Following Tai Lung's betrayal after Oogway deemed him unworthy of owning the Dragon Scroll, Shifu would become the instructor of the Furious Five, and later, reluctantly, Po. In the credits of the first film, he is seen laughing at the way Tigress was acting, due to seeing that she attempted to try Po's cooking and had a noodle hanging on her lip. Shrek der Dritte (2007) • Affiliation(s) He then told Po to take the Five and travel to Gongmen City to stop Lord Shen and destroy the weapon. Shifu waited for him until nightfall, when eventually Master Oogway found him … Followers. After Po defeated Shen, he congratulated Po on finding inner peace "at such a young age", which he added sourly. Monsters vs. Aliens (2009), Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht (2010) • Oogway disappeared in a shower of peach petals and light as he passed away, leaving Shifu with his beloved peach-wood staff and a mountain of a problem to deal with. You can help by, Shifu's name is the English approximation of the Chinese word for "master" (. Es sind die aus grüner Jade bestehenden Ch’is ehemaliger Kung-Fu-Meister aus der Geisterwelt unter der Kontrolle von Kai. For instance, in Secrets of the Furious Five, without previous warning he assigned Po to teach the introductory class to kung fu for young children, expecting him to struggle at such a mature task, only to find the panda excels at it. The colors Shifu wears (white, orange, and brown) are symbolic honor, energy, and dedication—a mirror of Shifu's traits. Spirit – Der wilde Mustang (2002) • Red Panda Style of kung fu, various other styles (presumably) Shifu continued to oversee Tigress' training, but was dissatisfied by her inability to replicate his style of Kung fu, though Oogway attempted to convince him of the foolhardiness of expecting Tigress to be just like him. Am 25. Die derweil von Meister Shifu zur Überwachung ausgesandten Mantis und Crane werden zusammen mit drei weiteren Meistern (Bär, Kroko & Huhn) von Kai besiegt und ihrer Ch’is beraubt. Shifu and the other Masters stayed for the city's celebration and watched as fireworks decorated the golden sky. In general, Shifu was dedicated to his master and rarely argued with his wisdom, no matter how eccentric it might have seemed to him. • The Furious Five • The Dragon Warrior Po • Mei Ling (ex-girlfriend) Overview. The news instantly set them in an uproar, making Tigress and the other Five leave the palace to try and stop Tai Lung on their own while Shifu attempted to stop a panicking Po from leaving. share. September 2020 um 13:11 Uhr bearbeitet. [5][6] Damit war es der erste größere Animationsfilm aus den USA, der von Chinesen koproduziert wurde. To his utter surprise, the unlikely band of heroes managed to triumph, saving the valley of peace from Boar. This garment goes over his regular clothing and is kept closed by a golden clasp. Sie kämpfen weiter, und Po ist Kai klar unterlegen, sodass Kai mit seinen Ketten Po fesselt und ihn langsam in Jade verwandelt, um ihm sein Ch’i zu nehmen. All three kung fu masters did so, and with their help, Po and the Five were able to fight off a good majority of Shen's forces, with Shifu taking out boats of enemies single-handedly. However, Oogway stopped him and kindly proceeded to teach him "hing kung", a discipline aimed at balance. Oogway announced that it was now the time to choose the Dragon Warrior, and advised Shifu to prepare his students for the tournament that would take place for the purpose. He then stated that his time had come, and that Shifu would have to continue without him. Nur Po kehrt nicht zurück. Physical attributes As the master of the Jade Palace, Shifu's abilities could possibly rival those of his own master Oogway, who was considered by many to be the greatest master in kung fu history. Kai. ", Unable to go against Oogway's wishes directly, Shifu tried scaring Po off in the hope that Oogway would choose one of his students instead. Das Soundtrackalbum wurde am 22. Games But Shifu's stern and bitter personality disheartened her, afraid that Tigress would become like Tai Lung, which always making her feel like her efforts weren't enough. Shifu is then slightly mortified by Po's new mastery of chi, and the fact that Po had Oogway's yin yang staff, whom Oogway had given in the spirit realm, asking if Po can teach him, which fulfilled what Shifu said earlier- there is always something new to learn, even for a master. With Tai Lung approaching, he ordered the Five to evacuate the Valley, while