Solution: In HTML close tags are optional but not in XHTML. In this article, I’ll do a bit of a deeper dive into what semantic HTML elements are as well as why and where to use them. This is going to continue our conversation about how we're trying to make our webpages the most accessible as possible to as many people. MCQ on engineering, mcq on maths , mcq on pps, mcq on mathematics, mcq on physics, mcq on medical, mcq on enviromental science, mcq on engineering chemistry, mcq on basic electrical engineering. Also, this page requires javascript. It is same as a bootstrap for use and has great different elements to use to make your website look more amazing. I've decided to re-focus the brand of this channel to highlight myself as a developer and teacher! HTML MCQ Question with Answer Here you will find a list of common important questions on html programming in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews. Basic Hyperlink Tag Formatting Tags Lists Tables Color Forms Images Frameset Plug ins HTML5 Migration Event Handlers ... Semantic element