If using state province/target province, the game will link those two provinces. Will print the data type for all dynamic reference objects. end_civil_wars = Will end any civil wars the subject is subject to. Decides the weight that the trait has for new randomly-generated unit leaders. Sets the number of research slots the current scope has. Useful if a trigger within has no tooltip. on_lose = The event to fire for the side on a loss. Optional, only has an effect in locked templates. Creates a faction with the specified name for the current scope. Tooltip shown in research tabs, optional. choose your leader. The effects here must be used within a division scope. 1 List of commands 1.1 Internal IDs 1.2 Disambiguation 1.3 Useful commands 1.4 Modding-useful commands 1.5 Other in-game commands 2 See also 3 References List of commands edit | Press Shift+2, , ~, \, `, ", ^ or ALT+2+1, or Shift+3 to access the console (key varies based on keyboard layout) Internal IDs edit | See also: Countries Characters are a system added in 1.11 with the No Step Back DLC, allowing to use the same character for multiple roles, including different advisor types, country leaders and unit leaders. A successfull call prints " have 100 more opinion about you" and it appears as "cheat_opinion_modified_good" in the diplomacy screen. If the character has multiple country leader roles, specifying the ideology type is mandatory. Sets the row on which the trait is located. The default faction leaders in-game are the United Kingdom leading the Allies, German Reich leading the Axis and the Soviet Union leading the Comintern. damage = The amount of damage to inflict.province = The province to target for provincal buildings. Portraits fall into 3 categories: civilian, army, and navy. Grants the specified country a license to produce the specified equipment from the current scope. add_latest_equipment(ale) [], Gives player amount of latest equipment variants. Locks all division templates for the current scope. y = The Y position of the entity. For now check the tag - coutnryname.txt located in history/countries/ and near the bottom you'll find all the leader info. Each character is defined with a code block with the name of the character ID. command to call them up. All states that are cored by the specified country will be given to it. If your keyboard layout doesn't have that key, other hotkeys to open the console are SHIFT + 2 and SHIFT + 3. The overlord of the country if it is a subject. type = The wargoal to declare with.generator = { }The states to supply the wargoal (i.e. Optional. Writes Texture info to application debug log, spawnactor [] [] [ OPTIONAL], Spawns an actor with an optional animation, Toggles the debug info in province tooltip. can_declare_war_without_wargoal_when_in_war, units_deployed_to_overlord (subjects only). Defaults to true. take_state_focus). Only can be defined for traits with the personality_trait type. Only possible to use if the division scope is the same as the ROOT scope. Effects are used throughout the game in numerous scopes, most commonly National focuses, Events and Decisions. Adds an operation token towards the country, allowing access to more intel or applying a targeted modifier. EQ_TYPE is a bit more complicated, it is being replaced by a scripted localization. Removes all ideas for the current scope that use the specified trait. Within these categories, the small and large decide whether it gets used as an advisor portrait or as a large portrait, used for country and unit leaders. days = Sets the flag to last for the specified amount of days. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The defense skill of the leader. Valve Corporation. Several other commands previously mentioned, such as event, are useful in modding too. Appends the value of this localisation key to the tooltip showing the effects of the trait. Effects that will be executed on the new dynamic country. As it's possible to specify the character itself in the trigger, defining an ID is unnecessary. This counts as the operative dying and will trigger the corresponding. Affects AI. Optional, defaults to the current scope. These don't serve as effects, but rather as scopes that change for whom the effects are being executed. Optional. id = What country the strategy is against. Deprecated. Questions, Paradox keep_unit_leaders = { }List of unit leaders to be kept by their legacy_id. Multiple parents can be specified by defining. Each character definition is contained within the characters = { } block, which encompasses the entirety of the file to mark them as characters. Releases the specified non-existent country as a puppet of the current scope within the current country's controlled states. Mandatory to specify a division_template. Promotes the current unit leader to Field Marshal (if Commander). Removes the specified advisor role from the character. id = The id given to the unit if created via the create_unit effect. The effects within an unfulfilled if statement (or an else/else_if that's not read due to the if statement being met) will be hidden from the player, and so will the trigger. expire = 1949.1.1 marks the date at which the leader expires. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other keyed order of battle that uses the same key. female = The gender of the leader. Optional, defaults to false. However you might be able to do so with console commands. value = <0-1>How much collaboration will be set. Effects (also known as Commands) are used in order to affect the game dynamically from within a specific scope. Makes the current scope the owner of the specified state. Each one is defined within the leader_traits = { } block as a separate entry with the name of the trait's ID. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is at war with the country this is contained in. A comment of podcat about the command been found, Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 17:21. Adds the specified amount of assignable trait slots to the current unit leader. In the future feel free to stop by. keep_political_leader = Controls if the promoted party leader (i.e. force_allow_recruiting = Whether to allow or disallow recruiting. Optional, defaults to owner of operative.set_from = Sets the scope of FROM in scripted localization. Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. activate = Will activate the advisor (add them directly when the command is run to the countries government). Despite their name, country leader names can be applied to either advisors, ideas, or country leaders. Print out all console commands to game.log file. I just need a way to change the faction leader. Targets the root node of the block, or the first entered scope. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit. Multiple can be defined.technology = Which technology the bonus applies to. Questions, Paradox Changes the tooltip of the conditions required for gaining experience for the trait to the following localisation key. Previously included the "parties" parameter, which has been deprecated by the "set_popularities" command. trait = The trait to add. legacy_id = The legacy ID used for the unit leader. sleep [duration] Pause the game for the specified amount of time in seconds. modifier = The opinion modifier to remove. Creates and adds the specified division template to the current scope. build_only_on_allied = No by default, if yes and in a country scope, it will only build on allied territories for the country scoped. Ideology type refers to a sub-type of an ideology group assigned to characters, commonly referred to as sub-ideologies in community jargon. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is a core of the country this is contained in. This will get localised in any working /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file, assuming the English language, as my_character: "My character's name". All states that are cored by the specified country will be given to it. All rights reserved. Changes whether it's possible to recruit divisions of a locked template without unlocking the template. days = / Fires the event in the specified number of days. Activates the specified targeted decision for the specified target for the current scope. The effect does nothing if the country exists. amount = / The amount to add. However, operatives are not considered characters and are still created with the create_operative_leader effect. Decides the weight that AI has for picking this trait. If the character is not recruited, they will never appear. add_autonomy [] [num], Increases resistance in the selected province by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Berlin) resistance 100, Increases compliance in the selected province in game by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Danzig) compliance 100, Allows you to run more complex effects from script in the console directly. OR For example, if the following is put within a file within the /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/ folder, the blank characters my_character_1 and my_character_2 will be created: Every character must be assigned to a country in that country's file in the /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/ folder by using the recruit_character = my_character effect. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. IV'. For example, the following will add 10% Stability to the country this is executed on if it has positive Political Power and below 90% stability: If the limit is not met, then none of the effects inside will be executed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A complete, but unsorted, list of effects can be found in /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.html or /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.md. min_zoom = Minimum zoom level needed to be able to see the entity. An easy way to tell internal IDs is debug mode. browser [url] Open the browser window and load the specified [URL]. Removes the current scope from the faction they are part of. These scopes are used within effect scopes to control the execution of effects. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. Similarly to most other folders, the game does not care about neither the filename nor the name of the characters, which is why recruitment is mandatory. Two variants exist: nested and unnested. Tag aliases are defined in. Adds the number of days to a decision's days_remove. Toggles the GUI bounds debug, allowing to test for different window sizes easier. /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/TAG*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml, /Hearts of Iron IV/dlc/dlc001_german_historical_portraits/interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx, /Hearts of Iron IV/tools/art/portrait_leader_background.png, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideologies/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/abilities/*.txt, PDXCON Adds experience to selected Leader/General/Admiral, add_equipment(ae) [] []. the one that'd take power if the country were to be switched to that ideology group) of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. Optional. When used as a target rather than a scope, the var: can be omitted in most cases. trait = The trait to add. ideology = Ideology type of the character. Optional. Equipment modules are defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/modules/*.txt. Changes the value of a variable to the specified value. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Activates the specified mission for the current scope, ignoring any triggers for the decision. These arguments will be used replacing the parameters [EQ_TYPE] and [EQ_LEVEL] inside the meta effect. This thread is archived. navy_intel = How much navy intel to add. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Must be used within the overlord's scope. Which will print the final effect to game.log when the effect is executed and make debugging easier. If the name or the portrait are not defined, this also decides how exactly it will be generated. states_filter = { }A trigger block checked for the state that must be met to be transferred to the breakaway. add = Trait to add Executes contained effects on a random unit leader (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. Optional. Forces the current operative into hiding. If the initial limit within if = { } is false, it moves on to the next else_if = { }, checking the limit there. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in. You can limit the construction to victory points using: Sets the specified building to the current state (or provinces within the state). Moves the camera position over the specified state. Optional.hours = / Fires the event in the specified number of hours. The effects here must be used within a state scope. Where triggers do not need to be repeatedly checked. Anything entered after the console command, separated by spaces like test_command 123 321 GER is added to the 'args' temp array. defender = / The defender state.dont_fire_events = Stops the events from start_border_war from firing. Sets the specified character to also act as an admiral. Adds the specified brigades to first available slots of specified columns to the template (if possible). Ideology type refers to a sub-type of an ideology group assigned to characters, commonly referred to as sub-ideologies in community jargon. Fires the specified event for the current country. female = The gender of the leader.Traits scopeThe trait to add. If both restrictions are met, the sprite will work. popularity = / The amount of popularity to change. Loads the specified order of battle for the current scope, applying the effects within. ratio = Will damage a ratio damage to total organisation/strength of unit if set. Optionally, else_if = { } (with limit = { } serving in a similar fashion) and else = { } can be added. All states that are cored by the specified country will be given to it. Note that certain effects may take a value from a variable, i.e. Shows the name of the specified character as a tooltip. States that are owned but not controlled will be transferred to the released country, but won't be controlled by it. With negative numbers, optionally specifying a producer will ensure only equipment with that producer gets removed. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The character slot can be the character's name or id. Executes contained effects on every army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. tooltip_side = The side to show in the tooltip. Releases the specified non-existent country as a subject of the specified autonomy of the current scope within the current country's owned states. Can be chained indefinitely as FROM.FROM. Decides which advisor slot gets used by the. Sets the legitimacy of governments in exile. use_nuke = Whether a nuke should be deducted from the country's stockpile. Changes the current state category to the specified category. Point Specification Draws a leader line segment to the point specified and continues to prompt you for points and options. Makes the specified trait mutually exclusive with the other trait, making it impossible to pick if that one was selected and drawing the arrows in the menu. The filename with the. Toggles occupation painting. It is recommended that you use the workflow available through the MLEADER command to create leader objects. cost_factor = Modifies the production cost. days = / The number of days to add to the idea. Changes the country that the player controls. An ideology group (such as democratic) cannot be assigned here directly, rather ideology types are defined for each leader to decide the ideology group the party of which the character leads. If there are special characters in the folder path, this won't work. However, operatives are not considered characters and are still created with the create_operative_leader effect. The country the player becomes needs to be the scope in which the command is used. If a state is set rather than the specific province, first prioritises the country set in. I'm trying to learn how to code for hoi4 mods and I tried making a 2020 election event. on Paradox technology, Legal Can only be used if using RTTI. Spawns an air combat in desired location. Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait". Information, Frequently Asked uses = How many times the bonus can be used. The song must be defined in a music station in order to work. Initially assigns the specified character to the current country. Adds experience to the current unit leader, promoting to the next skill level if applicable. Executes contained effects on a random army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. An option with the weight of 20 is twice as likely to be picked as the option with the chance of 10, for instance. Starts construction in the current state for the specified building. ideology = The sub-ideology of the country leader role to which the trait is added. Changes the current state's name to the specified name. Optional, assigns one automatically if omitted. Print out all console commands or a specific command description. value = The new value of the flag on the scale from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647. value = The value to set it to: 0 or 1. name = The name to change the province to. To use these Hearts of Iron 4 cheats, you'll first have to open the game's command console. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 08:53. Optional. Here is the search bar where you can type the name of the command and get the syntax for that command. Optional, defaults to false. category = Which doctrine category the cost reduction will apply to. Kills the country leader for the current scope. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other naval order of battle. Optional. Interactive corporate website. Optional. IV'. An update is done daily by default; this can be used if the applied values need to be changed urgently, such as if modifiers are checked or used later in the effect block. target = / Which country receives the equipment. Optional, defaults to not changing the value. Also of note, commands may not work in ironman games by design. skill = The skill of the leader.traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. ROOT and TAG must already be at war with each other for the effect to take place. Necessary for country leaders. The default is 0, meaning the base variant. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is not the same country as the one this is contained in. This is done with the if = { } block. Adds the current scope to the specified technology sharing group. template = If specified, requires the template name to match. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Mods may introduce commands and more commonly, tags into the game to enhance their gameplay. Can be used as a scope to add multiple at once. If you wish to change the nationality of a specific character, and the country getting the effect doesn't have the character recruited already, use the. subject = ""Logged entry. role_icon_index = /autoIndex of the role icon that will be used, as an integer. Effects are carried out once when triggered by the rules around it. Political Power: +100 Now use 'add_latest_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. Cancels an on-going border war without a winner. Optional. Optional, defaults to 0.5. Optional. Steals a random tech bonus from the specified country. If the current country has a core on a state transferred to the released country, the core will be lost. Say Donald Trump is the leader for the Conservative Party, but then how would I make another Republican, say, Rand Paul, leader of that political party. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. Used in the province scope. decision = The decision to activate. Changes the specified province's name to the specified name. As you can see, we have created a meta_effect that takes two arguments. Releases the specified non-existent country as a free nation within the current country's owned states. Does not support Naval equipment. Meanwhile, my_variable will take the value of the according temp variable or the current scope's variable as the weight of the option. If usage as a target is possible, it's marked within the table. left_side = The left side of the BoP. Optional.war_support_reduction_on_damage = The bonus to grant. Sets the required amount of parents needed to select the trait. freedom_level = The new freedom level value. Forces the current scope to join the war of the specified ally against the specified enemy. These can only be used with characters of the unit leader type. Frees one random captured operative or all of them. 5 8 comments Best Add a Comment GolferRama 5 yr. ago Good question SeductionFocus 5 yr. ago Sends the specified amount of equipment to the specified target, removing said equipment from the current scope. Unhiding the file extension from the filename within the Windows file explorer is mandatory to do this if doing it on Windows.
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