he would fight Tai Lung himself. [12], Possessing the knowledge of many kung fu styles, and being able to use paralyzing nerve strikes that block the chi in an opponent's body and disable them, Shifu is a force to be reckoned with. The old master, seeing darkness in Tai Lung, disappointed them both when he said that Tai Lung could never be the Dragon Warrior. This strong sense of obedience and objectivity eventually proved to be one of his strongest characteristics, as seen when he decided to believe and train Po to become the Dragon Warrior due to Oogway's final instructions. His belt also has been replaced with jade material and golden lining. Er hob Shifu, der das Bewusstsein inzwischen verloren hatte hoch und sah ihn fragend an, bevor er ihn achtlos fallen ließ und sich weiter über Po lustig machte: "Er? A youthful Shifu and a young Tai Lung training in the Jade Palace, Master Shifu was seen as a loving father and devoted teacher to a young Tai Lung when the cub first showed up. He was even able to chuckle at the name Taotie gave to Crane when he was brainwashed, which was "El Storko". Carloni war bereits an beiden Vorgängerfilmen beteiligt (animation supervisor bzw. The only being to give young Oogway afight. Kai … It was two days into the panda's "training", and the distraught Shifu desperately meditated for inner peace, but was soon interrupted by Zeng, who had just arrived back from Chorh-Gom Prison with ominous news: Tai Lung had escaped and was coming back, just as Oogway had foreseen. Durch dieses zusätzliche Ch’i kann Po die Verwandlung stoppen und schafft es nun, das Ch’i zu beherrschen. Tai Lung, however, did not hesitate to shatter Shifu's hip. 4 2 24. He also appeared to be slightly jealous that Po had mastered inner peace at such a young age, though he was deeply impressed at Po's incredibly swift mastery and how he used it to defeat Lord Shen.[17]. Er nutzt die Fähigkeiten und Lebensweise der Pandas, um aus ihnen Kämpfer zu machen, und schmiedet einen Plan, um das Dorf zu beschützen. She worked hard at her kung fu training to make him proud, and perhaps wished to become the Dragon Warrior herself as a means to do so. This was shown from the moment Shifu met Po, as he seemed to take delight in trying to drive the bumbling panda away, slowly turning up the heat with every challenge he gave Po and chuckling to himself at his incompetence. The next morning, Shifu came back from his vigil under the now barren peach tree, only to discover that Po hadn't left after all and was currently tearing apart the kitchen and eating everything in sight in his agitation — and performing some tricks that should have been beyond the panda's abilities as he tried to reach food that was hidden or out of reach. After being persuaded by Po to enter, Mr. Ping greeted him by saying, "It's good to see you, Master Shifu. After making it clear to the distressed panda that he would regret being chosen, Shifu proceeded to do everything in his power to get rid of him, setting him up to fail in the Training Hall and several brutal sparring matches with the Furious Five and himself, snickering and offering no help as the panda stumbled and got hurt in each obstacle. Po uses this to form the uniqu… Though he wasn't seen doing so, he traveled to the city and convinced Masters Storming Ox and Croc to leave their cell and help Po and the Five fight against Lord Shen and his forces. These traits effectively enabled him to see the key to training Po, as seen when instead of reprimanding the latter regarding his "food outbursts", he simply used this knowledge to develop Po's instinctive "food skills" into tremendous kung fu strength, thus paving the way for Po to defeat Tai Lung and ultimately lending a hand in bringing peace to himself. [12], Meditative, perceptive, and creative, Shifu approached kung fu and teaching with dynamism. Lord Shen vs Master Shifu Chronicplane. —Shifu giving his life to save his students and displaying his true pride for them., Shifu's original brown attire first featured in, Shifu's green-colored attire first featured in, Early conceptual artwork of Shifu by Nicolas Marlet and Raymond Zibach, Concept artwork of Shifu by Nicolas Marlet, Kung Fu Panda (2008) - Clip Nothing is impossible, Kung Fu Panda (2008)- Hall of Warriors clip, Kung Fu Panda "Fluttering Finger Mindslip Memory Loss". Finally, it paid off, and young Tigress learned the control she needed to safely interact with the other orphans. Media info Shifu would raise his first student, Tai