divination spell, for example, probably has higher intelligence or wisdom, while something like Bigbys Hand or Lightning Bolt would have higher physical stats. For 2d6 days, you glow bright yellow. Those with a rich cultural history of magic use may seek to infuse their barbaric rage with the mystical currents that run throughout the multiverse. Such creatures gain. The Path of Wild Magic barbarian gets to roll on a very specific wild magic table unique to its subclass because the wild magic that its primal path is expressing is being channeled through a certain creature. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A spell such as. You are under the effect of a. spell until they disappear after 1d8 days. A living Darkness spell could seek to shroud everything in darkness, or it could function like a helpful ally, hiding its friends from danger. That belongs in a different article. 3-4. Creature gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours. You might have endured exposure to some form of raw magic, perhaps through a planar portal leading to Limbo, the Elemental Planes, or the mysterious Far Realm. A spell such as. You gain an additional spell slot of your highest level for 1 week. While its not necessarily canon, you could say that their intense emotions give them a more natural hold over the surges, explaining why the effects are seemingly much less random than those of a sorcerer. If you cannot see a humanoid, you appear as a naked, bald, androgynous albino human with no facial features. Concentration spells Duration's will always read "Concentration, up to" followed by the maximum duration of the spell. and appear as the nearest humanoid to you you can see. Something does not work as expected? All of your hair permanently falls out. Item Level 80. You are frightened by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn. You might have endured exposure to some form of raw magic, perhaps through a planar portal leading to Limbo, the Elemental Planes, or the mysterious Far Realm. You can take one additional action immediately. Your feet and hands disappear. You are vulnerable to Plants for 1 hour. 1d6 flumphs controlled by the DM appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you and are frightened of you. 6 Chromatic Rose: Elemental Roses That Can Either Protect Or Damage Creatures. Roll a d10. Second, they can produce unpredictable magical effects all on their own. Your age changes by a number of years equal to the roll. Potion of Wild Magic is the alchemy ability to create [Potion of Wild Magic] . You gain the ability to speak with animals for 1 day. You fall asleep and have extremely happy dreams for the next minute, or until you take damage or a creature uses its action to shake you awake. You jump forward in time exactly 1 minute, for 1 minute. Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 4d10 lightning damage. When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and spend 2 sorcery points to roll 1d4 and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature's roll. Places where the Weave is torn become conduits for wild magic in their own right. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! All the coins you have on your person fall to the ground at your feet. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For the next minute, you gain resistance to fire and cold damage. Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. chosen and controlled by the DM appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute later. A strong wind swirls around you in a 10-foot radius, making ranged attacks going into or out of this aura automatically miss. You are protected from Fey for 1 day. The potion is considered as very rare, and quite valuable. When a wild magic surge occurs, you roll a d100 on the wild magic surge table and see what happens next. You gradually return to your original height over the course of 1 day. The column slowly lowers into the ground 1 minute later, leaving no trace of it. For the next day, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d6 and subtract the result. Your body (none of your clothing or gear) teleports 10 feet in a random direction. Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls. You permanently gain one spell slot of one level below your highest-level spell slot, but lose one 1st-level spell slot. Potion of Superior Healing: 8d4 + 8 Healing, 2,000 gp, Rare. In this instance, you guessed it, its the wild forces of chaos that underlie the order of creation.. You fall victim to a horrible cramp in both legs, reducing your speed by 10 feet for 1 hour. Cool list! For the next hour, any spell you cast does not require a somatic component. What about the wild magic barbarian though? If you die within the next minute, you come back to life as if by the. Currently, we have seven such living spells in the sum of the 5e bestiary, and I imagine more are on the way. You and each creature within 20 feet of you who must make a Dexterity saving throw using your spell save DC, taking 5d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, rerolling this result on subsequent rolls. A d10 becomes a d8, then a d6, and then a d4. Failed Concentration: When a caster fails a concentration check, and thereby loses a spell, some of the spell's energy escapes in a wild magic surge.. All your allies within 20 feet of you gain a +2 bonus to their AC for 1 minute. A coil of 50 feet of hempen rope immediately appears and ties you up. When drunk, it cures any disease; removed blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions. You are restrained. When drunk, a creature takes 3d6 poison damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. All allies within 20 feet of you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls on any ranged weapon attack they make within the next minute. This item fits the fairytale aesthetic a little bit more than some of the other magical items, but this Rose is a lot deadlier than most. You can't cast a spell from an item in beast form, nor use anything that requires speech or a body part that your beast form doesn't have. With two active groups and several one-off sessions, Ive only had one player at a convention that embraced the concept of wild magic. You must spend more sorcery points each time. It makes sense if you think about it. MOT. During this time, ranged attacks that target you bounce off and target other random creatures within 30 feet of you instead. General documentation and help section. Determining the wild magic effect involves the roll of a d100, although there are only 50 possible outcomes. In fact, as mentioned above, both the nature of the spellcaster