This report from ANA and ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity in the advertising/marketing industry. And if they get some more white women to date black men along the way, all the better. Advertising cookies (of third parties) collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within ANAs website(s) and on other websites and online services. I remember the globalist-bent ads for Benneton and when Levis and Coca-Cola began pandering directly to blacks. This is classic social engineering via Madison Ave. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. (Look into Klaus Schwab and his buddy Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, the annual Bilderberg meetings, and The Great Reset if youre curious, but do it using a web browser other than Google maybe Brave or Qwant to get the best results.). Thank you! The organizations (both foreign and domestic) behind this arent even attempting to hide their intentions anymore. Anyhow, I googled my catalog and black vs. white models. If we are somehow suddenly expecting the world of advertising to be fair, balanced, and perfectly representing the ugly masses.. well, thats not going to happen and never has. I am sure that for the vast majority of the UK this is not the case. Isnt that interesting? Hi, Dave. What bothers me is that its not just a plethora of blacks, its an over-representation of all minorities. We were told that race could and should be used as a tie breaker when choosing between two otherwise equal job candidates. Boy.. America lost its spine. As a fellow white male who judges others by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, and who has worked his ass off to get where hes gotten, I agree: the endless portrayals of white men as stumbling, bumbling fools and the foils for characters of other races in advertising is insulting, unfair, and perpetrated by hypocrites. Scratch that. Put us in a room together and wed have a lot to talk about. And luxury car commercials. A rudimentary familiarity with basic crime statistics would open a lot of peoples eyes, if they werent so farking stupid. You get the drift. But the point is in The Cranky Creatives response, which is spot on. Omgggggg now the woke tards are picking on the NHL? Thank you for my new mantra in this next season: Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. Brilliant and true. Edit: Its six months later and the media still isnt done blaming the car: I am so disgusted by the the portrayal of feminized males in the media (and frankly their actual existence in real life) today. Clint Walker got a few breaks but that was an exception, maybe because he wasnt blonde. If that were true, why dont we see more Latinos in ads? Also, diversity does not only mean blackswhere are the Latinos especially? I find the media, the big corps, anti-social media, etc., quite nauseating. When BLM founder purchased four homes I had just read a piece by a paid-by-democrats political consultant on CRT. As with the Universe, there is a great mass of different forces here. (Although, a quick Google search shows most of these body positivity models to be black, of course.) I bet Im not alone.and the funny thing is, I am not a straight White male. John, you are absolutely right. Excellent points. If the target was 90% Hispanic, we would have Hispanic actors in our ads. I dont feel guilty. People are getting tired of BLM and lgbtq. The target demo is never the minority actors depicted in ads. Are they hoping they can influence black families to behave like white families? (Interestingly, I will add, research suggests that ethnic minority consumers actually prefer to see white people in ads when those ads do not include members of their own ethnic group. And naturally I notice make up ads, clothing designers and culturally similar ads that represent people like me. Anti-Aryan Im guessing. Much like in the 1980s in the early beginnings of the S&L downfall, I banked at an S&L. Thanks for doing the legwork so we dont have to, Wypipo. Im of the belief that our brains wont simply rewire from group and gather tendencies, no matter how hard we try. They are Boomer V2.0.only twice as insufferable since they lack the experience and context behind the 1960s cultural revolution and overthrow accomplished by their creators. Thank you . I decided today to do some looking into finding out if anyone has made statements on line about this issue and came across your article. I cant help wonder if there isnt some political manipulation going on here. Its galling to me that even in advertising locally here in the Mountain West, where the population is close to 90% white, I dont see a lot of people who look like me or my friends, family, or neighbors. Slavery is like the albatross around the white neck. Unfortunately, I dont think there *is* a way to raise this discussion in a larger public forum not without risking being cancelled and called a racist, bigoted homophobe. The only good Lia has done is prove without a doubt that males are stronger than females. Im sure people watching us from other countries have to be like wtf??. and many references to the over-representation of Black actors in advertising (which I have noticed), but neither you nor anyone who has commented has given the percentage of commercials employing black actors. They call out white privilege for those who have higher Motivational Values. I am talking about the pharmaceutical companies that are behind most of those senseless shootings and violence. What is the Whitewashing of black people? They always do the slow seeping of an idea into the culture, and then, at some point, go warp-speed. Wrong. . Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. This seems like an attack on God and the Bible, and without gender dysphoria, the idea of choosing what gender I feel like being for fun seems childish, confusing, and narcissistic most of all. Anyway, overseas you see more representation of the other interracial mixes. The remote is the best thing invented and silence is golden. For most of us, the reality we see in our daily lives looks nothing like the contrived bullshit we see on our TV screens, and while the endless assault has gotten very tiring, very fast, Im not sure that any amount of protest, boycotting, or letter-writing is going to change a thing. They dont care about anyone else. Great post, Kallock! Its ridiculous and feels like retribution at this point, rather than wanting things to be equal. Youre right, Richey, theres definitely a feeling of fatigue setting in, and not just among whites. Diversity for diversitys sake has never been a good thing. Next time, bring an actual argument or shut it, please. And I have lots of hypotheses on why but have yet to finalize my theory. Im all for diversity, but cmon, throw a skinny white chick a bone: I cant picture what light summer clothes will look like on me if every single model is dark-skinned, has a gorgeous mass of curly hair and a booty that everything looks good on. They are proud of this daring but appropriate decision. While Matthew Quint, director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, agreed more diverse races and gender identities are appearing in advertising in general and. Youre not alone in that theory, Anonymous. The Cranky Creative. I see them small as ignorant tools. Hi, Merle. Where I come from, the news has been doing that for years. At the last moment, the kids cross paths so that granddaughter goes to grandpa, and grandson goes to grandma (to bake cookies and make the beds, I suppose). Yes, there were some race-based cultural differences and the injustice of segregation, but we were still much more visibly Americans, with a shared American culture. Also cartoon ads having black cartoon characters. But Caucasians dont march, or wear mask.we need to speak up and not be canceled out. The future is female, as the T-shirts say. Patrick Ward, High Speed Experts. However, that should never mean 90% one race unless that is your target. But you'd have to be Stevie Wonder not to see the forced diversity in today's TV commercials. People have plenty of reasons to keep quiet. They now account for nearly 19 percent of the U.S. population, yet they are in nowhere near 19 percent of TV commercials. The AT&T Fiber spot with the mom turning into a pixelated monster via video call ironically from one of the oldest corporations still operating into the 21st century, is one of very few commercials Ive seen recently that strikes gold. I literally get up and leave the room or x out ALL of these commercials (and blacks are in ALL of them) that are bombarding and attempting to control our thinking that theyre normal .. Yes, you can find the odd article here and there, or an occasional thread on a discussion forum. And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. And if it is repartitions for the past where 100% of posters were white, remember as recently as the 1980s this country was 82%+ white. And Im sorry, but stuff like gender fluiditywhere I read many times that these folk sometimes feel like they want to be female, and other days, they feel like they want to be male. Hispanics and Latinos are seeing themselves represented very little in advertising, which probably has them feeling pretty slighted given that they account for nearly 20 percent of the population and their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. Stop this daily unfair portrayal of white males. EVERY commercial is mostly blacks. Maybe, we should all stop buying products from any of these companies that use these tactics and the governments now need to intervene to stop this escalating further as this will cause issues, Yeah, I understand things are as bad or worse in the UK, Ian. Build and employ diverse teams who think, create and attack problems from diverse perspectives. Im not as well versed in Hollywood films and actors as you, but I recognize and appreciate many of your examples. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. Photos courtesy of the individual members. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. It is pretty pathetic. Im a white male in my 60s, a demographic that is completely shunned. This reckoning has forced companies, large and small, to contend with their own diversity, and many firms have identified that they are lacking. I once attended a womens networking event that featured the male mayor of the city as its keynote speaker. Take All Black Network for instance. None of my posts or replies are hateful, I dont use foul language, dont attack the people who post or who I disagree with although I will use sarcasm occasionally. The worst part, however, is that the vast majority of the sleeping populace goes right along with it, happily complying with the activists demands and parroting the inclusive propaganda. Eventually this transformed into the black sidekick or partnerand then eventually the white male lead was replacedand Will Smith and Denzel Washingtons son became the lead. Yep I am surprised that was not mentioned in the article. Could it be the NHL is overwhelmingly white because of demographics, history, and lifestyle choices in large part? And regarding your chromosome comment. Who would we need to contact to bring this to their attention? Hit them where it hurts their profit margins and tell them why youre leaving. I cant stand it. On YouTube Ive got the remote ready as soon as they say I can skip ads and usually have the sound down and am looking away at my laptop until its over, but still. These trends in media and advertising grieve me deeply for 2 reasons. Whatever the reason for it, white males are the bungling idiots of the ad world, just as theyve been for years and will continue to be for as long as the culture deems them toxic. It seems like the kind of thing that should reach a more nominal ratio in time. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. The latest news, trends, strategies, and thinking from our industry-leading publications and the wider marketing community. The problem isnt that white people arent represented in TV commercials, Kathy its that advertisers are over-, under-, or misrepresenting pretty much everyone. I dont believe they are diverse just playing the role. Bogart was that height but he wasnt going to be paired in a movie with Cary Grant or Robert Mitchum because he would look like a midget. Another observation I neglected to mention in my last post. Being Educated as much as possible. They arent awake. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. I think another reason companies are doing this, is because they are trying to change the Black culture. Just last week, I tried playing the demo for a long-awaited Nintendo video game called Splatoon, which sees cute little squid characters shooting brightly colored ink at each other in a battle to paint the most territory. The only time I saw a woman with my body type, it was a prescription medicine ad, the actress was Black, and she was power-walking and doing healthy activities to lose weight. I went on a two month road trip Nov-Dec. 2020. I do believe that their day will come sooner than they think. Yes, the Marxists and monolithic corporations are about to achieve their dystopian societies.
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