Lung, believing he could become the legendary Dragon Warrior. He wanted everything to run perfectly for the Feast, seemingly adamant that the duties and traditions of kung fu were above all others in a warrior's life. Shifu and the other masters stayed for the city's celebration and watched as fireworks decorated the golden sky. Shifu congratulating Po on finding inner peace. The wise and sage master of the Jade Palace, Shifu is the gatekeeper to many of the legendary secrets of kung fu and acts as a mentor to Po and the Furious Five. However, upon opening the scroll, it was revealed that it was blank. Das Publikum bewertete ihn mit 86 % und 4,1/5, basierend auf ca. Im Jade-Palast treffen nach und nach Botschaften ein, die vom Verschwinden sämtlicher Kung-Fu-Meister im ganzen Chinesischen Reich berichten. Voiced by [8], Shifu witnessing the Winter Feast gathering at Mr. Ping's noodle shop, Yet, while still holding firm to the (formal) traditions of the Feast, Shifu's devious side is still apparent—this time, in favor of aiding Po rather than torturing him. Große Haie – Kleine Fische (2004) • In the first film, he was able to hear Po ransacking in the barracks kitchen all the way from Peach Tree Hill. Beat Shifu and the Five. But when Po hesitated, asking Shifu how kung fu could stop something that stopped kung fu, Shifu again reminded him that "anything is possible when you have inner peace." Will the Demon King slay The Collector, Or will his power be trapped as part of a jade collection. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness Oogway accepted the news calmly, saying that he had faith in Po as the Dragon Warrior and quietly admonished Shifu, telling him to be patient and nurture the panda instead of offering harshness. Kai ignoriert die Warnung und kehrt mit Hilfe des Ch’is von Oogway und anderen besiegten Meistern aus der Geisterwelt in die Welt der Sterblichen zurück. Shifu appears to be powerless as he watches Kai lift a statue of Oogway and, to Shifu's horror, hurl it into the Jade Palace, paving a path of destruction as it collides. During all this time, Shifu expressed nothing but love and pride in his student, raising and training him until he saw that Tai Lung's natural and formidable kung fu skills would make him the prophesied Dragon Warrior, not realizing that he was creating a monster until it was too late. April 2013 zunächst Rebel Wilson, Bryan Cranston und Mads Mikkelsen als neue Sprecher angekündigt worden waren,[13] wurde im April 2015 bekannt, dass J. K. Simmons Mikkelsens Rolle übernommen hatte. Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Europa (2012) • He also wears black pants (white in the TV series), closed-toed sandals, traditional Shaolin leg wraps around his ankles and lower legs, and a ring-like item that holds together his small goatee. Shifu ordering Po to fix roof of the Masters' Council Exhibit. At the beginning of the film, Shifu summoned Po to the Dragon Grotto, where he was seen meditating. And with that, Po left with the Furious Five. Teased for being a generic hero by the rest of the cast and often overlooked by the developers, Kai is a plain, jack of all trades character with a unique stat build. Po beherrscht aber das Ch’i nicht, weshalb Li Shan vorschlägt, dass Po mitkommen und Li es ihn im Panda-Dorf lehren solle. Shifu sends Crane and Mantis to find out Kai's location, but under no circumstances to engage Kai in combat, because he becomes more powerful with every master's chi he takes. Aus Angst bereiten sich Li Shan und die Pandas darauf vor, wegzulaufen. Long ago, Kai was a fearsome, destructive, power-hungry and envious warrior who found a way to take chi from others, until Oogway banished him to the Spirit Realm for all eternity. Wreck the Jade Palace, and conquered other places as well. Also known as After his failure with Tai Lung, Shifu became a harsh and strict teacher to prevent history from repeating itself, but this only made his students feel inferior (as well as greatly pressured) and he drove them to try even harder to please him. [12], Despite his former hardened heart, Shifu does have a sense of humor. The Collector) is the main antagonist in the 2016 movie, Kung Fu Panda 3. [12], Shifu threatening to use the Wuxi Finger Hold on Po in Kung Fu Panda, Though the Wuxi Finger Hold is said to be Shifu's signature move, he has never been seen fully using it, only having readied it once as a warning to Po. 1 länger als 4 Zeichen, Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/, Kung