and the place in which the surge is occurring can have an effect on the results of a wild magic surge. Like I'm playing a wizard, the effect of 1d4 of my fingers migrating from one hand to another disables being able to use somatic spell . If you fail a, All creatures within 60 feet of you regain 2d8, You transform into a marble statue of yourself for 1 minute, during which time you are considered, Over the next minute, all plants within 20 feet of you grow as if affected by the. However, what it does do is expand the usability and opportunity to use Wild Magic in your campaign setting. Roll a d20. We trust you, as the DM, to come up with suitable solutions. Your speed is increased by 10 feet for 1 day. Your hair falls out but grows back within 1 day. Small birds flutter and chirp in your vicinity for 1 minute, during which time you automatically fail any, A demon whose CR is equal to your level appears near you. When drunk, a creatures Strength score is increased to 21 for 1 hour. The invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell. Wild Magic Table 5e : dnd Guide. You cast polymorph on yourself. For the next minute, you gain resistance to poison and psychic damage. It keeps the game fresh and exciting, and it helps lessen the insidious idea that Im here solely to curate an experience for my players. The next single target spell you cast within the next minute must target one additional target. Any creature within 5 feet of you that can see is. Readying a spell. LMP. Magical effects from each school rewrite reality in a different way. The target must take 4d6 fire damage or succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage. But overall I think this is an awesome list. One of the things that Scott and I talk about a lot and incorporate readily into games we play that arent D&D 5e is the idea that magic should feel well, magical. 0906 Caster finds a potion that induces permanent . Two full moons. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. An overexcited flock of colorful birds (use the stat block of a swarm of ravens) appears in your space and attacks you. Your body and all your gear take on a glassy appearance for the next minute. When the fabric of the Weave is distorted, stuff starts to get really weird, really fast. They can continue doing this until they are happy with the result or they roll 10d10. Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. Your feet sink into the ground, making you completely immobile for one minute. Magic oils are similar to potions, except that oils are applied externally rather than imbibed. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. Way back in that Twitter thread, I talked about the function of totems as 4e magic items. Append content without editing the whole page source. Maybe a divination spell can be overcharged in a different way, allowing the caster to obtain answers far easier or to obtain more knowledge than normal. I tried to stay as close as possible to the general wackiness and power level of the one in thePlayer's Handbook. If the roll is odd, you get younger (minimum 1 year old). For the next day, your skin tone changes color every 30 minutes, cycling through the colors of the rainbow. These living spells can go in a lot of different ways, but one things for sure; theyre going to be some of the most interesting characters your players have seen at the table in a long time. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to acid damage for 1 minute. Mixing potions has a 1% chance of making one of the potion effects permanent (DMG, p. 140). All your clothing and equipment teleports to the nearest open space at least 15 feet from you that you can see. For the next minute, any flammable object you touch that isnt being worn or carried by another creature bursts into flame. For starters, there are different grades of healing potions as presented by the Player's Handbook. If that effect is a spell, it is too wild to be affected by your Metamagic, and if it normally requires concentration, it doesn't require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its full duration. See pages that link to and include this page. I really like this, but some of the things are a little weird. You are vulnerable to Elementals for 1 hour. 4. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Creature gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour. For the next 24 hours, the creature regains the maximum number of HP for any Hit Die spent. the wild mage soaked in the process. A random creature within 30 feet of you gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed for 1 minute. You regain 5 hit points per round for 1 minute. If there is no other creature within range, you target yourself. Lots of rolling on the Wild Magic Surge . Of course, it mightve just had something to do with barbarians being known for easier gameplay, and making another d100 table couldve been a bit over the top. When magic functions as intended, spellcasters can tap into the Weave and bend it to their will. You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see. If it doesnt, you take 1d6 psychic damage. Your size increases by one size category for the next minute. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, You are protected from Aberrations for 1 hour. In these areas, spells would behave erratically, causing anything from a backfired spell to a plaque of floomphs. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to poison damage for 1 minute. d100. You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 5d6 days. A Moon-Touched Sword is one of the best low-level magic weapons in D&D 5e. Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours. Starting at 6th level, you have the ability to twist fate using your wild magic. So it is with magic. Not the biggest part, but from the most committed roleplayer to the most meticulous power gamer, everyone holds their breath when the time arrives for a big dice roll. Instead of opening a precise channel for magical energy, the wild mage tears a gaping hole in reality and hopes to get a particular effect. Unless a player just likes randomness, wild magic will rarely, if ever, be selected. The effect ends after exhaling fire 3 times, or after 1 hour. The weave, at its core, is a way of taming the raw and chaotic nature so that we can cast spells and use precise abilities. Both the wild magic sorcerer and the path of wild magic barbarian have abilities that reflect this chaotic side of the Weave. When drunk, a creatures physical age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years, to a minimum of 13 years.
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