eat regular and healthy meals, good sleep habits, regular exercise, medical check-ups, etc.) Read more. Living Life: I’ve used the CBT modules many a time, and will continue to do so. Created by Olga Phoenix Project: Healing for Social Change (2013). Her ability to engage and hold the audience’s interest was amazing. When life becomes overwhelming, self -care is easily ignored. There’s a section for your goals – self-care goals for each of the main types of self-care. Self-care means taking responsibility for yourself to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle at work and in your personal world through individually determined, proactive activities. Olga far exceeded our expectations at the annual conference. After completing the full assessment, choose one item from each area that you will actively work to improve. Created by Olga Phoenix Project: Healing for Social Change (2013). … RESILIENCE WHEEL. The first one to BINGO wins (5 squares in a row). Self-Care Assessment Worksheet This assessment tool provides an overview of effective strategies to maintain self-care. A self care checklist is a great way to see what type of care you prefer. 4. I am able to feel and label my feelings. 21. We use this powerpoint during our quarterly trainings to discuss the importance of self care during service to avoid burn out. 22. Standardized testing, lack of classroom resources, and managing unmotivated or disrespectful students can all be factors Created by Olga Phoenix Project: Healing for Social Change (2013). Alcohol is toxic to our spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional self. BOOKS. Self-Care Checklist Rate how often and how well you are taking care of yourself these days by filling in the following checklist. With the year winding down, you can use this tool to evaluate how well you really took care of yourself in 2015. This Self-Care Wheel Will Show You Which Areas of Your Life Need Improvement. Area of Self-Care Current Practices Practices to Try Physical (e.g. Don't reinvent the wheel - the wheel of life template that is. Peruse our self care checklist and wellness printables to see how you can make conscious efforts to take care of yourself every day. Everyone is unique and responds to different types of self care. Listen to your internal dialogue about self-care. The wheel represents the various aspects of self-care, which are: Psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, professional, and physical wellness. Next. Wellness is a lifelong journey. Self-Care Worksheet The following worksheet for assessing self-care is not exhaustive, merely suggestive. Dec 16, 2015 - 1 post published by practicingplay on January 6, 2015 Are there items on the list that make you think, “I would never do that”? ; Includes a page of instructions with helpful questions to easily guide your clients through the Wheel of Life exercise. As you go through your day and your week, mark off a square each time you complete one. SELF-CARE WHEEL SELF-CARE WHEEL This Self-Care Wheel was inspired by and adapted from "Self-Care Assessment Worksheet" from Transforming the Pain: A Workbook on Vicarious Traumatization by Saakvitne, Pearlman & Staff of TSI/CAAP (Norton, 1996). Once you determine what your habits are, it’s easier to see what steps you can take to improve. Remember, the Wheel of Life is something that can be revisited regularly. I’ll be sharing 7 of the best self care PDF worksheets for adults for you to feel calmer when overwhelm and anxiety hit you. Balancing Your Wellness Wheel ˜is Self-Care Wheel was inspired by and adapted from “Self-Care Assessment Worksheet” from Transforming the Pain: A Workbook on Vicarious Traumatization by Saakvitne, Pearlman & Sta˚ of TSI/CAAP (Norton, 1996). Self-Care Assessment Wheels are excellent tools for several reasons. One is filled out with self-care ideas and one is blank. wheel to the degree you are achieving this; ... self-development. Do a Shot of Yoga! SELF-CARE WHEEL L I F E B A L A N C E ˜is Self-Care Wheel was inspired by and adapted from “Self-Care Assessment Worksheet” from Transforming the Pain: A Workbook on Vicarious Traumatization by Saakvitne, Pearlman & Sta˚ of TSI/CAAP (Norton, 1996). Spiritual (e.g. If you chose the blank one, write in an idea for self-care in each square. Testimonials. I am able to comfort or console myself when I am troubled. Unbox a yoga lifestyle book and 3-4 yoga accessories and self-care ideas each month, along with access to members-only digital content with … 23. Have the students color and label the medicine wheel quadrants: Spiritual, Mental, Physical, and Emotional. Make Your Own Idea Wheels with Edraw Edraw has included many different kinds of wheel shapes, with different styles and appearances. The Emotional Section: Red 19. Make Self-Care a Priority If you want to make self-care more of a priority but don’t know where to start, here are a few simple and easy ideas for taking better care of yourself (plus 35 additional ideas at the end of this post) : a blank-canvas for you to develop your own categories and build in a way that suits you personally. These are mutually interdependent dimensions. Rate your level of satisfaction with each area of your life by coloring in the percent-age of the wedge representing that part of your life, with 0% being it couldn’t get any worse and 100% being