Fu Panda: Das Geheimnis der Furiosen Fünf, Kung Fu Panda: Ein schlagfertiges Winterfest, Kung Fu Panda: Die Geheimnisse der Meister, Shrek 2 – Der tollkühne Held kehrt zurück, Wallace & Gromit – Auf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen, Captain Underpants – Der supertolle erste Film, Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3: Die geheime Welt,, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2020-09, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Po was reluctant to let Shifu fight alone, afraid he would be killed, but he obeyed and left with the Five. Sie finden durch eine Schriftrolle heraus, dass Kai vor 500 Jahren der beste Freund Oogways war und sie Seite an Seite in Schlachten gekämpft haben. Films Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1. After sharing the news with his students (Shifu unamused as Po had been mimicking him at the time), Po was alarmed and fled after hearing that he was the only one who could stop Tai Lung. Oogway schenkt ihm seinen Stab als Zeichen seiner Gunst. Residence Po introduces Shifu as a legend of Kung-Fu to his father, Li Shan, before Shifu joins the Furious Five and Po in fighting the Jade Zombies. Didn't the dragon from the show one shot Po and the rest of the the Furious 5 and Shifu. Anxious, Shifu sought out Oogway under the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, relaying the bad news. Realizing Po was really their only hope in defeating Tai Lung, he went back to the barracks and announced the news of Tai Lung's escape and Oogway's passing to the Furious Five and Po. Passives. However, Shifu only became more infuriated when his attempts failed as Po, being such a big fan of kung fu, showed only excitement during his tortuous training, even after Shifu literally kicked him out of the Jade Palace. [14], Shifu informing Po about the Palace's plans for the Winter Feast. Kung Fu Panda 3 ist der Nachfolger des Films Kung Fu Panda 2 aus dem Jahr 2011 und setzt Kung Fu Panda aus dem Jahr 2008 fort. Tigress obeyed his orders to evacuate the Valley without question, even in knowing her master would likely lose his life. Po suggests that Shifu should stop him, but Shifu states that he needs another "thirty years, and a cave". [8] However, in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, Shifu explained that he and his father had traveled to other villages to sell fake amulets ever since he was a young boy. Shifu with Po, the Five, Mr. Ping, and Wo Hop. But then he added that he eventually came to realize that it wasn't Po that was the problem, but instead within himself. Acting as the announcer on the day of the tournament, Shifu introduced each member of the Furious Five to the crowds that gathered to view the event, unaware that the time of the choosing would be interrupted by the presence of a portly panda named Po, a noodle maker's son and kung fu fan who had accidentally been shut out of the tournament and was looking for any means to get inside the arena to watch. Kai absorbs the chi of Monkey and Viper, while separating Tigress and Shifu with a blast of Chi. Secrets of the Furious FiveKung Fu Panda HolidaySecrets of the MastersSecrets of the Scroll By the time Shifu was becoming a teenager, Shirong dropped him off at the mystical Ja… [17] Die britische Band The Vamps hatte dafür eine Coverversion von Kung Fu Fighting aufgenommen, der chinesische Sänger Luhan das Lied Deep. Since Po's heroism in becoming the Dragon Warrior, Shifu has let go of his bitterness and attained inner peace. Shifu witnesses Po beat the antelope by balancing on the knives Kuo throws at him. Just as he and Po were about to begin practicing the lesson, Tigress arrived with news of the Musician Village being raided by wolves. A gentler nature reflecting that of Oogway 's every word closely universe and named the... Earth, he became distant, a discipline aimed at balance regarded the existence of a `` Level ''... Was diesen so überfordert, dass sie von Po gelernt haben, wer sie,! Er einen Drachen, der Drachenkrieger, ihn stoppen werde both warriors kai vs shifu dark powers within and. Er einen Drachen, der von Chinesen koproduziert wurde Shifu duels Kai Festival..., did not hesitate to shatter Shifu 's chi and coming for revenge using. And conquered other places as well as oval patterns on the silver cuffs, as well as his promise lesson... Exaggerated hump, a wrinkled face, and jagged teeth dritte Teil im Juli 2012 Bill! 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