you can’t imagine it could be any better. The Self-Care Assessment Wheel. Created by Olga Phoenix Project: Healing for Social Change (2013). When do we need to practise self-care? Secondly, they also show us, at a glance, a more holistic picture of how we are faring in caring for ourselves. You can view the PDF Idea Wheel Template to view the quality. My Maintenance Self-Care Plan Worksheet Consider what you do now for self-care and list those activities within each dimension of self-care on this worksheet (or you can add new dimensions at the end that represent other aspects of your life). I have a sense of fun and laughter. Self-care includes all the things we do to take care of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The wellness wisdom wheel will help you better understand how the six dimensions work independently and together. Dedicated to all trauma professionals worldwide. Self Care Checklist. And when we abandon self- care, things only get harder. I express my feelings appropriately. Title: SelfCareWheel_SP1 - example and blank template.indd Created Date: 2/24/2016 12:07:37 PM Protect and Balance Self Print the medicine wheel located on the next page of this document. Looking at this self-care wheel, I realized I have a lot of work to do! Your Emergency Self-Care Plan. The daily self-care worksheet is great for those days when you really want to focus on your self-care. Trusted By. Figure out the areas you need to improve to prioritize self-care in 2016. Part of the Self-Care Wheel: Physical Suggested Exercises and Activities: exercising, restful sleep, unplugging, eating healthy About the Box: A great way to bring physical wellness into the limelight is to Do a Shot of Yoga! 6 SELF-CARE FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL STAFF Teachers experience a lot of job pressure that can put them at risk for job burnout. Read more. It’s important to recognize the presence of stress in your life and how it affects you. It includes a great graphic of the emotional highs and lows during service and resources to self care. Dedicated to all trauma professionals worldwide. If you chose the pre-completed one, we’re ready to play. It is an active process of making choices and commitment within the six dimensions of wellness. Create Idea Wheel for PDF All are simple, only clicking on the Export PDF button will convert your idea wheel template into PDF. . engage in positive activities, acknowledge my own accomplishments, express emotions in a healthy way, etc.) This key free coaching tool: Is our most popular free coaching tool and has been downloaded over 150,000 times (and counting)! When you are finished, look for patterns in your responses. I have a sense of control in my life and I am able to adapt to change. Read more. How does alcohol disrupt this balance? Previous. What our clients say. SELF-CARE WHEEL. Determine your stress level. The self-care wheel for wellbeing support. April 17, 2019 by Nicole Yi. Dedicated to all trauma professionals worldwide. Feb 19, 2015 - self-care wheel blank: physical psychological emotional personal professional spiritual First and foremost, they powerfully visualize the different domains of self-care. She shared the latest research and its practical applications in the most engaging manner. In this blog post, I shared 7 cues for you to know when you should start caring for yourself. 24. Pick which board you want to use and download it. Discuss what each quadrant represents and how they are interconnected. In addition, if you are going Emotional (e.g. Completing steps 2 - 7 can help you achieve that goal. Step 2. When you are finished, look for patterns in your responses. Wellness Wheel . When you are this close to hitting burnout, it’s time to choose any of these worksheets and start to journal away! SELF-CARE -~,EL This Self-Care Wheel was inspired by and adapted from "Self-Care Assessment Worksheet" from Transforming the Pain: A Workbook on Vicarious Traumatization by Saakvitne, Pearlman & Staff ofTSI/CAAP (Norton, 1996). I would recommend quickly drawing up a Wheel of Life every 6 months to see how you are progressing. Are you more active in some areas of self-care but ignore others? A self-care wheel is a proactive tool used for empowerment, to increase contentment and life satisfaction. You can find a link to a free weekly self-care scheduler and a 30-day self-care habit tracker at the end of this post in case it would be helpful to you as well. This BLANK Coaching Wheel - is a free coaching tool ready for you or your client to completely customise!You could create a "Wheel of Happiness" - get your clients to identify what makes them happy - and an action for each.Or how about a "Wheel of Stress" or of "Overwhelm" to help your client identify sources of stress and how much each source overwhelms or stresses them out. 183 Headspace: I find their blog articles incredibly insightful and they aid reflection. Often people sacrifice self -care for a variety of reasons- they are focused on caring for others, they feel guilty, they are too busy. Are you more active in some areas of self-care but ignore others? The ten sections of the Life Balance Wheel represent important aspects of a balanced life. Self-care is an intentional act of loving, healing, and breathing life into your soul. 20. What do you want to include more in your life?